Sentences with phrase «internal cues»

Our research shows this for motor cues and preference judgments, but other research has also found the powerful to more strongly rely on other internal cues.
Emerging research suggests that allowing a baby to self - feed may promote better internal cues into childhood.
Many times coffee can mask the need to rest and make us go into overdrive by covering our natural internal cues.
As an alternative obesity treatment, this dietary model aims to teach people about regulating internal cues of hunger rather than external cues such as emotion - driven eating, habitual eating or reward - driven eating.
In contrast, using internal cues for the rectus abdominis muscle activity did not affect either rectus abdominis external oblique muscle activity.
However, using a pronated grip during vertical pulling and using internal cues does produce greater muscle activity.
But I encourage all parents to think about their child's eating in the long term; learning to be competent with their choices and follow internal cues on hunger and satiety.
Letting kids skip a meal is hard for many parents, but kids should be allowed to respond to their own internal cues for hunger and fullness.
Dr Karl - Andrew Woltin from the Department of Psychology at Royal Holloway, who led these studies, said: «There is more and more evidence that the powerful more strongly rely on internal cues when making judgments.
The message is anti-bullying and anti-drug, but it's much more, from recognizing internal cues to cultivating optimism.
More Than Meets the Mirror: Illusion Test Links Difficulty Sensing Internal Cues with Distorted Body - Image
TIME TROUBLES Timekeeping conflicts arise when internal cues don't match external ones, such as late - night light.
During squats, training with higher loads and faster speeds appear to maximise erector spinae muscle activity, while internal cues, unstable surfaces, using barbells with elastic resistance, changing footwear, or using a weightlifting belt do not affect erector spinae muscle activity.
Of those, the team, led by postdoctoral researcher Sohini Chakrabortee, focused on four prion candidates in the autonomous flowering pathway, which controls the timing of flowering in response to yet - unknown internal cues.
Dr Woltin concluded: «Our findings suggest that mechanisms need to be put into place that make sure power holders do not favour internal cues over other information available to them when they make important decisions.»
«Eating right needs to be a lifestyle, not a diet, and not distract you from your own healthy internal cues
Assessing the effect of altering attentional focus, Karst et al. (2004) explored muscle activity of the abdominals when performing the curl up with and without internal cues to activate either the rectus abdominis or the external oblique.
And I do believe she's right that you must not override a child's internal cues of fullness by urging «one more bite» or a clean plate, etc..
The research shows that the modelling effect is stronger in older children than in younger children, which also suggests that relying on external rather than internal cues for how much to eat is a learnt behaviour.
Assessing the effect of attentional focus, Bressel et al. (2009) explored erector spinae muscle activity when performing the back squat with 50 % of 1RM with and without instructional cueing to activate the trunk muscles by altering attentional focus using internal cues.
Previous studies have also found that people with anorexia have an impaired ability to sense internal cues, making the results of this new work useful for understanding and potentially treating severe body - image disturbance.
During the squat, training with higher loads and faster speeds appear to increase erector spinae muscle activity, while internal cues, unstable surfaces, using both barbells and elastic resistance, altering footwear, and using a weightlifting belt do not affect erector spinae muscle activity.
In order to silence these external notions and get in touch with our own internal cues, we must first make peace with ALL foods.
«Together with these findings, our research suggests that the powerful more strongly rely on gut feelings and internal cues when they make judgments about what they like, what is true, and what they should do.
Love your thoughts on healthy eating and desserts — we should listen to our internal cues and not beat ourselves up for straying from «society's» guidelines.
Pushing food on a child who's not hungry may dull the internal cues that help kids know when they've eaten enough.
They need to decide whether to eat, what they will eat, and how much to eat — this is how they learn to recognize the internal cues that tell them when they're hungry and when they're full.
And parents continue to strive for kllling off nature's programming of a child's internal cues.
Meanwhile, it's great that your daughter listens to her internal cues.
Yet you also cite a study which found that children can be taught to re-learn how to assess and heed their internal cues of hunger and fullness.
to focus on their food and remain in tune with their internal cues of fullness.
For instance, experimental research indicates that babies are sensitive to internal cues of hunger and satiety.
experimental research indicates that babies are sensitive to internal cues of hunger and satiety.
Crucial to the formation of body image — pathological and otherwise — is the integration of external and internal cues.
Internal cues, such as a feeling that you need to move after sitting for several hours at your desk, form the strongest habits, Phillips speculates, but are harder to train in people and must develop over time.
«To do so, evidence suggests promoting responsive feeding, where adults provide appropriate access to healthy foods and children use internal cues (not parent - directed cues or cues from the television) to determine the timing, pace and amount they consume.»
That's another way that children learn to stop listening to their internal cues
«The mole rat can use internal cues to orient short distances, while for long - distance orientation it also uses a magnetic compass,» says Kimchi.
The genome is regulated at multiple levels, and cells need to integrate external and internal cues and coordinate different regulatory levels to properly exert biological functions.
«For now my working hypothesis is that this creates an internal representation in which divided attention is associated with the motor learning process, so it can work as an internal cue,» Song said.
Instead of listening to our internal cues, we focus on external measures like calories and other numbers.
Following our internal cues may be difficult, as the book The Dorito Affect outlines.
He writes in his book that we can eat whatever we want as long as we eat intuitively and avoid foods laden with «fake» flavours and processed oils, like corn oil, that confuse our internal cues and hunger signals.
The key to lifelong weight loss is learning how to heed your internal cues.
It teaches you to use internal cues, like hunger, fullness, and how food makes you feel, instead of external diet rules that dictate what, when, and how to eat.
Mindful eating offers a paradigm shift and helps clients develop the ability to listen to internal cues and recognize their hunger and fullness cues, triggers for eating and overeating and underlying needs.
How to recognize and depend on their internal cues for decision making.
For more help tuning in to your internal cues for hunger and fullness, including a sample food journal, check out The PCOS Workbook: Your Guide to Complete Physical and Emotional Health.
We stop listening to our internal cues and instincts.

Phrases with «internal cues»

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