Sentences with phrase «intensity efforts»

The phrase "intensity efforts" refers to putting in a lot of energy and focus into a particular task or activity. It means giving your best and working very hard to achieve something. Full definition
Again, I recommend you create your own warm up, finishing with high intensity effort to get your heart rate up.
Use the highest speed that will bring you up to a vigorous - intensity effort where you are breathing so hard you can only speak short phrases.
The evidence documenting the importance of the aerobic system to repeated high intensity efforts is fairly robust.
This cardio for fat loss is usually low intensity efforts for a long duration on the treadmill, elliptical or stepper.
As many repeat sprint ability studies show, focusing on improving the factors that improve an athletes repeat sprint ability (aerobic system) is actually more beneficial than just using sprint repeats (anaerobic system) in improving an athletes» ability to recover between high intensity efforts in their respective sports.
We added more of everything that makes GU Energy Gel the category leader and added a few more things for ultra distance and high intensity efforts resulting in the most efficient, high performance gel you can use in training and racing.
The team also made a new observation: High - intensity efforts at greater than about 80 to 85 percent of maximal age - predicted heart rates can be being maintained for several hours in these mountain ultra-marathons.
Creatine is used by body to produce energy, ATP (Adenosine triphosphate — transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism), within the first few seconds of high intensity effort before the ATP generation occurs at any appreciable rate from glucose breakdown.
For instance, the runners - stayers, in comparison to fighters need much more cardiovascular stamina, not as much muscle endurance and no power to last an extensive time of moderate intensity effort, whereas fighters need much more muscle endurance to be able to keep up the explosive bursts of energy for few minutes, as well as the developed power can help end the contest in just few seconds.
All you need to do is add in some intervals of maximum intensity effort, that means going as fast as you can for a set amount of time and then returning to your previous pace for a set amount of time.
Interval - style workouts (alternating between short bursts of high intensity effort followed by brief periods of active recovery) are one of the best ways to turn on this «after burn,» which can raise your metabolic rate for up to four hours after a session, meaning you'll burn more calories even after the workout is over, she explains.
Beginners should start with lower intensity efforts to avoid injury and overtraining.
They're what drive you during higher intensity efforts.
Coach Stuart Rafferty rotated his midfield groups frequently to keep the pace and pressure up and both sets responded with high intensity efforts that provided a number of scoring opportunities.
This workout will not only result in a surge of endorphins with its high - intensity efforts, but will also save you some serious coin, requiring only a chair to complete.
Over time — and quite quickly, according to the evidence — your fitness level will improve, you will be able to sustain a higher - intensity effort, and will be able to achieve more of these active intervals.
Study after study has continued to show that interval training, the art of alternating high - intensity with low - intensity efforts, can be beneficial for your heart and lungs.
Whenever there is a high intensity effort that heavily taxes the alactic or glycolytic pathway, it is the aerobic pathway that clears away the byproducts that trigger fatigue and replenishes the substrates that fuel these systems.
That said, supplementation is considered beneficial for anaerobic exercise because with sufficient stores of creatine in the body, it may «bathe» your energy pathways with the creatine needed to quickly produce ATP (energy) during high - intensity effort.
Just keep in mind that while beta - alanine is effective at improving exercise capacity during short bouts of high intensity effort, it doesn't appear to improve performance during exercise lasting less than 60 - seconds.
The guesswork will then be taken out and you'll know what to strive for when you're putting in your 4 minutes of high - intensity effort.
Then they engage in a high intensity effort, eat and then rest again.
Using endurance exercise as a model of physiologic stress, the functional impact of ketosis during sustained high intensity effort was investigated in high performance athletes (n = 22).
Creatine is effective at improving high intensity efforts that are less than 30 seconds in duration because at this intensity, fatigue is caused by an inability of Type II fibers to maintain the high rate of ATP resynthesis that is required to maintain a high power output.

Phrases with «intensity efforts»

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