Sentences with word «innervation»

Innervation refers to the process of sending nerve signals to a specific area of the body. Full definition
Differential conditioning can also be produced within the field of innervation of a single cluster of sensory neurons (the LE cluster) since two separate sites on the siphon skin can serve as discriminative stimuli.
Brain cancer cells often cluster around neurons, a phenomenon called «perineuronal satellitosis,» and the extent of innervation in tumors has long been recognized as predictive of patient outcome.
Social stress enhances sympathetic innervation of primate lymph nodes: Mechanisms and implications for viral pathogenesis
Muscle shape and separation and the number of nerve innervations are matters of genetic expression and can not be changed with special exercises, no matter what some «exercise experts» tell you.
-- In 1900, Nobel laureate Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, an English neurophysiologist, proposed his law of reciprocal innervation, which stated that muscle inhibition usually generates tightness in opposite (antagonist) muscles.
Since NGF is released in minute amounts from peripheral tissues receiving innervation from sympathetic ganglia, it now seems clear that a diffusion gradient of NGF directs the fibers toward their corresponding target tissues.
The entorhinal cortex contains the highest level of cholinergic innervations [83] and in AD up to 80 % of cholinergic axons can be depleted [84].
Kettlebell swings are ideal for strengthening the posterior chain because of the way their eccentric phase increases innervation of intrafusal muscle fibers.
Cortical dopaminergic innervation among humans, chimpanzees, and macaque monkeys: a comparative study.
Alpha motor neurons are a type of motor neurons responsible for innervation of skeletal muscle.
These GFP - labeled fibers were, however, only a subset of the total gustatory innervation of the taste buds, as revealed by immunoreactivity for P2X3 (Fig. 3E).
Cholinergic innervation of the frontal cortex: differences among humans, chimpanzees, and macaque monkeys.
Site of origin of and sex differences in the vasopressin innervation of the mouse (Mus musculus) brain.
Differences in cortical serotonergic innervation among humans, chimpanzees, and macaque monkeys: a comparative study.
IDEAL FOR PLYOMETRIC EXERCISE, CROSSFIT, MMA: Plyometric moves are the ones in which the strength, elasticity, muscle innervations get used to jump higher - throw farther - hit harder.
«Regional differences among chandelier cells discovered: Location matters when it comes to brain cells» gene expression, connections, and innervation area
Milligan and her team now will attempt to uncover the mechanism by which the Hsp70 influx aids the so - called innervation of neurons and muscle cells.
The researchers discovered that the activity of this electric signal is necessary in different aspects of normal regeneration, namely for the expression of crucial genes, formation of a mass of cells capable of growth and regenerate, and proper tissue innervation.
Semiquantitative analysis revealed that approximately half (73/138) of FluoroGold - labeled cell bodies exhibited GFP label, whereas in the ganglion as a whole, including both gustatory and nongustatory innervation, a significantly lower proportion of ganglion cells exhibit GFP fluorescence [139/468; χ2 (1, n = 606) = 25.21, p < 0.0001 Pearson's χ2 test; Fig. 2D — G].
Somatosensory innervation of these taste fields arises from the trigeminal nerve; therefore, cells of the geniculate ganglion that innervate taste fields are gustatory rather than somatosensory in function.
And above all, mature cell therapy can be expected to restore the dopaminergic cellularity of the SN and ultimately innervation of the striatal targets, leading to recovery of DA signaling and the maintenance or regaining of motor control.
In Specific Aim 1, we will determine the nature and patterning of limbal innervation.
We will construct a detailed 3 - dimensional (3D) map of the neuronal innervation of the AQH drainage structures by imaging either fluorescent protein - expressing neurons, or a subtype with specific neuronal immunolabeling, using high - resolution confocal microscopy and 3D reconstruction of whole - mounts of the anterior segment of mouse eyes.
Humans and great apes share increased cortical neuropeptide Y innervation compared to other haplorrhine primates.
This finding necessitated optimizing DA immunohistochemistry, revealing details of DA innervation to the mushroom body and the central complex.
Unfortunately, this interaction remains difficult to study for many reasons, including the rich and widespread innervations of 5 - HT and DA in the brain, the plethora of 5 - HT receptors and the release of co-transmitters by 5 - HT and DA neurons.
It will also allow the nervous system to be fresher at each set, which will translate in better motor unit innervation and thus better strength, power and size gains.
I talk about innervation, insertion and all that kind of stuff in a bit more detail than I'm going to do here.
Cardiovascular Health by recruiting every single muscle in the body from the small muscles in your feet to your core, shoulders and ribs for optimum innervation and circulation.
This reciprocal innervation means that your muscle will actually recover faster than it would have if you allowed it to rest.
The results could be caused by geometry - related errors in that the surface electrodes used in most studies could be recording a lower signal at longer muscle lengths on account of there being a smaller surface area of the muscle tissue underneath the electrodes (a diminished innervation zone).
Dendritic cells mediate sensory nerve innervation and regeneration through direct cell - to - cell contact and CNTF secretion.

Phrases with «innervation»

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