Sentences with phrase «one's children in public schools»

The meetings are open to the public, especially to any and all parents with children in the public school system.
The meetings are open to the public, especially any and all parents with children in the public school system.
As one knows, this is a major differentiating factor for independent schools; why wouldn't it be a valid proposition for children in public schools as well?
He has served children in public schools as a teacher, administrator and superintendent.
She also is active in the local Democratic party and has young children in the public schools.
The higher share of learning disabled children in public schools also may be evidence of mere parental choice.
Critical discussions about transportation are being held but how many parents of school aged children in public school districts are in the rooms for the discussions?
Long - term effects of an early childhood intervention on educational achievement and juvenile arrest: A 15 - year follow - up of low - income children in public schools.
It would be the states and local governments that would not be spending to educate as many children in public schools.
On the first issue, more specifically, have changes over time in housing and school attendance patterns reduced the isolation of black children in the public schools?
Second, the current formulas also benefit states with more children in each household, whether or not the states serve more children in their public schools.
And that children in public schools gather in the classroom for prayer.
Public - school parents, however, were more positive than either private - school parents or those without children in public schools, with one - third saying the schools have improved.
The results revealed that parents with children in public school believe that the caring, faith - based environment of a Catholic school holds special promise for a student with special needs.
One out of five children in public schools today has mental health difficulties that could be helped with support and early intervention.
Last year, nearly 60 percent of Black families with kindergarten - aged children in public schools chose a school, including the 9 percent who lived in all - choice districts.
Since most voters do not have kids in the public school system, parents with children in public schools need political allies.
She enrolled her three children in the public school system at a brand new school and says she watched as they grew bored because the curriculum wasn't stimulating enough to help them learn.
But the cuts also target education in major ways that should alarm the public, especially working families with children in public schools.
Fifty - one percent of children in public schools live in low - income households, and when poverty levels exceed 50 percent, there's a significant drop in academic performance across all grade levels.
What should be your and is my business is when a radical pink triangle rainbow collation tries to teach children in our public schools that deviant behavior is normal.
Well this fool HeavenSent (I shouldn't say that — poor thing drank something that's made her brain rotten), but anyway she wrote:» It goes to trying to force your cult's brainwashing on children in public schools
As children in public school in Wake and Durham counties and the Chapel - Hill - Carrboro system head for their first day of school, parents can help ease their anxieties with simple steps.
Again, forcing children in a public school to sing Christmas carols is illegal.
Segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimental effect upon the colored children.
Linda Banta, a Larchmont resident with two children in public schools who joined a rally against the regulation on July 29 held by state Senate candidate Julie Killian and congressional candidate Phil Oliva, both Republicans, said, «It's alarming that the federal government announced something in the middle of summer that could so adversely affect our schools and economy.»
Voters with children in public schools disapprove of the appointment 62 - 25 percent and say 63 - 21 percent that Black does not have the right experience.
«Upon receiving my Masters, I want to teach underprivileged children in public schools about the wonders of innovative technology,» writes Zaida Mejia.
For example, low - income children who are homeschooled often reach or exceed national academic averages, whereas the average low - income children in public schools score «considerably below» the national norm.
Most parents with children in public schools do not support recent changes in education policy, from closing low - performing schools to shifting public dollars to charter schools to private school vouchers, according to a new poll to be released Monday by the American Federation of Teachers.
In the case of «Lifeboat» he calls out the warning about something that was being taught to many of our grade school children in public schools around the country, namely, values clarification.
We forgo vacations to places like Mexico, Hawaii, etc (places where many of our friends with children in public school go each and every year routinely).
Bottom line is this, keep it out of the public square; learn to respect others beliefs / disbeliefs; stop trying to tell LGBT they are wrong; stop trying to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies; stop trying to push bogus creationism crap (backed with zero evidence) on innocent children in the public school system; just stop pushing it outside your home or church.
In each case, the issue was compulsory performance of a flag salute by children in public schools, a sign of patriotic loyalty to the nation that implied obligations to defend it.
go on and on about the lunches we serve out children in the public schools.
Amid a flurry of cabinet appointments and immigration policies, the Trump administration has announced one thing it will not do: pursue policies that protect transgender children in public schools.
At issue in New York City Board of Education v. Tom F. was whether parents must enroll their disabled children in public schools before being eligible for placement in a private program.
In the mid-20th century, most children in public schools were exposed to the arts through weekly classes taught by specialists in music and visual arts.
We come then to the question presented: Does segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other «tangible» factors may be equal, deprive the children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities?
The ABCs of ALEC's education push is about anything but children in public schools.
He left the audience with food for thought by suggestion that Congress needs to «stop treating children in public schools like somebody else's children, and treat them like America's children.»
... Few ardent supporters of public education really understand what it takes to provide high - quality learning opportunities for children in a public school classroom, and for that reason few are aware of the vast chasm between public school systems that are well provisioned to do so and those that aren't.
He believes children whose parents used tax dollars to pay for private schools outperform children in public schools.
Plyler is the sole U.S. Supreme Court case dealing with the rights of undocumented children in public schools.
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