Sentences with phrase «of human possibility»

For all these are human traits, and are included in the realm of human possibilities and human judgment.
Every parent, every teacher, every business leader, and everyone interested in a more civil society, has a stake in this compelling vision of human possibility.
Throughout the course of his career he explored the full range of human possibility.
He begins his theological reconstruction with a study of human possibility, not with divine revelation.
Yet some objectivity in the analysis of human possibilities is possible.
A child is good because being is good, because life is good, because the renewal of human possibility is good.
What's more because you don't have any requirements to perform certain movements at the height of human possibility you can actually emphasize certain parts of your body if you want to.
They're spans of human possibility, each one representing — all in one magnificent structure — support, direction, and destination.
He was reluctant to identify transcendence with God because he understood the absoluteness of God to function as a limit, a restraint upon the otherwise unlimited field of human possibilities.
But they make of «God» still the farthest limit of our human possibilities, caught up with us just as surely within this body of death.
Though there are many links in the chain, the theology of Scotus eventually leads to Feuerbach's progressive history of religion, according to which our successive ideas of the divine are simply projections of human possibilities of perfection onto a large screen that we call God.
But the «Catholic» hope for Christian politics always acknowledged the reality of sin, too; and Tinder's more vigorous rejection of political hope may be a useful antidote to secular optimism even if it is not (as I think it is not) a true statement of human possibilities.
In a thoughtful and enthusiastic view of human possibilities, Gardner encourages readers to embrace the dynamism of these virtues rather than giving up on them altogether.
This disposition rests not on piety, patriotism, or defensive nostalgia (the opiate of the South), but on a bleak assessment of human possibilities.
If by this is meant God apart from and without relationship to his world, such writers have departed from the deepest meaning of the Christian faith and perhaps from the realm of human possibility altogether.
Bunyan's biting commentary on human folly, joined to an inspiring account of human possibility, must have played an important part in shaping Lincoln's complexity of mind through a life of action and of reflection, often mordant reflection, on that action.
If we win the political struggle, we will not even know what we want unless we have a new vision of man, a new sense of human possibility, and a new conception of the ordering of liberty, the constitution of freedom.
The last chapter deals with the comparison and relative valuation of the several structures of existence, but this is preceded by an attempt to understand each structure as a peculiar and, in its own terms, ideal embodiment of human possibility.
Another emphasis of Tillich's is relevant here when we are considering what «it means to be human» and realize that our situation is such that the achievement of this human possibility is so frustrated and impeded.
The tradition of Christian humanism, by joining together the dynamisms of the previous two great expansions, arguably opens the maximal horizon of human possibility.
It forced to the surface «the extremes within the repertoire of human possibility
Kass suggests that although these cellular tissues have not yet achieved full human flowering, they nevertheless still represent the dignity of human possibility.
Because association is indispensible to an understanding of the achievement of the best of human possibilities, such as art, science, philosophy, religion, society.
For Christianity, that polestar is Christ, the archetypal person, the mirror in which the full extent of human possibility can be seen.
Or he recognizes that the conflict with Niebuhr is over different estimations of the human possibilities in history and then he writes:
Drawing on Newton's own works and the words of his contemporaries, the Newtonian Moment reveals a man who reached «the acme of human possibility» while remaining, nonetheless, just a little creepy.
Their heartwarming celebration of human possibility marks the -LSB-...]
As art historian Charles Stein notes, «Taaffe's reinvention of the beautiful represents a kind of valiant inquiry, a conscientious refusal of the suppression of human possibility
Superheroes is a multi-media, group exhibition about heroes, villains and other less - definable examples of human possibility.
The more fully fleshed - out pieces are exciting as images that metaphorically embrace the further reaches of human possibility, from death and decay of the body to the mind's experience of transcendental beauty.
He is reluctant to identify transcendence with God because he understands the absoluteness of God to function as a limit, a restraint upon the otherwise unlimited field of human possibilities.
What kind of blindness or perversity prompts this vapid idealism to choose, of all symbols, the Sermon on the Mount, with its exacting moral demands, all of them straining at the limits of human possibilities?
The options come down to rejecting God entirely or reducing God to a useful projection of human possibilities.
But the «Catholic» hope for Christian politics always acknowledged the reality of sin, too; and Tinder's more vigorous rejection of political hope may be a useful antidote to secular optimism even if it is not (as I think his not) a true statement of human possibilities.
There is another period in Western art which shares Picasso's finally dark vision of the human possibility: Romanesque art of the 11th and 12th centuries.
Although «a useful antidote to secular optimism,» Glenn Tinder's Political Meaning of Christianity takes too narrow a view of human possibilities, says Robin W. Lovin in a review of the book.
Exoskeleton will recalibrate the range of human possibilities — help stroke victims relearning to walk, soldiers humping body armor and builders hoisting sacks of concrete and hiking the wilderness.
This is clearest of all in ethics, which is essentially the study of the relation between the «is» of human nature and the «ought» of human possibility.
«Narrowing or medicalizing definitions too much limits the boundaries not only of so - called normality, but of human possibility
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