Sentences with phrase «normal curve»

Normal curves of the spine develop gradually as a means of adapting to gravity.
After the student completes the assessment the teacher can quickly access reports that provide valuable information including the student's grade equivalent, percentile rank, and normal curve equivalent.
After 6 months her head was almost completely smooth and with normal curves.
People are usually not surprised that oil production fits normal curves well, because for oil, production mirrors discovery, which has a random component to it.
Voters are distributed in terms of their preferences across a bell - shaped normal curve which means that there are many votes to be won in the centre.
Over normal curves, there is a little body roll, but nothing is uneasy; and on straight highways the stability is impressive.
Students» gains were calculated on the basis of the change in normal curve equivalent scores from the pre-test to the post-test.
But the larger populace is like standard normal curve.
Any reader of Molnar's book who has a modicum of biological training will know about normal curves - the probability of occurrence of a given figure, be it human stature, brain size or anything else - diminishes steeply the further it is from the mean value.
It was also found that teachers who had high rates of technological implementation had average Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE) point gains of 10.9 on the CTBS, while teachers who had low rates of technological implementation had only a 1.1 NCE point gain.
Normal curves exists for long durations, while an inverted yield curve is rare and may not show up for decades.
My experience is that normal curves usually work better than sigmoid curves.
Not your typical gal, I'm no fan of clothes shopping being 5» 2 ″ with normal curves.
(These calculations rely on converting the mean gain in normal curve equivalents to a percentile gain, and then use Chetty et al's results from column 1 of their Appendix Table 5.)
VAM - based scores can be easily constructed and manufactured by those charged with constructing such figures and graphs, also because tests themselves are also constructed to fit normal curves; hence, it is actually quite easy to distribute such scores around a bell curve, even if the data do not look nearly as clean from the beginning (they never do) and even if these figures do not reflect reality.
We see a huge shift in our base over to these higher speeds already and a proportion have gone to the very highest package and you get the normal curve of distribution.
A lens for negative refractive properties would have a flat surface and would not share the same resolution limitations and image distortions of a normal curved lens with positive refractive properties, says lead study author Anthony Hoffman, a Princeton engineering graduate student.
But we did not notice anything unusual concerning the function of the uterus and the foetus, and the pregnancy followed all normal curves,» says Brännström.
A neutral spine is a spine that maintains the normal curves of the spine.
The extra pressure on the neck from altered posture flattens the normal curve of the cervical spine resulting in abnormal strain of muscles, ligaments, bones and joints of the neck causing the joints to deteriorate faster than normal resulting in degenerative joint disease or spondylosis of the cervical spine
The use of specialized equipment like home traction devices are essential to and effective in restoring the normal curve of the neck.
If you move with confidence, many will overlook some larger - than - normal curves.
The current one seeks to reinforce the normal curve of failure and success whereas it must change to focus and report on progress achieved by each student.
One hears almost no talk about averages or normal curves, because the goal is for every student to achieve at the highest possible level.
The CTBA report ignores entirely previous research from the Brookings Institution, a random - assignment study — the gold standard of social science research — that found voucher students in Milwaukee scored six Normal Curve Equivalent points higher than the control group in reading and 11 points higher in math.
If the American public understood that the very concept of education was being disfigured into a mechanism to apply standardized testing and sort their children into data points on a normal curve, it would be hard to sell the corporate idea of reform.
Provides a summary of students» scores including Scaled Score (SS), Percentile Rank (PR), Grade Equivalent (GE), Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE), Instructional Reading Level (IRL), Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and a distribution summary of PR, GE, and IRL scores.
Norm referencing occurs, for example, when resultant test scores are distributed around a bell curve so that students» test scores might be compared to the greater «normal» population of their peers (e.g., using percentile ranks or normal curve equivalents [NCEs]-RRB-.
One approach is calculating, for each student, the difference between scale scores or normal curve equivalents (NCE) from one year to the next, which generates a gain score.
However, before we accept these figures and the text around them as truth, we must agree that such a normal curve is actually a reflection of reality.
The trend is that instead of having such figures with 99 % of teachers being rated as satisfactory or above (see «The Widget Effect» report here), these new and improved teacher evaluation systems are to distribute teachers» evaluation scores around a normal curve, that is more likely true, whereas many more teachers are to be identified for their ineffectiveness.
The average gain in student achievement made by a given school expressed as an NCE (normal curve equivalent) score relative to the 1998 benchmark scores.
A school's average scores on the TCAP test arranged by grade and year, and expressed as NCE (normal curve equivalent) scores.
The average academic gain of the most recent 3 years expressed as an NCE (normal curve equivalent) score.
You usually see norm - referenced scores reported as percentiles, normal curve equivalents (NCEs), and stanines.
Second, the yields are usually higher compared to the normal curve across all maturities.
But other countries» equity returns have had outlier results that are more extreme than predicted by a «normal curve».
The math is based on a presumption that the probability of returns follow a «normal curve» (remember the Bell - curve for school grades?).
Second, so the method I described could work, but it does not incorporate risk like YTM does; is there, however, a way to statistically calculate the «likeliest» discount factors for each cash flow using my method with a normal curve or whatnot, thus incorporating some idea of «risk»?
I can tell you with my experience with brainy guys and girls, what they can see through with amazing clarity at first sight, will take a lot of explanation for guys on the average side of the normal curve, to get an understanding.
The Mammoth future is a positive one because we stay ahead of the normal curve by always trying to build a better mousetrap.
Pasco: The Mammoth future is a positive one because we stay ahead of the normal curve by always trying to build a better mousetrap.
However, a starting point would be the calculation you did, or the 50 % point for the normal curve, which is 2024.
On the same graph, I have a shown a normal curve, fit to the data.
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