Sentences with phrase «of family income»

All students have the right to have access to a rigorous curriculum regardless of family income level and race.
It said 40 % of the benefits of family income splitting would go to those high - income families.
It studied levels of family income, employment patterns, types of housing units, population mobility, and poverty pockets in the area.
This article assesses whether the effects of the family income supplement persist into adulthood, controlling for past and current risk and protective factors, including poverty.
How do mothers with infants and babies cope when they are hit with crisis, whether through loss of family income, the stress of facing welfare cuts or coping with housing issues?
I had no idea when I started it that it would become my full time job and source of family income.
These results enhance our knowledge of the role of family income in the development of behavior problems.
The authors acknowledge that their original measure of family income via the federal lunch program was biased against the private schools, many of which do not participate.
Educators know that 100 percent proficiency is impossible, given the enormous variation among students and the impact of family income on academic performance.
As predicted in the morning papers, the Conservative government has formally announced its long - promised introduction of family income splitting.
You are not employed full time and a significant percentage of your family income goes to student loan repayment.
The downside of a family income policy is that it decreases in value over time.
The fact that men's earnings are generally a higher proportion of the family income than women's can limit the time men are able to spend with their children.
The cost of college has accelerated way beyond the cost of living and a college education today costs a substantial amount of a families income, to the point where it is not affordable.
The study also examined child - care availability in neighborhoods with high concentrations of single mothers, independent of family income.
The downside of a family income policy is that it decreases in value over time.
This would allow them to implement a number of targeted tax changes, the most important being the splitting of family income for tax purposes for families with children under the age of 18.
The entirety of the family income was derived from the occasional sale of some of the wife's shares and from dividends.
In some cases, the beneficiary of a family income rider may choose a lump sum rather than receiving monthly payments.
2 Middle income refers to the 60 percent in between the bottom 20 percent and the top 20 percent of all family incomes.
If tax credits work as intended, the association between level of family income and college attendance should weaken where the tax credits phase out.
The problem is complicated because no international data set contains both good measures of family income and good measures of student test - score performance.
An interesting and policy - relevant question about the demand curve is the proportion of family income that families are willing and able to spend on center - based care.
Of course the impact of these high food trading prices depends on how dependent a country is on imports and how much of family income is spent on food.
Eligibility and vesting age are main aspects of Family Income Protector Plus and Smart Elite Plan details.
Comparison of the plans can be based on details of Family Income Protector Plus and Group Employee Benefit Plan like eligibility criteria, policy term, returns etc. for these two plans.
Eligibility and vesting age are main aspects of Family Income Protector Plus and Star Union D I Aayushmaan details.
Surrender value of Family Income Protector Plus and Shri Raksha is the amount of money that will be provided by the insurance company in case you want to surrender the policy before maturity.
Students in wealthier schools and counties, in terms of family income, have significantly higher academic achievement than students in lower income schools and counties.»
Descriptive characteristics of sample stratified by classes of family income during childhood (n = 9154)
A wide range of family incomes was represented in both samples, and the majority of participants were Caucasian (91 % in the CG and 82 % in the SB group).
By contrast, the 2016 story — also based on Reardon's data — was careful to note the influence of family income on school test scores and to compare students based on economic standing.
Private school tuition in Mississippi for a family with two children, one in elementary school and one in high school, would amount to nearly a third of the family income of the average Black family in the state.
It's easiest to think of a family income policy, sometimes called a family income benefit (FIB), as a term life insurance policy.
A lump sum payout is made immediately on death, followed by regular payouts in the form of Family Income Benefit.
The Role of Family Income Dynamics in Predicting Trajectories of Internalizing and Externalizing Problems.
But, that number is based only on a calculation by SUNY of students already in the system — or at least who were in the 2014 - 15 academic year — and who met the program's eligibility of family incomes under $ 125,000 and carrying 15 credits per semester.
The ECPP obtains reports of family income from parents only in the broad categories used in the two previous graphs, e.g., $ 60 - 75k.
Conversely, spending as a percentage of family income goes down with rising socioeconomic status (e.g., 7 % for families making $ 100 - $ 150k vs. 12 % for those making from $ 50 - 60k).
[v] First, I examine the share of the student body at each college that comes from low - income families, defined as the bottom 20 percent of the family income distribution.
The CIA's Gini index measures a country's inequality in the spread of family income on a reverse zero to 100 scale.
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