Sentences with phrase «of role models»

Women of color in law firms face a similar lack of role models in the senior ranks.
Because the more you can do that, you're being kind of a role model for the other parent to do that back.
By investing in the skills of our employees, we create an array of role models for future generations.
In every programme and workshop I run, aspiring leaders at all levels tell me about the importance of role models in inspiring them to take the next step.
Great comedian in my book, but not so much of a role model.
That said, I understand the importance of role models.
The power of role models Almost everyone you ask will say they have a role model in their life.
Each woman should seek out a large number of role models, so she will have a range of ideas, perspectives, and support from which to draw.
That's partly because of the technology involved, but it's also because there aren't a lot of role models and success stories.
They don't have several generations of role models or a large number of obvious mentors to guide their professional choices.
In a time when plenty of parents worry about the types of role models their kids are exposed to, these 17 real and amazing women give them someone to look up to.
This company is considered one of the role models of the debt consolidation industry, offering successful results and some reputable accolades.
Are all students able see a variety of role models in their school?
Indeed the subject of role models, and mentors, for women has been a buzz issue of late.
For sons, who grow up with the default expectation they'll eventually be providers, the effect of role modeling happens at home.
In short, young people's moral perspectives seem to be increasingly diverse and based more on personal experience than on the influence of role models or civic expectations.
Growing up I do not remember having a diverse selection of role models, and ones that were willing to talk about issues such as sexuality and equality.
Through these partnerships we have created a network of role models and mentors that believe in the power of sport to change lives.
Each school created its own combination of role models to best fit campus needs.
As children grow older, they become more aware of peer group values and of the behaviours of role models such as sporting heroes or media personalities.
... It's impossible to fight the title of role model.
Another great trait I remember about many of my role models was their humility.
We have a past to be proud of and the shoulders of role models to stand on.
Through this role, you learn just how much you are capable of and give your child the ultimate representation of a role model.
But be critical of your role models; what works for them might not work for you.
Applicants must provide a list of school and community activities and explain in writing why they think they should be picked and their definition of a role model.
The issue is only what kind of role model teachers will be for children.
Pay attention to hiring with an eye toward providing representation in the form of role models to your increasingly diverse student populations.
The writer might also decide to let the story to tell the decline of the role model sadly.
It shows the younger brother following in the footsteps of his role model, a feeling I know oh so well.
What kind of a role model do you want to be for your kids?
The good works of these role models illustrate the power of one person to make a significant and positive difference in the lives of many.
With heightened stressors like bullying, harassment and a lack of role models, LGBT students are also more likely to experience negative educational outcomes.
It is also likely to lead to a more even distribution of high quality teachers, and of role models for those students hesitant about applying for university.
By leading with consistency, equality, and persistence, the administration at both these schools teach the power of role models, scholarship, community service, and character.
Every year there's always a big debate in the media because young girls aren't being exposed to the right kinds of role models, but nothing really changes.
Children have a naturally limited number of role models they are exposed to in real life — their own parents, teachers and from time to time other relatives and family friends.
In our book «Raising Your Game,» we address the subject of role models, and which are appropriate for your children.
First, very few gay couples had any sort of role models for how to be in a same - sex marriage or how to raise a family as a gay couple, simply because there are relatively few gay people in the world compared to straight people and the vast majority of gay people were raised by straight parents.
For at least the first 20 minutes I couldn't stop comparing it to a film that just debuted last month called Spare Parts that is set up the same way: poor Mexican teens in need of a role model and a way out.
But Mattel has really outdone itself with the newest line of role model Barbies.
Below are just some of these associations that can provide such an important source of role models, networks, and community support:
«There has been a lot of scholarship and research on this idea of the role model effect.
The basis of the role model concept in sporting contexts is the belief that young people, women, and members of disadvantaged minorities simply lack imagination - they can't picture themselves as «winners.»
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