Sentences with phrase «of pheromones»

The use of pheromones as sexual signals appears to be the ancestral condition in fireflies with the use of luminous sexual signals as being a more recent development.
Rantala used high concentrations of the pheromone in his experiments, anthropologist Jan Havlíček of Charles University in Prague, who was not involved in the research, writes in an e-mail to ScienceNOW.
Deneubourg found that the ants lay and follow trails of pheromone as they forage.
Adaptil spray, like the Adaptil collar, contains a synthetic version of a pheromone secreted by the mother during lactation.
Undetectable to smell, releasing even the slightest amount of pheromones enhances mood and attraction.
An ant scout will leave the nest to look for food, laying a trail of pheromones as it goes.
One of the researchers who has participated in this study is Marco A. Fontelos from the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (ICMAT), who has also co-authored another study regarding the formation of lines of ants that «can be characterised as bifurcations or trailblazing when the concentration of pheromones exceeds a certain value.»
Detection of pheromones from a female fruit fly is enough to cause changes in metabolism, reduce resistance to starvation, and shorten the life span of male flies.
These are the same type of pheromones excreted in canine urine to mark their territory.
It is designed to calm and relax the puppies, and a synthetic form of the pheromone has been successfully used to treat anxiety related disorders in adult dogs.
The packets work (but they are expensive), so it may be related to the level of pheromones associated with an individual tree.
Figs are known to be a powerful stimulant of fertility and can increase the release of pheromones.
He is a Professor of Veterinary Behavioural Medicine at the University of Lincoln, and a pioneer in the use of pheromone therapy within the field of clinical animal behaviour.
Adaptil is a copy of a pheromone found in lactating mother dogs, which helps ease anxiety.
The protein is part of the pheromone system — truly an interesting type of pee - male)!
DAP mimics the effects of a pheromone emitted by nursing female dogs, thought to calm the puppies.
Orchids use a crafty blend of pheromones to lure pollen - laden male bees to their flowers, biologists report in tomorrow's Nature.
(The science of olfaction is far from settled, and there's intense controversy about the importance of pheromones in humans.)
The brain interprets the presence of pheromones as a reason to be calmer and more relaxed.
While this type of pheromone does not produce an intense sexual vibe, it does give you a serious advantage in a social situation.
The use of pheromone sprays on furniture or into the air in your living room can sometimes placate territorial or bored behaviors.
The desert ant (left), the buff - tailed bumblebee (centre) and the common wasp (left) all use the same class of pheromone to stop workers from reproducing.
After identifying candidate queen pheromones by analysing chemical profiles of queens and workers, they created synthetic samples of the pheromones and tested them to see whether they inhibited worker reproduction.
«There is likely a biological underpinning to kissing, as it can often involve exchange of pheromones and saliva, and also pathogens — which might be particularly dangerous in societies without oral hygiene, where kissing may lead to spread of respiratory or other illness,» he said.
Communication is mostly by smell, and it is staggeringly efficient: A milligram of a pheromone that ants use to mark their paths would lay a trail 60 times around the earth.
A MALE silk moth gets a whiff of pheromones and begins a complex search pattern to track down a potential mate — a brief surge forward, an intricate zigzag, a sweeping loop.
Their poop contains a chemical called histamine, part of the suite of pheromones that the insects excrete to attract others of their kind.
«Swimming with the Salmon» is a beautiful love story based on the olfactory chemistry of pheromones.
And human beings probably aren't endowed with a functionalvomeronasal organ — an anatomic sensor of pheromone signals that is foundin many amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.
Using microelectrodes, the researchers recorded the electrical activity of pheromone - sensitive interneurons in male American cockroaches that relay signals of female - producing sex pheromones in the antennal lobe (functional homolog to the mammalian olfactory bulb) to higher - order centers.
The strong scent of this pheromone — also called oil of wintergreen and found consumer goods including Listerine mouthwash and chewing gum — wards off other potential mates, helping to ensure that no other males fertilize the female's eggs.
Glass suspects mites use chemical signals called pheromones to communicate the need to huddle, and he hopes to work out the chemical makeup of the pheromones.
The role of pheromone reception in females may be simply to flip a switch that suppresses the male circuit in the female brain.
This opens the door for some of the more imaginative hypotheticals surrounding the field of pheromone research.
«When deprived of the pheromone that queens emit, worker bees and ants become more self - centred and lazy, and they begin to lay eggs,» said lead researcher Dr Luke Holman from The Australian National University (ANU).
Computer simulations show that these simple rules for ant behaviour lead to a build - up of pheromone along tracks that are relatively straight (New Scientist, Science, 27 March).
Indeed, it would be interesting to model the deposition of pheromones more directly: the analogy with quantum mechanics is quite strong and techniques similar to Feynman path integrals — which superpose contributions from all possible paths — might be useful.
In a computer simulation of pheromone evaporation [see middle illustration on page 42], researchers presented identical food sources to an artificial colony at different distances from the nest.
Individuals with low expression of a pheromone receptor are more inclined to explore and are fitter in environments with scattered food resources.
The power of pheromones depends on context as well, he adds.
Still, scientists have continued to hunt for examples of pheromones that humans might sense.
«The physicochemical characteristics of the pheromone formulation are important factors in improving the persistence of its effect,» he said.
Although little is known about TAARs, previous studies have found that some of them are activated by compounds in mouse urine — a major source of pheromones.
If people use a similar system, we may not be completely shut out of the pheromone game.
«In a complex odor environment where social bees must respond appropriately to dozens of pheromones in the hive but also to learned olfactory signals from rewarding flowers,» Chittka says, «two parallel but intertwined pathways with overlapping functions but different priorities in the gradient from innate to learnt odor responses of various complexities might provide the required flexibility.»
For instance, in a dry environment the amount of pheromone rapidly decreases and so fewer pillars are built.
Their work shows that ants self - organize by interacting with the structures they build thanks to the addition of a pheromone to their building material.
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