Sentences with phrase «one's body size»

The distribution of body sizes of both individuals and species within fish communities is a central theme underlying the different aspects of my project.
They clearly took advantage of that opportunity, as we can see by their rapid increases in body size and ecological diversity.
As far as the scientists who conducted the study know, their work is the longest known time series on body size variation in butterflies.
However, whales of large body size likely arose multiple times in the evolution of sperm whales, and the majority of these large whales also had unusually large upper and lower teeth.
Between species, average brain size, when a corrective formula for body size is applied, is a fair indicator of relative intelligence.
Some of them are also associated with illnesses such as prostate cancer or characteristics such as small body size.
Moreover, the vast majority of the genes that have been associated with body size in the dog have been scientifically validated.
The team concludes that teeth probably didn't grow at the same rate as body size because males can successfully compete for females only in their prime.
SUVs and vans tend to have larger blind spots than sedans because of the increased body size.
This ever changing body size is another reason I found nursing bras and tops unnecessary.
There's a relationship between body size and illness, but there's no research out there to prove that being in a larger body leads to ill health.
You will NEVER maintain a good body size by diet alone, and it is ridiculous to think otherwise.
With the exception of a few modern breeds, dogs generally have a smaller overall body size than wolves.
Brain size is scaled to body size because a larger body requires a larger nervous system to service it.
You just get significantly less screen, despite having a phone with a very similar body size.
They have the same body size, and she has every right to compete.
Some people are particularly attracted to fat bodies, and others are attracted to lots of different body sizes and shapes.
The team are now investigating rates of evolution in these mammals, as well as looking at body size more specifically.
That is, children whose parents thought they were overweight perceived their own body size more negatively and were more likely to report attempts to lose weight.
Yes, age, genetics and body size do play a role in the speed of your metabolic rate.
Previous studies have suggested that temperature and, more specifically, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels influence body size more via an indirect impact on food availability and nutritional content.
Some tests report on traits like coat color or expected adult body size.
New evidence on how mammals body size corresponds to global warming has just been published.
Some of this is because our algorithm is based on the common genetic variants known to affect body size in multiple dog breeds.
The small body size makes it easy to maneuver whether it be around trees in the woods or other vehicles in a parking lot.
The team found that dinosaurs showed rapid rates of body size evolution shortly after their origins, around 220 million years ago.
You need to take a lot of factors into consideration like body size in order to calculate the upper carb limit and base your percentages off of that.
The genes that control body size have been easier to influence than the genes that influence tooth size.
With a great pregnancy pillow, you'll have total support for your new body size and shape.
The factors that determine how many calories your body burns in a day includes body size, gender, genetics and activity, with activity being the only one you can influence.
Before they were scanned, participants were also asked to identify their perceived actual and ideal body sizes based on a standard body image assessment tool.
This approach unveiled an evolutionary pressure in favor of young animals, which reach their maximum body size earlier.
The last time mammal communities looked like that and had a mean body size that small was after the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Body size also seems to have something to do with it.
This relationship held even when the researchers controlled for other factors that could be used to explain it — brain size, a child's body size relative to an adult's, etc..
In other words, there appears to be a decrease in overall body size within our lineage, rather than size simply staying the same or just getting bigger.
This study explains what causes hormones to become environmentally - sensitive and provides important clues on body size regulation.
Parents must know the correct clothing size of their toddler, just as they know their specific body size and type when buying clothes for themselves.
But knowing body size is a key component of understanding just how healthy a population of sharks is since the bigger (and therefore older and more well - fed) the better.
The move also meant screen sizes could increase and the displays themselves would make up a larger portion of the total body size.
Due to the popularity on body size preference, most guys find that they prefer big beautiful women other than skinny women.
This carrier can be adjusted to fit most body sizes in seconds.
Your overweight rabbit wasn't created overnight, and it will take time to return her to a healthy body size.
You tend to have the most common body size, and have trouble buying clothes during a sale 3.
The speed and degree of this transition depends largely on your normal body size, how much weight you gained during pregnancy, how active you are, and your genes.
When nutrient levels in the ocean were low, they appear to have kept body sizes small.
That suggests that the size difference between spiders — rather than body size alone — may be the best predictor of whether two males end up in combat.
Smaller body size tends to mean a shorter lifespan and a shorter generation time.
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