Sentences with phrase «of skin color»

And I don't want to worship in a church where I am not welcome because of my skin color anyway.
First of all, black girls like dating white guys for the same reason black girls like dating black guys; because they enjoy dating people regardless of skin color.
A wider range of skin colors and hair types is an excellent start.
But my point is that it's not just an issue of skin color as you make it out to be.
In the picture Link is completely white and lack any sort of skin color but the amiibo actually has a color tone to his skin and for the price is a very good deal.
They represented all the possible shades of skin color.
We are born with our racial differences and, although in many societies those differences become lines separating very different cultures, in themselves differences of skin color are largely superficial.
You can't force people to associate with a perfect rainbow of skin color any more than you can force an individual to use a particular drinking fountain because he has dark skin.
Conversely, when those same whites become socially concerned, they are more attracted to the black cause partly because the drama of skin color can elicit more sympathy.
In some instances, racist bullying may cause children to be embarrassed of their skin color or ethnic background.
My mother always wore camel colored coats which I adore but can not go near because of my skin color sadly.
It brings out the beautiful tone of all skin colors and you just can not go wrong with a white maxi dress.
Because of my skin color gold ish lipsticks look very good on me but metallic gold looks amazing.
Gold carries well with every individual despite of the skin color.
This paper describes the development of a new measure to assess children's perception of their skin color and their satisfaction with it.
Why do humans not look out for one another and help each other out regardless of skin color or geographic location?
These people were excluded simply because of their skin color.
However, the color is really unique and would suit a large range of skin colors.
Not only that, this feline has wrinkly skin, large paws, a big head with large ears and can come in a variety of skin colors including tabby and seal point.
Odutola is an artist who works with themes of identity and the sociopolitical concept of skin color through portraiture.
He was «caucasian», which encompasses a wide range of skin color from brown to white.
Also, I recognize that they mention the value of racial diversity (its exposing individuals to different viewpoints) and how they had tried and failed to achieve it without directly considering race, but if their only genuine motive is to promote diversity of perspectives, then striving for diversity of perspectives rather than diversity of skin color should be massively more effective, as it directly addresses the issue that is being resolved.
A new and innovative study recently published in The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology sheds new light on the importance of skin color as a determiner of facial attractiveness.
Anthropologist Nina Jablonski, profiled by Ann Gibbons (p. 934), studies the evolution of skin color and has found that a surprising number of people face health consequences from having a skin tone poorly adapted to their current environment.
«This is really a landmark study of skin color diversity,» says geneticist Greg Barsh of the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology in Huntsville, Alabama.
Her self - portraits focus on the sociopolitical idea of skin color and explore the layers of blackness through personal and political themes.
The Nigerian - born artist Toyin Odutola explores identity and the sociopolitical concept of skin color through her pen and ink drawings.
It's not right, but I take for granted that almost nobody in America treats me negatively as a result of my skin color.
This raises the whole issue of skin color and Neel's unique position north of 96th Street and in art history.
I would suspect that if there was this Jesus character than the contributing factor of his skin color shouldn't be an issue as much as what appears to be an undiagnosed case of psychophrenia back in his day.
This chapter discusses racial grouping, stereotypes, the errors of racial indicators, the insignificance of skin color, the self - confirming nature of racial stereotyping, and errors in understanding inheritance.
Second, it ignores the actual America, where the working class of all skin colors and ethnicities is facing a collapse of marriage, civic engagement, and male labor - force participation.
MOre intersting, that eye color confers no genetic advantage, ie as in the case of skin color being darker in sun rich climates or being more translucent in less sun rich areas.
Did not the needs for nurturing societal functionalities in matters of skin color become of racial concerns in such matters of wanting to lighten up one's skin tones?
Yet the fact of his skin color emasculates him before lesser men, who can deny him a room, a meal at a restaurant, a place on the field.
Linea nigra tends to be more common in women with darker skin, although women of all skin colors can develop it during their pregnancy.
White and non-white in the United States is usually based on ethnicity instead of skin color from a public perspective, though of course this varies some from person to person.
Notwithstanding such contrasts in appearance, comparisons of our DNA show that human populations are continuous, one blending into the next, like the spectrum of our skin coloring.
Now, in the 14 May issue of Science, Kobayashi and his colleagues report that the same gene has been mutated in white grapes by a bit of pushy DNA, resulting in loss of skin color.
But Tishkoff's team found that the story of skin color evolution isn't so black and white.
While the genetics of skin color is largely unknown, past research using zebrafish by Penn State College of Medicine's Keith Cheng, M.D., Ph.D., identified the gene in Europeans that differs from West Africans and contributes to a lighter skin color.
Click to view article: Studies of a skin color gene across global populations reveal shared origins
Though it will take further evidence to show this definitively, the McGill researchers» results imply that, even after the end of slavery, discrimination that varied with shades of skin color continued to influence the genetic history of African Americans.
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