Sentences with phrase «many different meals»

This is a constant dilemma for many parents — preparing different meals for fussy kids — and let's face it, it's a pain.
I found it very informative and it gives detailed instructions of different meal plans that you can cook yourself.
Choose from 2 different meal plans based on your body type.
< 3 I make a bunch of different meals in bulk over the weekend and section them off into containers so that I'll have meals all throughout the week!
It's a good idea to use different grains with different meals so your dog will get different nutrients from them.
The menus are geared to give you ideas of what types of food you could serve at different meal times to get a good balance of nutrients and variety.
A lot of these ingredients are items that can be used for many different meals.
I thought some of you might appreciate this line of thinking, so from time to time I'm going to show you how I make a few different meals from the same thing.
I would want to make enough for several different meals if I could.
We'll be launching two new products that meet the needs of busy families for different meal times early this fall.
It's easy to prepare different meals for a month at a time.
I guess you may just prefer to spend several hours cooking different meals for every day.
I love taking one recipe and turning it into a completely different meal the next day.
I am a big time cook and really enjoy making different meals.
It's fun to batch cook ingredients on the weekend and combine them into different meals throughout the week (bowls, tacos, sandwiches, etc.).
I imagine you could even use it as a «curry sauce» over an assortment of tender vegetables for an entirely different meal in the future.
Hi... Can you please explain to me how to breakdown the total number of carbs and protein into different meals.
There is always a selection of different meals available, and vegetarians will find plenty of options.
Editors pick: I love cooking with a whole chicken; I can make a few different meals out of the meat and save the bones for stock.
The recipes below are a reflection on the time I was doing the diet and offer different meals for different diet types — all healthy.
Even though we will eat different meals for family gatherings, we always have one special dish: sauerkraut casserole.
My cheat sheet consists of 170 + different meal ideas.
Maybe you want to incorporate more fruits & veggie into your diet or maybe you're looking for inspiration on different meals to try out.
If you were to try to, um, ban something from the salad, you'd end up with a totally different meal.
Yet there are still millions more people who have had success eating at different meal frequencies.
These provide different meal choices and seating and hotel options.
There will be many different meal options at your disposal.
My toddler was still having slightly different meals from us and the last thing I needed was to make a separate meal for my husband too.
It adds such complexity of flavor and spice to different meals by adding only a tiny bit of it.
They did this by feeding the flies different meals consisting of protein, salt, or sugar and then observing their brain activity and behavior.
We provide you with ideas for five different meals along with tips to prep ahead and a printable color coded shopping list.
It's like having a whole different meal as you can hardly say it's made from leftover meat.
I designed 2 different meal planners so you can try both to see which one works for you.
Other times you may need to offer the same food many times at different meals before she'll take it.
His students planned his daily meals, creating 56 different meal combinations — all including a small order of fries — that wouldn't put his daily calorie total over 2,000.
It is so touching that my kids give me the opportunity to develop my cooking skills by each having different meal requirements.
Pick up 10 different meal replacement shakes off the shelves, and 9 out of 10 will be downright disgusting.
A different diet can also mean different meal times, different portions, and different food supplements.
Plus, there are 3 different meals here, providing extra levels of nutritious protein.
It saves me meal planning and grocery shopping which is kinda great and they have several different meal options like Fit for those of us looking for lower calorie dinners.
I love this recipe, I have made it several times and served it with different meals and snacks.
This is a great side for so many different meals!
If you and your roommates are on different eating schedules, cooking different meals, etc., your kitchen can quickly become a cluttered disaster.
One thing to figure out that you'd better not to make different meals for your family members.
The beauty of this metaphor is that these concepts don't need to be wholly original — you can take one piece of content and create five different meals from it.
I like to roast a whole butternut squash to have on hand, for different meals throughout the week (like this squash soup).
There's no need to prepare an entirely different meal.
You can also opt for the meat and rice variants which can offer different meals for your pet.
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