Sentences with phrase «of pigs»

These by - products were added into commercial diets of pigs in substitution of cereals, being respectful with the balance that these diets require to satisfy the animal needs.
It's an artificial construct of our society, a cultural decision, to make pets out of dogs and meat out of pigs.
While bacon might be the most popular part of the pig for those following the paleo diet, there is a plethora of other delicious and nutrient dense cuts to enjoy.
Some distance from them a large herd of pigs was feeding.
They might not buy $ 100 dog coats, but will buy a couple of pig ears every now and then.
The study looked at groups of pigs on three different diets, one of which was supplemented with purple potatoes.
These animals are not too many in number as micro breed of pigs is scarce, but the latest trends of people have made breeders create some of the finest varieties of these animals.
Several other questions remain, including the number of pigs infected and whether any people living there or studying the outbreak have become infected.
Welcome the year of pig - the year of abundance - in living luxury.
The sensor has been tested in the lab underneath layers of pig skin, and the next step is to test it in live animals.
Pork is much the same with 66 percent of all pigs coming from four companies.
This time, however, he left that act up to a couple of pigs.
Though straw walls might be most readily linked to a story of pigs making questionable construction choices, the team behind these homes says the material could help to sustainably meet housing demand.
This one time: I was tasked to take care of a pig, a goat, two ducks, and a dozen chickens at my grandma's house.
And the white bits inside are not bits of fat, but instead are bits of pig cheek, one of the most flavorful and tender cuts of meat.
With more than 300 levels and regular free updates, these special episodes offer more challenging levels of pig - popping action and golden eggs to discover.
Someone needs to release a bunch of pigs in that building.
The double knock - out technique removes special sugar molecules from the surface of the pig liver cells, so that the human immune system doesn't recognise them as foreign.
No one should have under belly of a pig walls if they don't like them.
It is an easy thing and you can check out various platforms to find out the availability for adoption of these pigs.
No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs.
When I think of pigs in a blanket, I think of sausage and pastry.
That these cookies came to me in the form of pigs should have been a hint.
A twist on the classics with one thing in common: the flavors of the pig.
The kids all went off to art class, where they were shown a realistic plastic model of a pig.
People, most of them pig handlers, started falling ill.
After you're done drawing one pig, challenge your young artist to draw a family of pigs.
It's actually the upper part of the shoulder from the front leg of the pig.
A disease that kills millions of pigs a year may soon meet its match — if two federal agencies can agree on the idea.
Be careful of the pigs feet because a lot of them are sold heavily salted, way too much for your pup.
The amount needed per day is determined by the temperature, via aspects of pig physiology we need not go into.
The movement of pigs throughout the country over that time may mean other outbreaks will occur.
To me, that's the name of a pig.
Regardless of the size of your pig, he has natural instincts that no amount of breeding has managed to get rid of.
As you can see from the chart below, the likelihood of getting to 100 points on one roll of the pigs is very, very small.
During this time, she is fed a nutritious broth of pig's feet, eggs, vinegar and ginger.
He would deliver at least eight speeches, say a few words in four languages, shake countless hands and eat a late lunch of pig feet while riding between events.
That and the small proportion of pigs infected suggests the virus can not yet spread between pigs.
Are native reptiles more vulnerable to the impacts of pigs than to those of rats or cats, and on what kinds of islands are these impacts seen most strongly?
That will involve adding human genes to the DNA of a pig clone so its organs will look more familiar to a human immune system.
The study shows that the judgments of pigs — like those of humans — are shaped by both their basic personality traits and their mood.
As the remake proves, if you've seen one shower of pig's blood, you've seen»em all.
Have you given enough thought to the problem of pig nightmares?
Truth be told, the pair have a hidden agenda about to be executed by their army of pigs.
Use the instructions below to create a handful of pig containers.
Also I would drive the heck out of that pig bug.
It was like his mother was going out with a pig — or, even worse, a killer of pigs.
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