Sentences with phrase «on different skills»

Teachers and students can shift focus on different skills as needed, fluency, comprehension, or vocabulary.
Children can choose to work on different skills if they become frustrated with a particular area of practice.
Training can be broken into segments with emphasis on different skills throughout a week.
A 15 - year veteran said teachers at different points in their careers should be assessed on different skill sets.
Another option: Students may be given assignments focusing on different skills, based on their individual needs, to give them a chance to practice the skills each student needs most.
It is no secret that different industries place emphasis on different skills and qualifications.
What is important to note when reviewing models of maternity care is that each model relies on different skills, tools, language, underlying beliefs, interventions, and power relationships between patients and providers.
Here is a short rundown on the different Skill Lines a character has access to.
You can gain more abilities and extra boosts to Kat's powers by completing quests and spending gems on different skills.
These questions often begin with phrases like «Tell me about a time...» and «Can you share an example of...» and they focus on different skills for different jobs, such as time management, communication, adaptability, teamwork and protocol.
If you have not gathered much of experience in the professional field, stress primarily on the different skills (like easy communication, good negotiation, leadership abilities) that uphold your worth as an efficient restaurant manager.
She made it easy and fun to work on different skills with Indy!
Rewriting your CV for appropriate emphasis on different skill sets will sell your abilities relative to the type of position you are pursuing.
100 + slides and ideas If you are looking to build learners, this is a great PPT to work on different skills each day.
Policymakers, too, will need to be aware of how states» use of different test formats or emphasis on different skills may influence cross-state comparisons of gender gaps and funding decisions based on those results.
Each day will focus on a different skill set (trees, bumps, powder, terrain park etc) depending on what is best for the weather conditions of the day with a casual debrief / assessment of your newly - honed abilities at the end of the day!
Our professional British coaches will run practices with your children for an 8 week period focusing on a different skill each week, including passing with accuracy, shooting, 1v1's, ball control, fakes & moves and fun small sided games for only $ 80!
Babies all «work» on different skills and developmental milestones at different rates and times, and are impacted by stimulation in a different way.
In that way, the student can work on the same subject as other students, but on different skills.
In this all - too - common scenario, the reality is that these students need different things: they need to work on different skills, manage different strategies, and are prepared to handle still - rigorous, yet completely different content.
Each level focuses on different skills and experience, placing the most important front and center.
In a cover letter, your concentration should be on the different skills that you possess, and how you have used them in the past to excel in a company and contribute to its success.
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