Sentences with phrase «on areas of agreement»

But this does not mean that we should try for reform based on this area of agreement alone.
In such high value claims, the medical experts sometimes have to meet and prepare joint medical reports on their areas of agreement and disagreement.
Their thoughtful interactions have consistently shed light on the areas of agreement and disagreement between....
Though, I'm sure we will find once again that we agree far more than we disagree, and we can work together with diligence on those areas of agreement
This is based on the controversial policy of «constructive opposition» - cooperating with the Government on areas of agreement, like constitutional reform and, as announced last week, a common European foreign and security policy, and opposing it on others.
Some of the unresolved issues are highly contentious, so Kilpatrick sought input for the paper from a wide range of Lyme disease researchers and developed a consensus on areas of agreement.
Haunted by the Copenhagen summit, the host country Mexico tried to focus on areas of agreement instead of seeking an ambitious full treaty.
The goal of Collaborative Practice is to build a settlement on areas of agreement, not to perpetuate disagreement.
Our Protestant brethren in Christ do not share the Catholic Church's teaching on contraception, and people say that it's best to focus on areas of agreement.
After talks last week with GOP congressional leaders, Obama said, «I believe there's real common ground here, and my administration will be working to build on areas of agreement
Bart Strengers has summarized the posts, focusing on areas of agreement and disagreement.
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