Sentences with phrase «methane in the atmosphere»

A rocky, ocean - bearing planet with more than 0.1 percent methane in its atmosphere should be considered a potentially inhabited planet, the researchers say.
But that does not solve the larger question of why methane in the atmosphere seems to have reached a plateau.
The amount of methane in the atmosphere doesn't increase as a consequence.
Over the course of a century, one pound of methane in the atmosphere heats the planet 25 times more than one pound of carbon dioxide.
And even the IPCC agrees most methane in the atmosphere comes from natural sources (termites, organic decay, animal digestion gas, etc)
NASA's Curiosity rover has come up empty - handed in its search for methane in the atmosphere of Mars, researchers report September 19 in Science.
On March 19, 2008, astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope announced confirmation of the presence of water and the detection of more methane in the atmosphere of HD 189733's planet than would be predicted by conventional atmospheric models for such a hot Jupiter - class planet (Hubble news release and videos; ESA news release and videos; and Swain et al, 2008).
Then in 2003, William Ruddiman, a palaeoclimatologist at the University of Virginia, suggested the advent of agriculture 8000 years ago ramped up levels of the greenhouse gas methane in the atmosphere, warming the world by about 0.8 °C.
Still, confirming this is difficult, says Turtle, «because there's so much methane in the atmosphere and so many hydrocarbons coating everything».
Meanwhile the headlong rise of methane in the atmosphere seen in the 1970s and 1980s had slowed to a more sedate pace.
But scientists who track methane in the atmosphere in the Arctic and elsewhere around the planet see no big surge that can be pinned on such releases.
Part of the reason for that presupposition is that light coverts methane in the atmosphere to ethane.
Huygens will sample methane in the atmosphere and measure the relative abundance of light hydrogen and heavy hydrogen to produce a chemical fingerprint that will enable scientists to compare Titan's composition with that of comets.
Another EDF - funded study is also underway in Boston, where Harvard University professor Steven Wofsy and others are working to use measurements of methane in the atmosphere above the city to determine how much of the gas is being released.
And the levels of CO2 and methane in the atmosphere today are unprecedented in the past 420,000 years.
«We were hoping to see huge reservoirs,» says Lunine, «because that» swhat you need to maintain methane in the atmosphere for billions ofyears.»
Today there is roughly 1,900 ppb of methane in the atmosphere already.
Mission scientists speculate that perhaps methane in the atmosphere on Pluto behaves like water in the air on Earth, building up on the ground as frost at the highest (and coldest) elevations.
These changes combined with the shorter residence time for methane in the atmosphere mean that the lag is much less (a few years or so).
The scientists drove across the southern United States and measured levels of methane in the atmosphere along the many roads and highways upon which they traveled.
See page 485 Livestock produce 18 percent of the total methane in the atmosphere.
Oleg Anisimov has calculated that, in the next 50 years, sustained thawing of Russian permafrost will increase the overall content of methane in the atmosphere by just 0.04 ppm and lead to a relatively low global temperature rise of 0.012 °C.
There is far less methane in the atmosphere than C02, but that effect may well have contributed a couple percent to the observed rise in C02 levels.
First, the main chemical that reacts with methane in the atmosphere is the hydroxyl radical (OH), thus more methane means that the concentration of OH goes down.
Estimates for the half life of methane in the atmosphere vary.
With so much more methane in the atmosphere, OH would be diminished, adding to methane's lifetime.
To crunch its numbers, the EPA calculated the average concentration of methane in the atmosphere over a 100 - year period and determined that over that period methane is 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide.
A clearer atmosphere means better opportunity for Rayleigh scattering, the process that turns our own atmosphere blue, and for methane in the atmosphere to absorb the red rays of the sun.
On two days of airplane flights over the area, the research team detected high concentrations of methane in the atmosphere.
According to their models, methane in the atmosphere of an anoxic Earth - like planet would typically react with the carbon dioxide that still filled the air, mingling further with another ubiquitous gas, nitrogen, as well as water vapor to ultimately rain out as heavier compounds.
Scientists are still working to better understand the sources of increasing levels of methane in the atmosphere
Only the planet orbiting the sunlike star gave hints of methane in its atmosphere.
Others using the secondary eclipse technique have detected evidence for water vapor and methane in the atmosphere of HD 189733 b.
This stability in methane levels had led scientists to believe that emissions of the gas from natural sources like livestock and wetlands, as well as from human activities like coal and gas production, were balanced by the rate of destruction of methane in the atmosphere.
If other large cities with older infrastructures are leaking on a scale comparable to Washington, D.C — and Jackson's group has similar data from Boston that suggests they are — leaky city pipes make a significant contribution to methane in the atmosphere.
Finds like that, along with sediment cores and ice cores that show how the amount of methane in the atmosphere and ocean has fluctuated dramatically in the past, have led to a slew of «methane burp» theories.
Instead, the most likely explanation has less to do with methane emissions and more to do with changes in the availability of the hydroxyl (OH) radical, which breaks down methane in the atmosphere.
Nonetheless, the rover found no sign of methane in the atmosphere, dashing hopes that methane - producing microbes might still dwell there now.
In contrast, the method used by Miller and his colleagues, called a top - down method, uses measurements of methane in the atmosphere, taken from a national network of greenhouse gas monitoring stations and aircraft measurements conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Department of Energy.
Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, and it is important to understand the various sources of methane in the atmosphere.
They found that most of the methane in the atmosphere around Boston comes from natural gas delivered to the area for heating and cooking.
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