Sentences with phrase «obesity gene»

It has been shown that one of the causes of obesity is the variation of the so called obesity gene which may increase the risk of obesity by over 20 %.
«This represents proof of the principle that you can identify candidate obesity genes by the study of rodents,» he says.
Several obesity genes have been documented in the past, but they each have only a small effect on weight.
A popular obesity gene may have little to do with fat after all.
The other obesity gene defect, discovered by Robert Jackson of Addenbrooke Hospital in Cambridge, U.K., with help from O'Rahilly, is a mutation of the enzyme prohormone convertase 1 (PC1).
«These are what we call the healthy obesity genes.
The Science study, which included almost 39,000 people, concluded that having two copies of a certain FTO variant increased weight by about 3 kg — the first clear example of a common obesity gene.
New research indicates that people carrying the obesity gene FTO keep pumping out the hormone ghrelin, which tells the brain to eat again.
But Fairburn's breakthrough is not a miracle drug that burns off adipose tissue as you watch TV, nor a molecular therapy to rid you of an «obesity gene».
Some reporters have dubbed it the «obesity gene,» but Bray cautions that it's not so simple.
Is there an obesity gene?
Furthermore, research indicates that certain «obesity genes» can be «turned off» through exercise alone.
With respect to obesity, exposure to EDCs — especially early in life — can lead to obesity later on and obesity genes can be passed along to future generations.
For example, some people who have the obesity gene can benefit from intermittent fasting.
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