Sentences with phrase «of small government»

Now he wants to bring that same brand of Republican politics to a statewide campaign, while still adhering to conservative principles of smaller government.
Even for a state that claims to be in favor of small government, it's still a significant economic driver.
But that is generally the party of small government and family values.
Since 2006 federal programs and services have been cut dramatically, simply to serve a conservative ideology of small government.
More importantly, it may simply be part of the narrative in support of a small government agenda.
Even for a state that claims to be in favor of small government, it's still a significant economic driver.
They have built a coalition of small government republicans and pro-choice democrats, none of whom understand what is really at stake.
But we can look at his proposed policies and existing political commentary, which shows that Trump is not a proponent of small government.
Vermont has a rare combination of small government that provides substantial services.
With regard to the challenge of improving Canada's long - term productivity growth, the government's response was to reduce the tax benefit of the Scientific Research and Experimental Tax credit and to reallocate the savings of only about $ 1 billion over five years to a number of small government programs, for which no details were provided.
Brands ignores it, though at one point he does announce the difference between «the genuine conservatism of small government and the pseudo-conservatism of «family values.»»
Demand a good government of competent and responsible people, instead of smaller government that will be incompetent and impotent!
We should go back to Jesus» teachings of small government and no universal healthcare.
Nevertheless, Buerkle said she is encouraged by how her message of smaller government and lower taxes has been received.
The rise of the Tea Party, the election of small government constitutional conservative office holders, such as Read more»
When we discuss the merits of smaller government, these are precisely the disasters we are trying to avoid.»
Funny notion of small government in Essex County Hall, that's for sure.
I am a moderate Republican, fiscally conservative; a fan of small government, accountability, self - empowerment, and sound science.
I also know of small government libraries which have been scanning other key documents — internal reports, administrative documents and internal policies, statutory consolidations, photos, maps — anything they can get their hands on.
Lorigo also claimed that his party applies its alleged principles of smaller government and lower taxes when picking candidates, but a 2012 Buffalo News profile of the party entitled, «Conservatives flock to the public payroll; Many party players hold jobs that rely on government's ability to tax and spend,» clearly outlines how the Lorigo machine uses its party endorsements simply to gain power and influence, not help the taxpayers of Erie County.
We have long believed that a party of smaller government, less bureaucracy and lower taxes is a winning party.»
Being in the early stages of a Conservative majority, they have an unparalleled opportunity to live up to their political philosophy of small government — yet seem to be letting it pass them by.
But why should Canadians accept this ideology of smaller government, and «the continuation of Canada's slow growth recovery for the next few years»?
At the same time, although Cameron is known for being a pragmatic rather than ideological leader, he is a unionist, a convinced advocate of fiscal conservatism, and a natural supporter of a smaller government.
An unusual coalition of small government conservatives and anti-testing progressives have joined with growing numbers of parents concerned with how test based accountability is consuming their children's education.
Mulvaney's track record as a foe of federal spending and deficits and proponent of smaller government will be directly relevant as President Trump's budget watchdog and disciplinarian.
Vermont has a rare combination of small government that provides substantial services.
To religious conservatives, he is a patriot, a thinking man's champion of the common folk sent to Congress — and perhaps to the White House — to disrupt the ways of the go - along - to - get - along establishment and fulfill the principles of smaller government.
Like her competitors she also offered a path seemingly contrary to the principle of smaller government, calling for increased numbers of caseworkers so that the City can effectively address the underlying causes of each homeless person's circumstances.
Similarly, the size of the federal government increased under George W. Bush — contrary to Republican talking points in favor of smaller government.
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