Sentences with phrase «of dumbbells»

All it takes is a barbell or a set pair of dumbbells.
You'll get three muscle - building, power - focused workouts, as well as a core routine to get your abs burning, often with a set of dumbbells in tow.
I remember finding a pair of dumbbells in my aunt's basement and borrowing them.
Grab one end of a dumbbell with both hands.
To perform it correctly, stand tall in a shoulder - width stance, grab a pair of dumbbells with palms facing inward and let them hang at arm's length at your sides.
If you don't have access to a gym, having a few sets of dumbbells at home can go a long way towards enabling your home workouts.
You can also increase the weight of the dumbbells as well as the number of repetitions.
It's like trying to get stronger using the same pair of dumbbells for months on end.
It has more machines and a couple of dumbbells.
The use of dumbbells instead of a barbell forces you to stabilize your core and shoulders all through the movement, thereby strengthening the smaller muscles that otherwise don't get enough work.
Don't work out right in front of the dumbbell rack.
Start by holding the pair of dumbbells on each side, then raise them in a controlled manner, with a slight bend in the elbows until your arms become parallel to the ground.
Hold a pair of dumbbells over your chest, with your arms straight up and your hands facing forward.
So a major benefit of dumbbell exercises is that they are highly functional and tend to improve other aspects of your life to a higher degree that sitting down on leg machines.
Before you know it you'll be packing the plates back on the bar and making your way back up to the elite end of the dumbbell rack.
One of the best things about using a barbell instead of dumbbells is that it allows you to increase the weight more gradually, thereby achieving a more linear progress.
Therefore, there is no need for another set of dumbbells as you can tune your routine and also improve the level of your fitness.
This version of the dumbbell row adds a little challenge by having you alternate your arms.
With so many different types of dumbbells available it's hard to distinguish the best ones as they all claim to be the best.
The handle of the dumbbell connects to a dial on each end which you turn to select the desired amount of weight you need.
Standing tall with your feet shoulder - width apart, grab the head of a dumbbell with both hands and hold it vertically against the front of your chest.
Needless to say, this wrist twist is the most important advantage of dumbbell curls and should be utilized to its maximum.
-- Take a seat on a flat bench and carefully place the bottom of the dumbbells on each of your thighs.
Another version of the dumbbell squat involves holding two dumbbells.
Hold the top of a dumbbell with both hands above your chest, allowing a slight bend in your elbows (b).
One side of each dumbbell was filled with a different short sequence of DNA labeled with a fluorescent molecule.
You'll see with the dumbbell position why it's a partial range of motion... the physical size of the dumbbell prevents you from coming all the way down.
Hold a pair of dumbbells next to your shoulders with your palms facing down and press forward until your arms are straight.
Hold, for example, the bottom position of a dumbbell flight with light weight to provide thorough stretch of your chest muscles.
As a rule, you'll want to work with a lighter set and a heavier set of dumbbells during your workouts.
Put a light dumbbell between your feet (so that the top end of the dumbbell rests on the bottom of your feet).
Furthermore, replacing your beloved barbell with a pair of dumbbells from time to time will unlock a whole new level of growth potential.
There are two basic varieties of dumbbells - those where the weight can be adjusted by changing plates on the bar, and those that have a fixed amount of weight.
A small minority of customers also experienced that the plates of these dumbbells fell.
You can also check out our selection of dumbbell sets for a list of quality dumbbells that are also affordable and suitable for use in your workout program.
The weight resistance of these dumbbells goes from 10 to 90 pounds, and you can adjust it in increments of 5 lbs.
So just as you'd add the resistance of dumbbells when doing an overhead press, you should also add resistance to your core movements.
This includes dozens of dumbbell and bodyweight exercises you can do at home.
While breathing out, push the dumbbells up in a slight arch, so the inner bells of each dumbbell touch at the top.
Also, smaller size helps in controlling the weight of the dumbbells while performing the heavy exercise routines.
Also, you can place your weight to one side more, or you can use extra resistance with the help of a dumbbell or a weighted vest.
Grab a pair of dumbbells holding them by your side at arm's length.
Here's a down and dirty test to help you determine where the weight of the dumbbells falls on the range from light to heavy.
If desired, increase the weight of the dumbbells slightly after each set, and reduce the reps accordingly.
Be sure to keep full control of the dumbbells at all times.
The exact dimensions of each dumbbell set vary, but they are very reasonably sized which makes them easy to fit in no matter what the setup.
Got a set of dumbbells laying around the house?

Phrases with «of dumbbells»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z