Sentences with phrase «of all of humanity»

But none of those sources appear to claim climate change could cause extinction of all of humanity as in «all» of humanity.
We are this strange subset of of humanity that prefers to write words, rather than speak them.
Palaeontologists have uncovered the remains of some of humanity's oldest ancestors in the UK.
Many people die (though the worst acts of violence are never shown in gratuitous close - up), and the fate of all of humanity is always on the table.
Taking care of people is (should be) the concern of all of humanity, no matter if we are Christians, or not.
The ill of mind represent the alienation of all of humanity, symbolizing the human condition in its fundamental need for redemption.
Unfortunately, this meant that humanity was wiped out, that the world had been extinguished of all of humanity, and the Horsemen and the forces of both Heaven and Hell would wage war for what remains.
In his speech, Mezour invoked an African proverb, «the sun does not ignore a village just because it is small,» stressing that the COP was responsible for the hope of all of humanity through tangible action through «win - win partnerships» and stakeholder engagement, transparency and consistency, and creation of innovative sustainable development models that can transform the world's economies, including those of the Global South.
Palaeontologists have uncovered the remains of some of humanity's oldest ancestors along the fossil - rich Jurassic Coast in the UK.
The main characters of these games are the lynchpins that can decide the fate of all of humanity / the universe, but they aren't the only people fighting in the wars.
Words are important, and I was precisely clear I was stalking about extinction of all of humanity, not some limited sub groups, or animal species (all of which is quite horrendous enough).
No, what poisons everything is atheism / secular humanism as evidenced by the fact that 93 % of all of humanity's wars were started for non-religious purposes.
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