Sentences with phrase «on certain foods»

Do taxes on certain foods really work to decrease obesity levels?
However, weight loss diets that focus on certain food groups and eliminate others can be unhealthy in the long run.
This session looks at the role of nutrition in milk production and existing research on certain foods as they relate to lactation.
Your child may go on a certain food «strike» where they refuse to eat a food or combination of foods.
Still, as the research evolves I'm convinced variety and paying attention to how your body feels on certain foods is more important than strict food rules.
Whatever the reason your puppy is feeding on a certain food brand it is important for you to know before you switch your puppy to a new food.
The programme provides guidelines for school canteens to follow, including restrictions on certain food including fried products, sweet treats, crisps and savoury snacks, which also apply to vending machines.
Reading up on certain food additives to watch out for, when scouring labels at the grocery store for bad ingredients is a good idea.
Yeast thrives on certain foods you eat, including sugar, vinegar (except for apple cider vinegar), alcohol, and simple carbohydrates.
Yes, there are many other nutrients that may or may not be shown on certain food labels, however, the ones discussed above are both the most common and most important nutrition facts listed.
I have basically forced her to eat them because I don't want her to not get the nutrition and I don't want her to learn that if she gags and makes hysterical faces she can pass on certain foods.
Also, be aware that certain destinations may have restrictions on certain foods on arrival due to agri - security concerns, so keep portion sizing in mind when it comes to things like fresh fruit!
In fact, it is more likely that putting a ban on certain foods will only make them more appealing to your child — especially once they hit their pre-teen years.
But it's worth a try if you want your little one to chow down on certain foods, right?
It also doesn't say squat about the literally hundreds of other things you could worry about (like kids with allergies and asthma getting their hands on certain foods, the host taking the kids in a car without a car seat, a backyard trampoline, alcohol / drugs left around the house, playing in the front yard abutting a very busy street, etc. etc. etc.) It's just meant to talk about your child's preparedness for being away from mom and dad.
It can also be helpful to leave the skins on certain foods (see below).
We're all guilty of stress - eating and binging on certain foods when we're bored or overwhelmed.
When we don't trust ourselves, we actually can become chemically or psychically dependent on certain food habits.
I had to admit these questions shed new light on certain food cravings of mine, especially around a certain time of the month!
Allergy testing based on certain food groups like grains, nuts, shellfish, fruits and vegetable types.
There's a ton of different reasons each diet group allows, restricts, or places other specific guidelines on certain foods or food groups.
As people have many different opinions on certain foods, it is not immediately apparent with some foods whether they truly fit the Paleo system.
As for what to try to avoid, Daniel pinpoints trans fats and unhealthy macronutrient combinations as the ones to watch out for - the latter being a key way that many brands get shoppers hooked on certain foods.
While only some of these fats may be listed on certain food labels, these indented nutrition facts are definitely important and should always be paid attention to.
When Lilly first started, she would gag on certain foods, but would always work it out.
Eating all day long Being on a certain food schedule like Ricardo.
A 2006 study for Diabetes Australia by Access Economics considered the economic viability of imposing fat taxes on certain foods to reduce the incidence of obesity in general and reached the following conclusions:
Reading up on certain food additives to watch out for, when scouring labels at the grocery store for dangerous ingredients is a good idea.
Murdoc's Take: The idea is that genetically we evolved to thrive on certain foods that were the primary source of the human diet prior to mass industrial farming and other changes to our food supply.
A great way to make yourself focus on a certain food is quit eating it.
«This meant cutting back on certain food, particularly meat but also alcohol.
If allergies run in your family or you're particularly concerned, however, it's best to consult with your child's doctor and consider holding off on certain foods, including some of those listed below, until age 2 or 3.
When it comes to the food - part, most people think burning fat is only about cutting back on certain foods and «dieting».
But did you know you could get more by simply cutting back on certain foods?
I still can't handle STRONG spice but I do love it on certain foods.
When you get to a certain vintage, a-hem, one tries a little harder to cut down on certain foods.
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