Sentences with phrase «of times per week»

In the winter I drink it almost every day, and a couple of times per week in the summer.
And the total amount of time per week would be less than 2.5 hours per week maximum.
A rental portfolio with 10 units may demand 5 hours of time per week and involve little risk.
Classes get taught in one long block of time per week, even in subjects in which that approach clearly doesn't make pedagogical sense.
Women in three of the groups were asked to exercise with a PT for varying periods of time per week.
My two - year - old still wakes up at night a couple of times per week.
Most dishes are vegetarian, however fish and eggs are served a number of times per week to provide protein.
We define a full curriculum as access to the four core subjects plus the arts and physical education each for a minimum amount of time per week.
I already run a couple of times per week so reckon that replacing a couple of runs with HIIT will be highly taxing but non-fatal.
I've been loving to apply it a couple of times per week in the evening: it's a nice and quick treatment (it only requires 5 to 10 minutes) but it's a refreshing a calming ritual.
You can leave it by it self for up till 3 weeks and if you want to keep it longer just stir it a couple of times per week till you want to use it, but don't keep it too long.
If you are willing to invest a few hours of your time per week for a few months to implement this program, you and your child will receive years of success and freedom from daily hassles.
You can enjoy them as a healthy snack or regular meal, but be sure to add them to your regular diet couple of times per week because they are pretty close to the perfect energy food that can enhance your overall vitality.
Because of the pain and vomiting associated with migraines, I am very fearful of reintroducing dairy to this degree (Currently I can eat cheese and plain Balkan yoghurt in reasonable amounts a couple of times per week without symptoms).
Our sample is also highly educated, mostly white, and spends a higher than average amount of time per week online (as compared to the 15.3 hours per week reported in the 2008 survey of The Center for the Digital Future).
Both California and Michigan teachers reported spending roughly the same amount of time per week on reading instruction.
Brush a couple of times per week with a firm bristle brush.
Setting specific daily and / or weekly goals are helpful too, like walking a mile a day, getting through an exercise routine 3 times per week, or taking yoga classes or hitting the gym a certain number of times per week.
When the weather gets a little chilly I tend to bake a pumpkin or squash a couple of times per week so that I have a mason jar of freshly baked pumpkin on hand at all times for fall recipes.
For college seniors, I'd recommend allotting a certain amount of time per week in the fall to understanding what you want out of a job, perfecting your resume and cover letter materials, and prepping for the job application process.
The amount of times per week that a consumer buys and consumes a snack outside of their home has grown substantially in the past couple of years from an average of 1.72 times in 2015 to 2.19 times in 2016.
Dr. Fuhrman's plan does allow fish a couple of times per week and this Baked Salmon with Roasted Vegetables accompanied by a salad and fresh fruit is a typical dinner.
It is very hard when a baby usually only wants Mom, but even if he can do an evening shift, or early morning a couple of times per week to give you a bit more sleep.
Then the right amount of sex is: -LSB-(the number of times per week you want to have sex times 3) + (the number of times per week your partner wants to have sex times 1)-RSB- divided by 4.
Certain types of fish like salmon and tilapia are great sources of omega - 3 fatty acids, and you can eat them a couple of times per week.
If you have only just started working out, only work out a couple of times per week, or are just a general fitness enthusiast but aren't putting yourself through intense training multiple times per week then deloading isn't just unnecessary in fact it can be counterproductive.
But maybe some HIIT a couple of times per week.
Like a couple of times per week.
Do this a couple of times per week, as a test.
I also walk at least a couple of times per week, either going for a family hike (typically fairly rigorous) or walking the mile uphill pushing my youngest in the stroller to pick my oldest up at school (and then the much slower walk back downhill returning home), which we try to do twice per week.
In order to engineer this kind of balance, there are two options: You can do full body workouts a couple of times per week, split workouts (one or two muscle groups per workout) or some form of high intensity interval training (HIIT).
For step 2 which is where I am at in my own journey, should it be a daily occurrence or a couple of times per week?
Considering all my old bad habits, I don't think a cup of white rice a couple of times per week is a big deal.
I love using a facial scrub a couple of times per week, especially during the winter when my skin gets super dried out and flakey.
«I never quite understood that there's a whole world out there that we should learn about,» said Palavicini, who graduated from Paragon in May and still volunteers at the school a couple of times per week.
If Junker has been obedience trained, work him a bit a couple of times per week.
So, it's fine to give your dog some scrambled eggs or eggs cooked some other way a couple of times per week.
Help your cat maintain oral hygiene by brushing its teeth a couple of times per week and get regular cleaning at the veterinarian.
Help your dog keep his teeth and gums healthy by brushing your dog's teeth daily or at least a couple of times per week.
It is also good to brush your dog's teeth at least a couple of times per week to maintain good oral health.
Shorthaired cats should be brushed weekly and long - haired cats should be brushed a couple of times per week.
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