Sentences with phrase «idea of freedom»

The crucial categories include ideas of freedom, intelligence, meaning, commitment, and obligation which have no parallel in the natural sciences.
It's also a far cry from the Jewish and Catholic and classical Protestant ideas of freedom.
Ideas about democracy, creativity, and transdisciplinarity are examined along with ideas of freedom and equality and the institutional heritage of discipline and control.
Also central to her book is the contention that in their opposition to the totalitarian Roman state, «Christians forged the basis for what would become, centuries later, the western ideas of freedom and of the infinite value of each human life.»
In de Miguel's newest series, the artist explores ideas of freedom and appropriation in painting.
And this made it all the more striking (and perhaps indicative of the divine sense of irony) that the collapse of totalitarianism as a plausible political model came in 1989, two hundred years after the Jacobin fire had first melted men's minds and consciences in the name of a false idea of freedom....
It is a decisive element of the Christian idea of freedom that it is not only dependent on God and refers to him as the basis of the freedom of choice, but that it is also freedom before God.
So I'm trying to finish a paper / chapter comparing Tocqueville and Percy on the pop Cartesian «I» who's at the core of the democratic idea of freedom.
In «Two Concepts of Liberty,» Berlin mounted an extended defense of what he understood to be the liberal idea of freedom against its principal modern political competitors, fascism and communism.
The appeal to God in the oath of allegiance, the oath of office, in benedictions on ceremonial occasions, and even on the coin of the realm, is an attenuated but still vital reminder of the source of the American idea of freedom.
It requires a persuasive distinction to be made between the definition of freedom as the ability to not live «at the mercy of another», what Philip Pettit calls non-domination, and the libertarian idea of freedom, that in practice includes the freedom to dominate.
The exhibition will feature recent work by contemporary artists who use the moving image as a versatile tool for both documenting and questioning reality, including Zineb Sedira's fourteen screen installation Floating Coffins 2009 and Steve McQueen's Static 2009, which probes ideas of freedom and migration through the potent symbol of the Statue of Liberty.
It's interesting to see how Fok is navigating these contrasting cultural ideals: age - old traditions of filial duty on one hand, and the New World ideas of freedom and rugged individualism on the other.
Like most people, the First Amendment had been this general idea of freedom to say as I pleased, speak my mind, say FU to censorship, you know, the stuff in movies.
The entire idea of freedom is that there is an opportunity cost; otherwise everybody in the world would have a Bill of Rights.»
This led Brague to the Biblical roots of the Western idea of freedom, where we can find something completely fresh — a basic, radical new idea that comes before all other talk of what it means to be free in our society.
On the other hand, thinking you're so free - spirited that you don't need to work and eating food out of a dumpster is not my idea of freedom.
For we all know man's wisdom and man's idea of freedom will lead to chaos.
This country was founded on the idea of freedom to exercise your religion of choice.
Those issues center around the idea of Freedom, and its connection to the Sexual Revolution, but they also involve a troubled secret retention of Aristocratic impulses amid a loss of capacity for higher culture in general.
This idea of freedom has a certain mysteriousness for us.
This country was built on the ideas of freedom and justice and we should never abandon our principles in the name of fear or hate.
The United States was founded on the idea of freedom.
That doesn't mean they didn't have their various religious beliefs, but they knew that they should not limit their ideas of freedom and governance to what was in a religious text.
It seems that for some their idea of freedom of religion is the freedom for them to impose their personal religious views on others through law thus limiting the freedom of religion of others.
Adler, Mortimer J., The Idea of Freedom: A Dialectical Examination of the Conceptions of Freedom.
Dewey's point is that we can not create a truly democratic community without extending the ideas of freedom and choice and the pooling of intelligence to all modes of human association.
That may be your idea of freedom, but it's certainly not mine.
In addition to its classic and philosophical expressions, the idea of freedom through understanding runs as a leitmotif through the whole history of modern science and humanism.
I would respect evangelicals more if their idea of freedom did not involve imposing their beliefs on me.
Some behavior ~ istically oriented psychologists try to avoid the idea of freedom altogether, both by explaining psychic phenomena exclusively in physical and biological terms and by minimizing the role of theory construction in the process of psychological inquiry.
The idea of freedom for all and a democratic society doesn't come from atheism, then?
Dostoevsky's Christ is the idea of freedom, and it clears the air to be able to see this.
So we need to have a close, pastoral care for the vulnerable; but we also have to have a patient, consistent dialogue with the establishment to try and get them to see that their idea of freedom is not correct.
For the sake of historical honesty, for the sake of the victims and the heroes and the heroines whom we must honor to maintain a hold on our own humanity, and for the sake of cultivating an idea of freedom more clearly ordered to moral truth.
That perhaps marks me as incorrigibly Tocquevillian, but it puts me in harmony with the many commentators on blues / jazz who stress the influence on the music of the idea of freedom.
So, I hold that the idea of freedom and the social fact of democracy were far less at work in places like Cuba, Columbian coast, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Trinidad, etc., than in our America.
I made a few friends over there, but none closer than a boy about my age named Ken, who was positively giddy about the idea of freedom.
The spread of the idea of freedom throughout the world is essentially a consequence of education.
They like the idea of freedom, but don't have the power to achieve it.
So rarely have men faced the full range of questions demanding answer if human freedom is to be affirmed, that in our day philosophers and their critics alike have declared that the idea of freedom is not capable of being expressed in philosophic terms.
And it has everything to do, I suggest, with four themes that arise from the modern expression of Ockhamite nominalism: the deterioration of the idea of freedom into willfulness, the detachment of freedom from moral truth, an obsession with «choice,» and the consequent inability to draw the most elementary moral conclusions about the imperative to resist evil.
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