Sentences with phrase «in creative activities»

Some experts believe that engaging in creative activities such as drawing, listening to music, or dancing helps children with ADHD calm down and focus better.
3 year olds will have great interest in creative activities such as coloring, drawing and making things out of play - dough.
Are you looking to engage your toddler in a creative activity during the winter season?
Those more engaged in creative activity often scored 15 to 30 percent higher on performance rankings than those who were less engaged.
A fun way to indulge in creative activities with your children would be to indulge in subscription boxes for children.
«Art for Small Hands» is a six - week experience which provides an opportunity for young children to join in creative activities while enhancing and building relationships between parent and child.
True; some women, like some men, get engaged in creative activities - gardening, design... But what motivates them?
«I'm committed to be involved in creative activities for as long as I live.
He said he's «committed to be involved in creative activities for as long as [he lives].»
Aware of God's call to a share in his creative activity, man grows in the consciousness of his responsibility to make that response possible.
The nature of any type of existence can only be explained in reference to its implication in creative activity... The alternative is the reduction of the universe to a barren tautological postulate, with a dream of life and motion.
While all occurrences disclose God in creative activity and doubtless also to some degree in redemptive activity in providing some guarantee of life's significance and value, this event is especially important.
But the thesis is still the same — namely, that there are standards of worth by which these products can be evaluated and that a proper goal of human life is to engage in creative activity in loyalty to these standards.
A study from San Francisco State University found that people who participated in creative activities outside of work could not only deal with stress more efficiently, but they perform better at work too.
Engaging in creative activities triggers an increase in wellbeing the next day, and this increase in wellbeing will probably facilitate creative activity on that day.
However, whatever little time you may get to be with them, get involved in their creative activities, their life and their thoughts too - helps calm situations down and the snarky behaviour wouldn't surface at all.
A person who is doped so as to be content with a state of stupor would fulfill the goal of happiness as well or better than sensitive and thoughtful people engaged in creative activities.
Kevin Eschleman, an assistant professor of psychology at San Francisco State University says, «We found that in general, the more you engage in creative activities, the better you'll do at work.»
«We found that in general, the more you engage in creative activities, the better you'll do,» said the study's lead author Kevin Eschleman, an assistant professor of psychology at San Francisco State.
If God is seen as primarily the Creator, then the fullest imitation of God must be in creative activity.
All of these factors militate against accepting an idea which suggests that God, in his creative activity, presents different possibilities to different men, depending upon various circumstantial factors, paramount of which would be the historical situation.
In that creative activity, God has bestowed on humans a freedom of the will to choose between the good of God and the lack of good [62] not of God.
You realize it was a missed opportunity to keep her busy and engage in a creative activity.
We hear from many parents about positive screen use including kids engaging in creative activities, using technology to enhance education, and even staying close to family when young kids pick up a tablet and Skype or message with grandparents and relatives around the world.
Engage in creative activities that you enjoy and that encourage creative flow.
«We know that children who spend their summers reading, learning, and engaging in creative activities can return to school in August more academically prepared for the next grade level.»
She credits her father, an architect, for encouraging her to engage in creative activity.
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