Sentences with phrase «larger purpose»

The larger purpose refers to a higher goal or objective that is greater than any individual interest. Full definition
We hope teachers will share this contest with their students and use it as a way to meet some of their own larger purposes in the classroom.
Large purpose built spaces and modern elegant designs make your event one to remember.
Very little wording can serve a much larger purpose.
Many respondents thought that the two existing bodies could be made fit for whatever larger purpose was assigned to them, by improved data collection and increased resources.
Companies seeking to align their brands in this manner with larger purposes and outlooks will be well - served, according to Salesforce.
The UK branch of Riello UPS is located in North Wales, operating from large purpose - built premises comprising office and training facilities as well as a fully - stocked warehouse.
Oil acts as a lubricant for the engine, but our team at our Jeep service center serving Huntington Beach knows it servers an even larger purpose.
That finding is not enough for an article, and so it has been paraded out as the ostensible reason for a write up whose larger purpose is to further a political agenda.
Where does our decision to homeschool fit into God's larger purposes in our lives?
Is marriage an end in itself — or is it part of a nurture fitting us more ably for larger purposes?
While reviews are the «product» of our business, we envision a much larger purpose: we ultimately aim to find and share great reads.
Calling those statements lies serves no larger purpose.
Takeaway: Employees who are convinced of a larger common goal are people who are excited to be part of a larger purpose.
When you identify your core values and how they intersect with your business, you will suddenly be in touch with the larger purpose.
So within the context of the larger purpose, the question of «What are you mastering?»
A memorable boss also works to achieve company goals — and achieves more than other bosses — but also works to serve a larger purpose: to advance the careers of employees, to rescue struggling employees, to instill a sense of pride and self - worth in others.
Or are you inspired by those whose quest serves a larger purpose?
When managers create a protective emotional climate — one that makes participants believe their needs are being considered and taken care of — team members remain motivated and connected to the group's larger purpose.
They are passionate about their business goals and deliberate in their pursuit of a larger purpose.
You will learn the most about success, not when you focus on your more dramatic moments in business, but when you make the wholeness of your larger purpose your ultimate goal.
According to the Deloitte Millennial Survey, 87 percent of Millennials believe that a company should have a larger purpose than racking up profits.
Find a larger purpose.
According to the Harvard Business Review, millennials seek out work that connects to a larger purpose.
The larger purpose behind the Deep State's electronic gold products, beyond current profits, is to concentrate investment gold in a select number of locations that will be easy to control and raid when the time comes.
Indeed, his halakhic method proceeds utterly through resolutely antiseptic, positivist (in the jurisprudential sense) categories, untouched by notions of historical change or the larger purposes of the halakhah as law for the community or vessel of the spirit.
William T. Jones phrases Augustine's position aptly: «It was a greater demonstration of God's power and glory to create a sinful man and then to use this creature as an instrument of his larger purpose than it would have been to create a sinless man.
But part of the attraction of Whitehead for me is that he clarifies questions of value and their relation to fact, and strongly supports the subordination of economic values to larger purposes.
Christians have always brushed aside the notion that the world is self - generating, a random concatenation of miscellaneous atoms accidentally thrown together by no one in particular and serving no larger purpose than their own survival.
A person's character and commitments and the larger purpose of his or her life are irrelevant as long as the professional product meets the standard set in the contract for services.
Television will serve this larger purpose only when the Federal Communications Commission reasserts its oversight of the broadcasting industry on behalf of the public interest.
That more is prudence, the practical wisdom that can discern what is ordered toward God's larger purposes, and yet realistic.
The separation serves a larger purpose but it has this logic deeply engrained within it.
The capacity to endure a great suffering for the sake of a large purpose is one of the decisive marks of maturity.
However; Jesus, in the tradition of Israel's prophets before him, has been in almost constant conflict with religious leaders, in an ongoing family argument about the larger purposes of the law in God's plan.
They are teachings about faithfulness and grace that make sense within God's larger purposes.
But since he is conscious of this contribution, he can enjoy his role, and the use of his powers; he can not complain that he is exploited for the larger purpose.
Because of our confidence in God's larger purposes, followers of Jesus can take risks and remain secure, welcome status reversals and live without fear.
(20) 30; 19 — «The history of the Mediterranean lands, and of Western Europe, is the history of the blessing and the curse, of political organizations, of schemes of thought, of social agencies for large purposes» (PR 514).
Television will serve this larger purpose only when the Federal Communications Commission reasserts its oversight of the broadcasting industry on behalf of the public - interest.
Yet the commentary does not suggest a larger purpose for the Joseph story; the analyses are faithful to the details but lack an overall synthesis.
Indeed, insofar as King has a theology, it involves an Almighty who wills not only sacrifice but also suffering and death to serve a larger purpose that's beyond any mortal ken.
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