Sentences with phrase «of one's testing»

You see the results of testing in schools all of the time.
Your baby will go through a series of tests in the nursery.
Parents also need to know how to make use of test scores in choosing a school and how to interpret their own children's scores.
If a patient chooses to opt out of testing for that recommended list of mutations does she or he really understand what that decision means?
Once you have your testing software in place, start by performing a series of tests on your pages.
The total number of test results recorded in 2012 was up 42 % from 2011.
They are experts in the conditions they specialize in testing and call upon this expertise to make meaning out of test results.
But after years of testing on myself and on hundreds of my clients, guess what I found?
Within a self - regulated learning framework, students may approach different types of tests with different strategies.
A few more days of test drives and hair pulling, we had no answer.
The revised van was driven over 2.5 million miles as part of the testing process.
Some American colleagues, who had already experienced these difficulties, recommended a kind of test method.
You can run an unlimited number of tests with an infinite number of variants; the only limitations are your time and the number of visitors you can test website changes on.
With the small amount of test data alone the mitochondrial genomes of eight specimens have been fully assembled, and have directed insights into examining the past ecology of the species.
First, we propose that the state board of education issue a moratorium stating that the first year of tests scores will not be used on teacher evaluations.
That said, I ended my relaxed week of testing at a disappointing average of about 26 combined mpg.
It would last for a few minutes and he had a lot of tests done.
Unfortunately during part of the test drive the system was delivering little or no boost, a condition that made it necessary to use extra effort both at highway and slow speeds.
The most accurate way of testing for food allergies is with an elimination diet trial using a hypoallergenic diet.
A battery of tests costing # 2,500 revealed no known cause, although the vaccine manufacturer offered # 1,000 towards the bill.
It is amazing that science can say the planet is 14 Billion years old because of some test of theory.
This term refers to the method of testing used to derive the guaranteed percentages, it does not refer to the quality of the protein, fat, or fiber.
Be sure to research the cost of a test before doing it.
Another goes through information collected by running a set of test cases.
If there are more versions of a test in use, each one can have fewer of these questions.
Most of my test car's interior was covered in that optional premium leather, a deep blood red in my test car, along with optional carbon fiber and aluminum trim.
Your veterinarian will need to know what medications your pet is one before this kind of testing as many medications can alter results.
«I wanted a wide variety of test subjects, all with different ages, backgrounds, and amounts of weekly exercise,» she notes.
The pending launch follows months of testing by developers.
They are also more likely to rely on a range of test types when considering test scores.
Likewise, these teacher made tests will be used primarily to help to improve and strengthen instruction which should be the sole purpose of testing in the classroom.
The 850 sounded better on most of our test tracks with the feature turned off.
Teachers already participate in other stages of the testing process, including the initial drafting of questions.
Intervention studies offer a potentially powerful means of testing ideas about the underlying mechanisms or «causes» of psychological distress and dysfunction among families of children with ID.
Our baseline suite of test cases includes one calculation for all filter modes with the same target, plus one subset for all kinds of targets through the same filter.
No longer will schools be threatened with takeover by the state strictly because of test scores.
One guy wrote and complained that two many of the test questions were ambiguous.
Most tests measure the understanding and application of content knowledge at a frequency of a year or more and show the level of proficiency at the time of the test administration.
He says state education officials have been receptive to feedback on the amount of testing at the local level, though the general structure of the assessment tests will remain the same.
One consideration is the validity of tests done on such children.
One good type of testing includes testing the particle size of both LDL and HDL cholesterol.
Plus, its treasure trove of DNA sample data from millions of customers is just the kind of testing data many of the next generation of gene therapies need.
We did a general review of the math portion of the test so I could get an idea of what she remembers and what she needs to review.
The film shows a variety of test subjects, each played by famous character actors.
It can be a sort of test run before buying the real thing.
Each category represents a group of test items that assess related skills.
Maybe you feel stuck, fight with low self - esteem, or experience high levels of test anxiety.

Phrases with «of one's testing»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z