Sentences with phrase «modern context»

Further, where would this place be in modern context?
The proposed nature center would cost about $ 300,000 and «takes the concept of a neighborhood zoo into modern context,» she wrote.
They emphasize not the critical retrieval of the sources of the faith but recent traditions formed in earlier modern contexts.
What is public choice theory in behavioral fiancé and how to understand it in modern context of business?
First, psychotherapy emerged in the late modern context in which belief in God had been largely relegated to the area of superstition.
Joffe uses the more modern context to make Rose a much stronger, less passive character.
The way that it fuses horror and human in such an effortless way, the way that it took the old school rules of a werewolf movie and placed it in a very modern context, it was such a revolutionary film.
Parks has embraced the medium in a thoroughly modern context, creating colorful, textured panels that explore themes of abstraction, the natural world and everyday objects.
I certainly get shocked looks from modern Christians when I suggest that homilies on «the Good Samaritan» should place it in modern context by renaming it «the Good al - Qaeda» or «the Good Taliban» or «the Good Hamas» — because, at the time Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth allegedly lived, the Jews regarded Samaritans the way we regard al - Qaeda or the Taliban or Hamas today.
Even if you're an individual with strong faith, great friendships and a healthy appreciation of yourself already, living in this fast - paced modern context can make it hard to find and devote time to socializing.
Two boys attempt to come of age amidst united, untoward pre-adolescent circumstances; one director embraces the darkness and the delicacy, the industrialisation and the nature of the West Yorkshire landscape in updating Wilde's fable to a melancholy modern context.
Similarly, philosophical works by Aristotle and Plato are generally considered as the best examples of traditional writing because the same is with universal appeal in the post modern context.
«The New Buffettology» which was authored by both Mary Buffett (ex-Warren Buffett's Daughter - In - Law) and David Clark back in 2002 is so far the best selling Warren Buffett book based on modern context.
I started letting go of thoughts such as, «it's so hard to be an artist / native artist in the current modern context» or «one artist in millions gets taken seriously by contemporary culture and the art market».
Makoto is a self - described «flower artist,» bringing ancient traditions of Japanese ikebana and bonsai into modern contexts.
I'm not similarly anti-semantic necessarily in modern contexts, because I think this is a statement that depends upon the journalistic capabilities contemporaneous with Moynihan's congress.
«I think it's fair to say that the courts themselves are re-evaluating their approach to First Nations issues, and are... inclined to look at the situation in a more modern context,» rather than necessarily the letter of the treaty as written, he says.
Cervelli was interpreting ancient rites and symbols in a very modern context.
Most of it is still perfectly good — great, in parts — but there are antiquated and somewhat clunky elements throughout that show the game's age and, in a thoroughly modern context, hamper your enjoyment somewhat.
In the modern context TQM is thought to require participative management; continuous process improvement; and the utilization of teams.
Statistical quality control, as described above, is the fundamental description of quality control in the modern context.
Now, Craig Lack and other leaders from around the world take those same principles and present them in modern context to help you learn to achieve your greatest desires.
Other Uses of Funds In view of the near impossibility of replicating the debt cancellations of prior millennia in the modern context, we have re-interpreted the prior objective of seeking to sustain a property - owning democracy in terms of equity participation by the State to enable any (young) person to afford the down - payment for a home, to finance a start - up business, and to benefit (if academically gifted) from tertiary education.
In a modern context it is the theme of process theology.
Before seeking to examine the framework that provides the modern context for our decisions in the area of sexuality, let me make it quite clear where I stand.
All the sciences studying living things have, in the modern context, treated their subjects as if they were mere objects.
I also feature St. Lydia's in Searching for Sunday, along with several other churches that are reimagining the ancient sacraments of the church in a modern context.
While the founding fathers would certainly not have understood their own words would extend to the state endorsing gay marriage — I agree with you, the modern context, absolutely the pursuit of happiness would include it.
EDITOR: Your Grace, in the last year you have given a number of interviews concerning Liturgy in the modern context.
Why can't your omnipotent creature produce a text in modern context?
Complicating and enriching this modern context is the growth of natural sciences and social sciences.
The key point, however, is that Leibowitz wishes to make this teaching fully exoteric, believing that this is a vital necessity in the modern context.
The pope's encyclical, putting the issue of work in a modern context, states, «We are on the eve of new developments in technological, economic and political conditions... which will influence the world of work and production no less than the industrial revolution of the last century.»
Heidegger's radical link between — up to an identification of — Being and Time would have been unthinkable in a mediaeval and even a modern context: to talk about Being and Time would have been something like talking about God and the world, or about the (eternal) Infinite and the (temporal) finite.
What Christian education curriculum seriously examines work and the Christian life in a modern context?
In Catholicism, he sought to preserve a traditional view of the Catholic Church, but also rethink its presentation in a modern context.
I want to go back to how that document continues to justify slavery and other injustices in a modern context.
So to say that medieval peasants fared better in diet than the rich is wrong BUT in the modern context, if you compared eating standards of poor communities and the upper class in countries such as Guatemala or El Salvador, this assumption is more correct.
It's easy to see why now Tuchel is Dortmund boss, as the German tactician has taken a lot of lessons from Guardiola, particularly the use of the W - W in a modern context.
Robert Skidelsky «s two volume biography is now much in demand from libraries, and in September the author will be publishing Keynes: The Return of the Master (Allen Lane # 20.00) which will consider the man and his economic theories in a modern context.
In the modern context, the question becomes, «why maintain the right to silence».
But in the modern context coming out in such a coherent and apparently organised way represents a powerful planned assault on the government.
This May we must get across that traditional Conservative values applied in a modern context will address the sorry state of affairs I have outlined.
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