Sentences with phrase «many false prophets»

We are warned of false prophets in the latter times and here is one of them!
I'm fed up with false prophets who will have egg on their face.
There are a great many false prophets at the head of church these days, so it makes choosing a church a very difficult thing.
Many, many «believers» have NO idea they are being led by false prophets.
What is it that the bible says again about false prophets?
No, they are false prophets because they do not follow the scripture.
From false prophets, to the devil, to well meaning friends or pastors.
1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.
They would after all be considered false prophets at that point.
And not believe false prophets who only want your money.
I find that 99 % of those who call this kind of post or writer false prophets are usually the ones who didn't really study or understand the word.
If your spiritual and a believer of the bible, it says to beware of false prophets.
And, most importantly, use your brain to evaluate information so you will not be led by false prophets.
The Bible is a book of lies, written by charlatans with an agenda, and it has been used for centuries as a means to oppress innocent people, ratinoalize bigotry, justify wars, and as a hiding place for false prophets who bugger little boys and defraud little old ladies.
We have no more right to suppose that our age of threatened nuclear winter or ecological destruction is closer to the end than the first - century Christians had to follow false prophets during the Jewish revolt.
Oprah, a major false prophet if you ask me, agrees with this line of thinking.
I do not deny this god's existence, but this god is not one a civilised man would worship.Can someone explain what it truly means to be benevolent or is it left in the hands of false prophets like these who demonize people in the name of their lord?
Matthew 16 verse 23, Beware of false prophets in sheeps clothing, inward they are ravenging wolves.
He saw the upholders of this doctrine as false prophets.
God will be especially harsh with FALSE PROPHETS on the day of judgement.
Jesus flatly stated there would be false prophets after Him.
«But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
Next thing, False Prophets don't come out of USA.
Every day around the world a lying whore false prophet like @edstetzer holds forth about Westboro's testimony.
So, although those apostate Churches were still advising the State, they had rejected the Word of God and become false prophets crying «peace, peace.»
The «HATE DOG»S» will soon find that their is NO salvation in the worship of religeous fanatics... BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS!!!
God has sent Sandy the hurricane to punish the North East for supporting false prophet Obama, the man with God - complex trying to write his own Bible supporting blanket abortion and gay marriage.
In Matthew 7:16, Jesus says that to recognize false prophets, «you will know them by their fruits.»
And by the way Jaana persectuion of the President is most evident from the Right wing pulpit of Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck and all the other false prophets of the Republican world.
Including that fraudulent false prophet Mohammed who stole Jewish literature, repackaged it to suit himself and sold it to a bunch of ignorant uneducated people that swallowed his plagiarism, hook, lilne and sinker.
In this verse, Peter equates false prophets and false teachers with the destructive heresies they bring, and says that the end of these teachers will be destruction.
In the context, it seems best to understand the «destructive heresies» as «destructive divisions» that false teachers and false prophets create in a fellowship of believers.
By the time the vision reaches the point described in Revelation 20:10, all human followers of the beast and false prophet already have been killed, either by sword in the first diabolical mustering of troops against the Rider on the White Horse (Rev. 19:21), or by fire from heaven in the second such adventure a thousand years later (Rev. 20:9).
False prophets hate the goodbook called the book of life.
That's not a warning concerning all prophets, it's regardng false prophets.
In fact, Jesus» disciples are frequently urged to make moral judgments: to evaluate false prophets «by their fruits» (Matthew 7:16), to identify the false teachings of the Pharisees (Matthew 16:6,12) and to point out faults in other believers (Matthew 18:15).
This is not to say there are no downright false prophets out there, but as Karl Barth reminded us, we can never be certain, particularly in our moments of greatest certainty, that we are not among them.
One of the things that was very interesting to me is that He never used references like most false prophets and false messiahs.
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