Sentences with phrase «one's brainwashing»

It results from the combination of brainwashing by one parent against the other parent and the child's own contributions to the disparagement of that parent.
Furthermore, these people do not respect anyone who does not believe the way they do, and are dedicated to the goal of brainwashing others into accepting their falsehoods.
Wallyworld has most people brainwashed into thinking they are the cheapest priced store.
I think many fundamentalist have been using religion as their source of tax free income by brainwashing people and then emptying their wallets.
These boys are just so brainwashed with soap and shampoo....
These people have become so brainwashed by the media that all their failures are due having a shitty metabolism and that it's «not their fault» that they can't lose weight.
I wasn't brainwashed into believing anything.
In truth it is probably a mixture of brainwashing from a partisan media, a nagging uncertainty about the future ownership of our club and the result of a diet of success that was far too rich for our own good for several years.
Like this, Mr. Brainwash got in contact with the street art scene and started to create art himself.
Someone who is brainwashed does so in spite of the evidence, and even shuts down (or should I say «shouts down») anybody who raises questions that might challenge their convictions.
Like brainwashed cult victims, they merely respond to the misinformation they are exposed to.
Info, you are a typical Bible - illiterate who got brainwashed by wrong statistics.
you are truly representative of the intolerant literal - minded brainwashed cult of Christianity.
Do you have cognitive problems or you're just brainwashed by corporatism?
On the other hand, the Media Research Center recently accused Hollywood of brainwashing kids against the oil business in «The Muppets» movie.
Might as well ask what would Hitler or Stalin think (Nazism, Communism and religion are very similar dogma that are based on brainwashing their subjects to turn them into robot - like zombies).
But Christians compare and contrast a Biblical truth (how one brings up a child) with a quote from an evil man who brainwashed millions in Germany to follow an evil path of destruction and we are doing something evil.
what utter and hopelessly brainwashed fools they are.
Having said that, they really need to stfu about gaming, they are always way off on it, and as a result it only fuels their reputation among the young brainwashed masses as a BS news source.
Mission brainwash fans into thinking mediocre is good enough has been completed.
Just shows how brainwashed people have become, or just how biblical illiterate they have become.
Crazy nut jobs like you have been saying that for centuries because your cult is so good at brainwashing idiots like you.
We have become brainwashed into thinking cooking real food costs too much, is too hard, and takes too long, so we rely on «inexpensive» convenience foods that ultimately take a toll on our wallets and our health.
Children will see these and their yet non-fully brainwashed minds will begin to question.
His adversaries turn out to be a cabal of wealthy women who are brainwashing others through the hairdryers in beauty salons.
Only to be repeated in this day in age by brainwashed followers of a church that has never even taught a real sermon in their lives.
Orthodox Jews - 12.5 million lost «souls» still suffering from childhood brainwashing via the myths of the OT / Torah and causing havoc in the process.
They were also described as using brainwashing techniques such as repetition of negative statements about the targeted parents and black / white thinking.
Documentary revealing the shocking life of notorious cult leader Warren Jeffs, and the FLDS Church, who through brainwashing and abuse seized control of his followers» lives and an organization worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
Stop being a media brainwashed twat and analyse the rumors and do your research before spouting off your mouth.
The media also brainwashes many people into thinking that we only deserve to eat certain foods when we've had a difficult workout, or that by eating a piece of cake or extra at dinner we need to exercise more for it.
Showing that alot of religious people (who some atheists would call brainwashed idiots) are nice and charitable people who just happen to identify with a religion.»
After brainwashed Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) almost choked her to death, bruised and battered Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) is recovering.
``... it absolutely terrified how religion brainwashes young children.»
or is all science's considered an atheist brainwashing tool?
i think Jesus did say brainwash when they are young and they are sheep forever.
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