Sentences with phrase «many traditionalists»

Her story has proven to be both grist for the mill of traditionalists who enjoy any opportunity to take shots as Rhee, as well as discomforting to Rhee and her allies.
Stand Mixer (with hook attachment) Best for traditionalists who don't like to get their hands sticky.
For traditionalists upset by Bentley bringing out an SUV, the idea of it being powered by a diesel engine is a bitter pill to swallow, but not only does the V8 diesel turn out to be fantastically capable, it also suits the character of the Bentayga more than the W12.
Last month, Dropout Nation discussed how the California Superior Court ruling in Vergara v. California would spur similar legal challenges to near - lifetime employment rules and other traditional teacher quality laws defended by traditionalists such as the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers.
All three arguments (which are also offered up by education traditionalists when they want to offer something substantive for their opposition to vouchers and choice) have no basis in fact.
Another result has been the attempt to form ideological alliances across religious communities, as traditionalists in different religious groups find that they have more in common with each other than they do with their modernist coreligionists, while modernists discover similar congruities.
I'm beginning to agree with traditionalists who argue that education should go back to the old days — if we could be assured of landing at Midland, an elementary school in Rye, New York, between 1956 and 1966.
Now, all that is to say: if you're a die - hard traditionalist when it comes to your ployes be forewarned.
Back in 2002, May faced opposition from traditionalist on the right wing of her party after her «nasty party» speech.
Up until that point, women shooting hoops on the big screen was unheard of (it's been equally unexplored ever since) and it remains refreshing to see a sports movie playing out from a woman's point of view and especially one that refuses to indulge our more traditionalist view of the genre, focusing on the long game rather than the easy win.
While many traditionalists still prefer the objective statement, though, there can be no doubt about the resume profile's effectiveness.
For traditionalists like him, the answer is a dry - eyed No.
In another historical twist that must have someone laughing somewhere, pronouncements of the founding fathers of Protestantism make the Catholic traditionalists of 1968 look positively diffident.
In fact, the GOP could expand its support among traditionalist groups.
According to popular assumptions, liberal approaches to the Bible emphasize messages of social action and downplay supernatural intervention, while conservative or traditionalist views accept the miraculous and advocate quietist or reactionary politics.
(Here, I should mention in passing, how incredibly distant Patrick's view of our constitutionalism is from that of American traditionalist conservatives such as Russell Kirk, who claim our constitutionalism owes little to nothing to Locke.
«There are a lot of traditionalists at other universities, so it's been a challenge to gain the respect of some of our peers,» he adds, «But at the same time this has, and continues to be, a big attraction to some very talented people, both junior and senior members in the scientific community,»
[The politics of rationing education is a reason why districts and other traditionalists also oppose the expansion of public charter schools and other forms of school choice that are helping Black and Latino children attain high quality education; charters fall outside of the control of districts and therefore, open the doors of opportunity for those historically denied great teachers and college - preparatory curricula.]
She had already learned how to forge a conservative alliance between traditionalist Catholic and evangelical Christian women, and she deftly enlarged the coalition to include Mormon and Orthodox Jewish women in a decade - long battle in which the stakes, as she defined them, were the home, the family, and traditional faith and culture.
Yes, I'm at it again — messing with tried - and - true favorites and likely making several traditionalists out there roll their eyes in exasperation.
The former Archbishop of Canterbury fired an opening salvo in the resistance to gay marriage today, as traditionalist groups started to mobilise against the plans.
For instance, more orthodox Evangelical and Mainline Protestants will have to learn to cooperate among themselves, as well as with traditionalist Catholics and Jews, and with other religious conservatives, such as Mormons.
The line between arrogance and admirable moral energy is not necessarily a bright one» haven't traditionalists often had their moral energy tarred in this way?»
Though its competitors are potent, the new 2017 Mercedes - AMG C63 S Coupe's sonic blurt signifies this coupe's ever - focused mission, calling traditionalists home with V - 8 charisma and autobahn - ready composure.
While traditionalists still hold that view, it is equally true that today, thanks to technology, love and marriages are decided on the Internet!
Traditionalists need to remind themselves that conditions in the intellectual world, as in the culture in general, are almost always in a state of disarray.
Most cryptocurrency experts respect their rivals and support their right to fork, even if it is inconvenient for bitcoin traditionalists.
This just in from our friend Kayle Hatt: The Catholic Church, arguably one of the most traditionalist organizations in our time with a habit of resisting change, just launched an official Twitter account for Pope Benedict XVI (@Pontifex) in eight different languages.
Likewise, many traditionalist Christians shun the term «feminism,» identifying it with a movement that rejects the roles of mother and wife, thus weakening the family, and making women more like men — a move that undermines divine division between the sexes.
This position secular and religious traditionalists know to be fantastic.
The team's traditionalists believe in letting the quality of their brews (like the tangy Belgian wheat ale known as Anger Management) speak for themselves.
Early in this awakening there appeared the new traditionalist movement, led by Timothy Dwight, who preached return to the old order, aroused the populace against the dangers of foreigners, attacked deistic heresies and rebellion among the youth, and urged maintaining the old establishment of religion.
The divisive nature of the accolade was emphasised when she also won that year's Anti-Turner Prize, naming her «the worst artist in Britain», and saw her project dismissed as «meritless gigantism» by critic Brian Sewell, a staunch traditionalist who later argued that opening a gallery in the North East denied «more sophisticated» Londoners a chance to see new exhibitions.
But I don't expect much from traditionalists opposed to Common Core; it just confirms my view that they could care less about the futures of poor and minority children (and, for that matter, all children).
At this point there always arise a number of traditionalist movements, attempts by those with rigid personalities or with much at stake in the old order to insist that the solution to the current disorder is to adhere more strictly to the old beliefs, values, and behavior patterns.
Tory traditionalists also fear a switch to AV would increase the chances of a permanent alliance between the two Coalition parties, as favoured by some Tory modernisers.
Other traditionalists say they themselves are sometimes tempted to leave but they are «going to stay and fight.»
Of course, there are still traditionalists who enjoy Hennessy from a snifter, but the cognac also is being used to make a variety of cocktails, Clerkin notes.
None of this will be pleasing to the hardcore progressive traditionalists within NEA and AFT who opposed the decisions to back Clinton instead of Sanders, and hated how the presidents of both unions, Lily Eskelsen Garcia and Rhonda (Randi) Weingarten strong - armed the rank - and - file into approving those endorsements.
Discover more than 43 million tracks, create your own playlists, and share your Lee Ann Womack - When progressive traditionalist Lee Ann Womack dug into her roots, she found herself connecting harder than ever.
the divide today seems to be between traditionalist right wingers (Cornerstone etc) and out - and - out libetarians who believe in surivial of the fittest
Keith Newton, then the Anglican bishop looking after traditionalist clergy of the Catholic persuasion [now the Ordinary of the Ordinariate], asked me to go and look at the parish of St Barnabas in Tunbridge Wells and the minute I walked through the door, I had an enormous sense that I was meant to be there.
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