Sentences with phrase «of cancer biology»

He is well published in the areas of cancer biology, sporting dog nutrition and basic veterinary nutrition.
Over the last decade, a new theory of cancer biology has emerged — the cancer stem cell.
He believes that as our understanding of cancer biology improves, we will use cancer tests more judiciously — and treat less.
The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology seeks to address growing concerns about reproducibility in scientific research by conducting replications of 50 papers in the field of cancer biology published between 2010 and 2012.
Metastatic ovarian cancer patients treated with chemotherapy prior to surgery had altered immune cells in their tumors, and specific alterations identified suggest that immunotherapy given after chemotherapy may help in preventing the cancer from coming back, reports Frances R. Balkwill, PhD, professor of cancer biology at Barts Cancer Institute in Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom.
Elizabeth Ali, an assistant professor of cancer biology at the Wake Forest School of Medicine, will contribute to this project as well.
Morris Animal Foundation has a long history of funding studies looking into the various aspects of cancer biology in many animal species, including horses.
The effects of mutations and other genetic changes in cancer cells play out in the complex networks of molecular interactions or «signaling pathways» involved in cell growth, proliferation, and other hallmarks of cancer biology.
A few principles of cancer biology also make developing neoantigens for long - lasting treatment difficult.
«A long - standing dream of cancer biology is to find small molecule drug compounds to restore the activity of p53,» Amaro says.
«This difference in mechanism suggests that we should treat these two drugs less like members of the same family, and more like two distinct therapies that may each have distinct benefits for certain patients,» says first author Renée de Leeuw, a postdoctoral researcher in the department of cancer biology at Thomas Jefferson University.
An effort to replicate dozens of cancer biology studies that were widely cited (bold numbers) has reported its first results: two confirmations, one failure, and two that were inconclusive because of technical problems.
Chambers - Thermo Fisher Scientific Memorial Award To advance the career of an early - career scientist who attends the AAI annual meeting and presents an outstanding abstract specifically in the area of cancer biology Weiyi Peng, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Univ. of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr.
The increased knowledge of cancer biology has led to the identification of cancer molecular alterations that participate in cancer proliferation, metastases or angiogenesis.
Separately, genomics and proteomics provide a partial picture of cancer biology.
Dr. Lehmann's research expertise lies at the intersection of cancer biology and bioinformatics.
A role of HUWE1 has been very controversial in the context of cancer biology — some studies report HUWE1 as a tumor suppressor, while other studies show HUWE1 as having the potential to cause cancer.
«We are at a point of confluence of innovation in oncology from more powerful patient sequencing, improved research tools like CRISPR, and a deeper understanding of cancer biology.
Dr. Mithua Ghosh is the Director, R&D and Head of Department of Molecular and Clinical Genomics at Triesta Sciences is an accomplished cancer biologist with over 18 years of academic and corporate experiences in fields of cancer biology and genomics, molecular pathology, translational research, and stem cell research.
«It was surprising to find that cabazitaxel functions differently than docetaxel in killing cancer cells, even though they're both taxanes,» says senior author Karen Knudsen, Ph.D., Interim Director of the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center and a professor of cancer biology at the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University.
HIF - 1 plays important roles in critical aspects of cancer biology, including tumor angiogenesis, regulation of glucose and energy metabolism, invasion, and metastasis.
A new theory of cancer biology — cancer stem cells — and the role played by sulforaphane, a phytonutrient produced by cruciferous vegetables.
«This sort of genetic instability is a hallmark of cancer biology,» Jha said.
«Mouse models of human cancer have taught us a great deal about the basic principles of cancer biology,» says Inder Verma, Ph.D., a professor in the Laboratory of Genetics.
«There are a lot of disparate theories about what could have a profound impact on aging and age - related processes, but at this point, we simply do not have evidence - based strategies to significantly change our life expectancy that come in the form of a pill,» says Ronald DePinho, professor of cancer biology and president of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.
«Thanks to a deeper understanding of cancer biology, we have a potential new targeted therapy for multiple myeloma, and can better tailor treatment for kids with Wilms tumor.
Instead, this study found a way to identify early changes that preceded the tumour, enabling better understanding of cancer biology and disease development.
The first of these developments is a lawsuit brought by Pedro Canovas, a former postdoc at the University of Massachusetts (UMass) Medical School in Worcester, against the school and his erstwhile lab chief, Dario Altieri, a professor of cancer biology, for alleged «breach of contract,... wrongful discharge,... retaliation,... and prior restraint on publications.»
Strahl said, «We think this work will lead to a greater understanding of cancer biology, and open the door to future therapeutic approaches for patients in need of better treatment options.»
Development, oversight, and teaching were coordinated by Kim Petrie, assistant professor of medical education and administration, Rob Carnahan, director of the Antibody and Protein Resource core facility and associate professor of cancer biology, and Joe Rando, associate professor of managerial studies.
The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology is an initiative to independently replicate selected results from a number of high - profile papers in the field of cancer biology.
Studying rare familial syndromes can have broad implications to our understanding of cancer biology.
As a Harvard graduate receiving her Ph.D. in Cell & Developmental Biology and also formerly working at MD Anderson Cancer Center, Dr. Charlotte Vines, who is currently an Assistant Professor for the Border Biomedical Research Center and the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), has a lot of experience in the field of cancer biology.
She is a permanent member of the National Cancer Institute Subcommittee I, which reviews training grants for physician - scientists in the field of cancer biology.
It's a sort of catch - 22 of cancer biology; by protecting the host from development of cancer, the immune system ultimately selects for tumor cells that are resistant to its attack.
Dr Iain Foulkes, Cancer Research Technology's CEO, said: «This bold and exciting collaboration between one of industry's leading innovators, Celgene, and CRT is part of our theme - based drug discovery approach and helps leverage our understanding of cancer biology and the needs of patients to drive the most promising discoveries into the clinic.
Genentech has long been a leader in understanding and advancing the fields of cancer biology, cancer immunology and oncology drug discovery.
Plenary speakers active in the fields of cancer biology, immunology, and cancer immunotherapy will present on an array of topics, including: new mechanistic perspectives from basic and preclinical research, results from early phase clinical trials of combination therapies, the durability of treatment responses to CAR - T cell therapies, and managing the known toxicity of effective immunotherapies in clinical trials.
New data and research approaches have created opportunities for researchers to study in detail many aspects of cancer biology, including how the normal biological programs of cell proliferation and death are altered during cancer and how the immune system responds to tumors.
NCI's Centers of Excellence bring together intramural researchers from NCI's Center for Cancer Research and Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics to develop new projects and initiatives in various areas of cancer biology, including:
We find out how advances are deepening our understanding of cancer biology and resistance processes, which will lead to new clinical applications such as non-invasive biomarkers and drug development.
Broccoli Versus Breast Cancer Stem Cells documents the most important study of the lot, though, exploring the role phytonutrients in certain greens play in a new theory of cancer biology, cancer stem cells, which explains why breast cancer can relapse 25 years after you thought it went away.
The focus of this special section is to investigate whether combining principles of art, science and technology with that of cancer biology can advance cancer research.
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