Sentences with phrase «learning involved»

The essential elements of learning involve intentional interactions that are developed through structure and a nurturing environment.
Similarly, play - based learning involves interactions with peers that help to develop empathy and the abilities to delay gratification, be flexible, and solve problems.
Machine learning involves training a computer to recognise patterns in data so it can classify new information.
What is learned involves students choosing the focus of content.
In contrast, assessment for learning involves adjusting teaching as needed while the learning is still taking place — a quality assurance approach.
First, we noted that blended learning involves online learning with at least some element of student control over time, place, path, and / or pace.
Online learning involves creating online presentations in various formats.
«Slow learning involves radically expanding the typical timeframe devoted to learning about complex things,» she wrote.
Active learning involves creating learning experiences differently so that students engage in exploration of the content and take responsibility for their own learning.
Genuine learning involves a subjective connection between the learner's interests and motivations and the learning content, which always includes a cognitive, emotional, and social dimension.
As you've learned, experiential learning involves real, tangible interaction — mostly through project learning.
Chances are that your example of deep learning involved trying to figure something out.
This model is based on evidence that the most resilient, adaptive, and effective learning involves individual interest as well as social support to overcome adversity and provide recognition.
The effective use of these new forms of technology to enhance student learning involves not just possessing them but also often professional development to become truly proficient.
Adaptive learning involves changing how management thinks about engagement as it relates to development.
Knowledge, in this case, is not something that can be learned because learning involves perception (which require words, images, etc.).
Machine learning involves programming computers to learn on their own using actual data from the real world.
Learning involves constant restructuring of nerve - cell connections.
It's true that project learning involves inquiry - based learning, which requires a teaching style that is different from the traditional teacher - lecture approach.
Moving from teacher - driven classrooms to student - centered learning involve dealing with fixed ideas among teachers, administrators, and students.
· Learning involves observation, extraction of information from those observations, and making decisions about the performance of the behavior (observational learning or modeling).
Now learning involved connecting concepts across the whole unit (see Figure 4).
There's a great deal of discussion about self - directed learning involving children.
What is missing from the exceptions granted to learning is the stronger sense of learning involving a coherent category of intellectual property, deserving of legal distinction as such.
In my mind feedback for learning involves a particular feedback cycle listed below.
Learning involves creating durable and flexible knowledge that students are able to use in novel contexts.
No child will be left behind when the consummate mass of educators, business leaders, government policy makers, and other interested segments of society realize that quality education is much more than test scores; that laying foundations for future learning involves more than just teaching reading, writing, and mathematics.
Social - emotional learning involves nurturing students» interpersonal and behavioral skills through a variety of educational strategies.
Shouldn't we recognize, for example, the understanding of developmental psychology that literate parents have developed through the experiential learning involved in raising a child?
«Blended learning involves leveraging the Internet to afford each student a more personalized learning experience, meaning increased student control over the time, place, path, and / or pace of his or her learning,» declares the Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation.
We found that good learning involves direct experience, especially deep immersion in a consequential activity.
Social - emotional learning involves nurturing students» interpersonal and behavioral skills through a variety of educational strategies.
Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing or when learning involves their hands or other parts of their body.
04/25/2018: Education Post, Coffee Break: PowerMyLearning's Elisabeth Stock on How Personalized Learning Involves the Whole Family
«Many primary schools considered, without good reason, that pupils were not ready for such learning involving musical theory, and believed they would not enjoy it.»
We found that good learning involves direct experience, especially deep immersion in a consequential activity.
Through the hard times, the most profound lesson I'm learning involves redefining of my definition of Thanksgiving.
But I thought of a couple of Alternative Loom Band Ideas for preschoolers which would be fun and have a sneaky bit of learning involved too.
Co-author, Professor John Shawe - Taylor, co-Director of the UCL Centre for Computational Statistics & Machine Learning and Head of UCL Computer Science, said: «Machine learning involves developing algorithms that automatically learn from new data without human intervention.
Machine learning involves training a computer to recognise patterns in data, and is central to many algorithms that drive Google's services.
Flipped learning involves the use of digital technology for students to access resources that provide direct instruction on new concepts outside of the classroom.
Underline that online learning involves asynchronous communication — not real time instant messaging.
The authors assert that all new learning involves transfer based on previous learning and that transfer from school to everyday environments is the ultimate purpose of school - based learning.
In essence, problem - based learning involves giving groups of students an unstructured problem with little other information.
Informal learning involves building teams, coming up with new ideas, applying existing knowledge in new ways, etc..
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