Sentences with phrase «of seeing someone»

Aren't you tired of seeing how many pets are lost or killed due to the fact that we take for granted how «good» they are are off leash?
It's a nice way of seeing what's new on the market, and getting a quick review without investing yourself.
If you are 50 or under you have a very good chance of seeing how the greatest and most urgent collective project in human history pans out.
Did you see he was trying to complain to the fourth official vs crystal palace instead of seeing where he can change the game plan.
So many of us see so many sad cases of abuse and neglect... it is so unnecessary.
It is genuinely one of the most fun and innovative puzzle games that I have had the pleasure of seeing in years.
I do a full face everyday, so I can kind of see where people are going with their comments.
Also, I find that viewing myself wearing the new piece in a photo is an objective way of seeing what it really looks like on my body.
But now, that same denomination — «one bitcoin» — is equivalent to more money than many of us see in a month.
The more familiar a person is with religion, the greater the chance of their seeing how irrational it is.
I get so much pleasure out of seeing what she's going to write.
I too am tired of seeing all these ports for everything, everywhere.
I am just tired of seeing people complain about him when you actively clicked on a link to read about him... irony?
I love the idea of seeing leadership as a problem - solving role so people can work without disruption.
When purchasing an animal at a pet store, buyers have no way of seeing where the animal came from and under what conditions it was bred and raised.
The customs officials who searched his bag had no hope of seeing what was inside.
Growing up, I never dreamed of seeing someone on TV who looked like me, let alone a superhero.
I'm tired of seeing so many people working so hard, often spending and wasting years of their time, and getting no significant or meaningful results.
Not just a backup either, someone top quality that we aren't afraid of seeing on our team sheet.
That skirt is feminine and so sexy — is part of it sort of see through?
It's the joy of seeing businesses grow and seeing the tangible results from the success.
That's why they would never consider the possibility of seeing lives truly impacted, people being changed, families being transformed, and seeing hope renewed.
We are raising a generation incapable of seeing evil in its true light.
You've ever thrown both hands up while driving in the hopes that the driver in front of you sees your despair in their rearview mirror.
And the excitement of seeing someone new embrace them - someone with entirely their own personality and quirks and ideas about the world.
Can't for the life of me see why they'd be willing to sell though!
I can not explain the sadness of seeing those bags and bags of precious milk going to waste.
Life - changing teachers have the gift of seeing potential in kids when others don't, and then have the perseverance to help the children find it within themselves.
Someone with passion and energy, capable of seeing things as they are and negotiating multiple priorities as she makes useful decisions without angst.
All of the not so fun parts of seeing your favorite act sink and disappear at sea.
Interesting analysis — I had never even thought of seeing a driving range as a passive income source.
Forget messaging back and forth for ages... we're talking phone numbers in hours or even minutes of you seeing their profile.
The excitement and thrill of seeing you win was the great part of it.
And most of all we see creative ways to get people to adopt, not shop.
Try scuba diving together and make memories of seeing amazing underwater vistas.
This new perspective of seeing the world differently is desperately needed in schools and begins with school leadership.
It wasn't heat - induced fatigue, it was the satisfaction of seeing how far the auto industry has gone in the past ten years.
There is option of seeing of your message was read or not.
I love the anticipation of seeing what the paint is going to do after I apply it to a piece of furniture.
These works, no longer for the eye alone, make the act of seeing part of bodily movement through space, as they change their shapes with each shift in perspective.
It does have charts so you can kind of see when did I make the most, when did I make the least, how many time have I pumped?
Millennials are coming back after so many years of seeing young people leave.
At these times your chance of seeing whales is higher if you take a dedicated whale watching tour in a high speed boat.
If the government wants to achieve this kind of consolidation it has to ensure that those firms that remain can meet the immediate challenges of seeing their workload grow so substantially overnight.
Many many of us see problems and in these posts clearly confirm this, but we support the club and see the possible future.
I am sick and tired of seeing religion being pushed and forced into every asset of life.
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