Sentences with phrase «of personal beliefs»

Regardless of your personal beliefs about the value of a criminal background check, employers most certainly do carry a responsibility to take reasonable measures to create a safe workplace and workforce.
They have never refused service or turned people away at the door because of personal beliefs.
The truth is that we all have a unique set of personal beliefs, our «money personality,» that governs how we handle our finances.
The book argued that wealth and success grew out of the rigorous application of personal beliefs.
He is another obscure person who's change of personal belief has no influence on my life.
Regardless of your personal beliefs around any of these issues, the fact is, they are administered through the tax code.
You want to be perceived as good by your fellow man regardless of your personal beliefs.
Because of my personal beliefs and my eating preferences, becoming vegan made the most sense.
Bob, the «gay agenda» is the desire for equal rights, something that you and your kind have denied them on the basis of your personal belief.
Regardless of their personal beliefs about evolution, 66 % of the public say they believe that scientists generally agree that humans have evolved over time while 29 % say that scientists do not agree about this.
The new capstone at Poly High asks students to write three essays in which they lay out their origin story, explore tools and strengths they bring to their challenges, and do a deep exploration of their personal beliefs.
Understanding the religious teachings of others is desireable, as is tolerance of all personal beliefs.
But since the whole idea of God can neither be proved nor disproved, we can only talk about religion in the language of personal belief.
I am all about fair treatment, respect of personal beliefs, tolerance, diversity, etc., but sometimes it borders on the extreme.
@Scott, I'll be happy to go into a long conversation about the various intricacies of my personal beliefs if you'd like and we can debate the value of divine plans: but for now I just want to say thank you.
Rejecting evidence in favor of personal beliefs is never a wise thing for a society to be willing to condone.
When will people learn that when you insult someone or make fun of their personal belief systems they will push back.
IF you want to be MARRIED go to YOUR place of PERSONAL beliefs and take your vows.
Perfect example of HIS personal beliefs being FORCED on the American people!
Castillo pointed out that the Park District allowed a wide array of personal beliefs, from «Peace on Earth» to «Respect Nature, Seek Understanding, Truman & Emily» to «Bootsie Albert Drennan, Best Cat Ever!»
I wonder if I, as an LGBT atheist, have the right to refuse anyone wearing a religious symbol or mentioning god or their belief in a god in any way, have a right to deny service or assistance to them since that is offensive to me and a violation of my personal beliefs.
He said that he put his constituents» best interest ahead of his personal beliefs when voting for Mahoney's raise.
However, the researchers also found that easier granting of exemptions was associated with a 53 percent increased incidence of pertussis, and the availability of personal belief exemptions was associated with a 48 percent increased incidence.
Studies on author visibility emphasise first person writing and the revelation of personal beliefs and self.
The process of writing to learn clarifies perspectives and crystallizes jewels of personal beliefs.
Despite Doomocracy's obvious fiction, participants overwhelmingly raised a hand for the workers — in all probability, an expression of personal beliefs.
«It recognizes that diversity includes a diversity of opinion and a diversity of personal beliefs
Rather than imposing limits on individual autonomy, republicanism accepts that within democratic theory the manifestation of personal beliefs will at times need to yield to general norms.
A «legal separation» is offered in some states to couples who want to separate permanently but can not divorce, either because of their personal beliefs like religion or complications such as shared health insurance.
Obtaining a master's degree in School Counseling or Clinical Mental Health Counseling includes examination of personal beliefs, values, experiences, and personal wellness.
There isn't one iota of agreement among theists about what god is or what it should represent, yet not a single theist can see beyond his / her own set of personal beliefs.
it is a matter of personal belief and should not in any way be part of our laws.
Most of us evangelicals in Canada, regardless of personal beliefs about homosexuality, can admit that since same - sex marriage has been legalised in Canada, our society has not gone to hell in a hand basket, nor has traditional marriage, or our families been under attack.
They've heard from readers — or in some cases, even agents and editors — who don't believe the character's situation because of their personal beliefs about what a black, gay, autistic, etc. experience would be like.
3) you said: «The Benhams are calling for bi.gotry against a minority on the basis of their personal belief
My goal is and always has been is to provide the space and opportunity for individuals to transform their lives through self empowerment, self healing, exploration of personal beliefs, and creating greater health and joy for self and others.
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