Sentences with word «iliac»

The word "iliac" refers to the region of the body that is related to the hip bone. Full definition
The internal oblique originates at its highest level on the anterior two thirds of iliac crest, and at its lower level the inguinal ligament.
Dorsal l / 3rd of iliac crest; 2.
at the vertical arrow the abdominal aorta branches into the internal and external iliac arteries.
In short, you want to play around with your spinal and pelvic alignment until you've reached the position in which your lower ribs are lined up with the anterior superior iliac spines of your pelvis (the front «spikes» on your pelvis), which should be lined up with your pubic symphysis.
Comparing the squat and deadlift, Hamlyn et al. (2007) examined the external oblique muscle activity and the lower region of the deep abdominal (superior to inguinal ligament, medial to anterior superior iliac crest) muscle activity during the barbell back squat and conventional deadlift with 80 % of 1RM.
My right calf (soleus muscle) and right hip / low back (sacral iliac joint... remember, I am a PT... I'm aloud to talk like this) have been really sore for the last week.
The SI joint — also known as the sacroiliac joint — connects the sacrum to either the right or the left iliac bones, which are the large bones that form your pelvis.
The gluteus medius originates on the external iliac surface of the pelvis, between the anterior and the posterior gluteal lines.
The rectal examination may reveal thickening of the wall of the urethra or trigone region of the bladder, enlargement of iliac lymph nodes, mass in the bladder or a distended bladder.
Recovered # 800,000 for a man who was left permanently disabled following a perforated common iliac artery
This is of particular interest as the computed tomography (CT) scans of the Iceman already had revealed major calcification in several major blood vessels, including the carotid arteries, distal aorta, and right iliac artery, which are strong signs of generalised atherosclerotic disease.
The gluteus medius has its origin on the external iliac surface, between the anterior and the posterior gluteal lines (see review by Flack et al. 2012).
The origins and insertions of the erector spinae span the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine, and have attachment sites on individual vertebrae at spinal processes, the medial crest of the sacrum, and inner lip of the posterior iliac crest, as well as some fibers being continuous with the origin of the gluteus maximus (Carvalhais et al. 2013).
Children have round and underdeveloped hip bones, also called iliac crest, which means seat belt will slide up on abdomen in a collision unless a booster is used.
Any operative procedure increased the maternal mortality and morbidity index (defined as blood transfusion, hysterectomy, internal iliac artery ligation, or death or ICU admission) to a greater extent than spontaneous delivery...
PSA continued to rise, and repeat PSMA imaging showed new sites of PSMA - avid nodal disease in the common iliac region, directly above the radiotherapy field.
The system is based on the Appendicitis Inflammatory Response (AIR) score, which includes the following parameters: pain in right iliac fossa, history of vomiting, rebound tenderness or muscular guarding, body temperature, white blood cell count, proportion of neutrophil granulocytes, and C - reactive protein concentration.
If ever there was an ineluctable creature who be a carnal treat for all genders, it would be Gugino who permeates iliac sensuality from her every fiber.
Sacro - iliac instability, discospondylisis and intervertebral disc disease may all be confused with osteoarthritis, and are treatable, especially when identified early.
The hip points (the ASIS (s), or the anterior superior iliac spines of the pelvis) and the lower ribs should be in line when standing, sitting, and «zipping.»
It does not place stress on the sacro - iliac joint system and no extra cautions are necessary to women who have had surgical interventions, other than the usual: don't do anything that causes discomfort.
The external oblique muscles are positioned from the 5th to the 12th rib, downward to the pubic area and the pelvis» iliac bones.
● Pelvis in neutral, this means pubis and ASIS (anterior superior iliac spine), the bony front hip points stack and run parallel with the front wall
Additionally, the abdominal muscles appear to vary in their morphology across the abdomen Rankin et al. (2006) reported that the rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis were larger when measured just below the rib cage, while the internal and external oblique were larger when measured at the mid point between the superior iliac crest and rig cage.
A complete clinical work - up includes: Complete blood count (CBC), serum chemistry panel (including calcium levels), urinalysis, thoracic radiographs (3 views) and abdominal ultrasound (especially sublumbar / iliac lymph nodes).
The split where the aorta becomes the left and right iliac arteries is called the saddle.
A hip pointer is a direct contact injury to the iliac crest, the bony prominence that can be felt along the waistline.
But it had attached to Jonathan's bladder, abdominal muscles and the iliac artery, a major thoroughfare for blood between the heart and the pelvis.
Then, following their progress on a fluoroscope, the doctors guide the stent through the iliac artery to the site of the blockage, a distance of roughly three feet.
In fact, the results obtained show that wider pelvises, at the height of the iliac crest, allow the energy cost of locomotion to be significantly lower.»
The stem cells were harvested from the bone marrow in the iliac crest of his leg, then separated and returned to Henrich several hours later.
Bone response to unloaded titanium implants in the fibula, iliac crest, and scapula: An animal study in the Yorkshire pig.
These include the common iliac, interiliac, external iliac, and inguinal femoral lymph nodes in the vaginal canal.
For humans, the degree of pelvic tilt in the sagittal plane was determined from published dissection data (53), which indicate an angle of 15 ° relative to horizontal for the segment connecting the posterior superior iliac spine and anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) reflected in the sagittal plane (SI Appendix, Fig.
They're a thick connective tissue which goes through the external oblique ab muscles and the groin and into the front part of the iliac spine.
The muscle fibers in the latissimus dorsi extend from the lower thoracic vertebrae, and the iliac crest in the hip, and then they join at the upper part of the humerus in the upper arm next to the shoulder.
The latissimus dorsi is a major upper back muscle that connects the vertebrae in the thorax and lumbar regions and the iliac crest of the hip bone to the humerus bone of the upper arm.
It's fibres run perpendicularly in respect to the external obliques and it's attached to the thoracolumbar fascia in the lower back, the iliac crest and the grin ligament.
It's also attached to the iliac bone and the linea alba.
The SI joint (sacroiliac joint), located between the sacrum (tail bone) and iliac bone (hip bone), at the lower end of the spine is often overlooked, but can be a culprit.
It's fibres run perpendicularly in respect to the external obliques and are attached to the thoracolumbar fascia in the lower back, the iliac crest and groin ligament.
The lats are attached to the thoracic vertebrae at the one end, with the other end being attached to the iliac crest.
Ideally, the elbows are resting directly on the hips (iliac crests), knees are locked, pelvis is forward, torso deflected back, and the thoracic spine is curved.
Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a type of arthritis which primarily affects the spine and sacro - iliac joints.
Common areas that may refer pain to the pelvic region include: the abdomen, lower back, hips, pubic symphysis (the firm, fixed joint between the two pubic bones) and sacro - iliac joint (the joint formed by the sacrum and ilium where they meet on either side of the lower back).
Oblique Muscle originates (starts) on the external surfaces of the lower 8 ribs, and it inserts (finishes) on the linea alba, pubic tubercle, and the anterior half of the iliac crest.
Origin: Front of the iliac crest.
Pain that presents around the pelvis, lower back, hips or groin area as a result of alignment imbalances within the pubic symphysis and sacro - iliac joints.
The QL originates (starts) on the medial half of the inferior border of the 12th rib and tips of the lumbar transverse processes, and it inserts (ends) on the iliolumbar ligament and the internal lip of the iliac crest.
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