Sentences with phrase «one's emigration»

Apart from this ecclesiastical relationship, there were at least two important waves of emigration of groups of Persian Christians to South India, one in the fourth century and the other in the ninth century, which reinforced and strengthened the existing St. Thomas Christian community.
To avoid late - filing penalties, this form must be filed on or before your filing due date for the year of emigration from Canada.
Young snow leopards showed a high probability of temporary emigration and immigration (0.6, SE + − 0.19 and 0.68, SE + − 0.32 before and after the age of 2 years) though not the adults (0.02 SE + − 0.07).
Responding to a question from one of the delegates at the event — asking if there was a way of incentivising highly skilled people to remain in the UK — Daniel revealed that, in the last year, the UK has seen a 59 % increase in emigration from the «EU Eight», that is, the former Communist countries that are now members of the EU.
They were an important and authentic source of information about America for families and local communities in Germany who were experiencing the effects of mass emigration from the «home» end.
CVs for emigration purposes are normally much more detailed as well; the career summary alone can take up as many as six pages.
Several historians have suggested that the most important mode of entrance had been by emigration of Christians from Persia at the time of persecution, particularly in the latter part of the reign of Shapur II (310 - 379) who persecuted the Christians severely from AD 339 onwards.
It also warned of mass emigration as 200 million people could be made homeless due to flooding.
A native of Hanover, Germany, with a Ph.D. from Heidelberg, she fled the Nazis in 1933, worked for Jewish emigration in France, came to the United States in 1941, and became an American citizen in 1951.
A series of wars in Mexico led to large - scale emigration into northern Belize.
Launched in April 2012 by the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs for 5 million overseas Indian workers holding Emigration Clearance Required (ECR) category passports, this scheme is known as Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Suraksha Yojana and Bank of Baroda is responsible for facilitating it.
The Immigration Act 1922 was replaced through the promulgation of a new Emigration Ordinance 1982.
In short, the association with emigration was negative; a person «in good standing» did not emigrate.
EPIC: The Irish Emigration Museum is a Dublin highlight.
For a Nazi who believed that Germany's only hope lay in the forced emigration of the Jews, these could seem like shining examples.
One possible explanation is «that a larger proportion of sub-Saharan Africa immigrants will have been exposed to deleterious psychosocial adversities before emigration, irrespective of refugee status,» suggest the authors.
For many ukrainian ladies emigration abroad is connected with a dream about a «beautiful life...» There is no difference if they leave because of a great love or just they want to leave.
Such an increase in rare variation is presumably due to a high birth rate of the settlers and the genetic isolation from France, with limited exchange with other non-French communities in the same geographical area, since emigration virtually stopped after 1759, just before the English conquest.
The challenge for the average Greenlander to survive drove «a constant emigration» back to Iceland and Europe, Fitzhugh hypothesizes, «which could bring the Eastern [Settlement] to a close peacefully, without starvation or death by Inuit.»
Its arrival in Europe in the mid 19th century caused the big Irish famine, which was followed by a massive emigration wave.
Another striking finding is the apparent effect of European emigration and the West African slave trade on the spread of leprosy.
From the late»70s to the early»80s, the Dardennes made such films as Le Chant du Rossignol (1978), about the Nazi Resistance in Belgium's southern Walloon region, and Leçons d'une Université Volante (1981), about emigration from Poland, for Belgian television.
2013 Tribute to Errors and Leftovers, Performa 13, New York, US BRITISH BRITISH POLISH POLISH, Center of Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, PL Migrations Creations, Emigration Museum, Tricity, PL A Few Practical Ways to Prolong One's Life, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL
Whilst being loosely affiliated to the movement and evolving in New York artistic circles with fellow artists and friends Francesco Clemente, Shirin Neshat, Alessandro and Cy Twombly, the experience of emigration led Derakshani to reconnect with his Iranian roots.
The policy offers coverage to those emigrants who have bought this policy before leaving India and whose passport bears «Emigration Check Required».
«Migration decisions, like all livelihood decisions, are about much more than material quality of life,» argues geographer Edward Carr of the University of South Carolina, who studies human migration in countries such as Ghana and was not involved in the Mexico emigration research.
Much of the population have European descendants as in the 19th and 20th Century emigration was high and Halifax was the entry point for immigration to Canada from Europe.
The task of rhetoric is to divert attention from the fact that the financial sector aims not to «free» markets, but to place control in the hands of financial managers — whose logic is to subject economies to austerity and even depression, sell off public land and enterprises, suffer emigration and reduce living standards in the face of a sharply increasing concentration of wealth at the top of the economic pyramid.
By: Kimberley Smuts 20th January 2017 Zimbabwe, a country which is facing a food security disaster, high levels of unemployment, skilled and semiskilled emigration and a cash - starved economy, having issued its own bond notes in November to solve its liquidity crisis, is leading Africa in lithium production.
Analysts predict that this trend will keep growing and pensioner emigration...
Instead of Western politicians asking how to reverse their decline, they insist that «There is No Alternative» (TINA) but to pay the debts that were run up or suffering more foreclosures, unemployment and even emigration — even at the cost of imposing chronic depression.
Major rescue networks were centered in Genoa under the leadership of the Jesuit Cardinal Pietro Boetto, who worked closely with the Jewish emigration agency DELASEM, and in Milan under the leadership of a Jesuit priest who served as Cardinal Schuster's head of the office of religious assistance.
During this time Egypt continued to be a center for continuing cultural and commercial emigrations from neighboring Arab countries as well as a crossroads for the infiltration of Western culture — an infiltration which remained within the bounds imposed by the desire to maintain the Arabic and Islamic character of the culture of Egypt.
An internal June 1934 SS position paper urged active and wide - ranging support for Zionism by the government and the Party as the best way to encourage emigration of Germany's Jews to Palestine.»
He made this move, known as the Hijara, which means emigration and breaking the bonds of kinship, in 622, a date which was to become the first year of the Muslim calendar.
Here and there one finds people doing honest scholarly work, but most of them are in a position of «inner emigration» within their professions.
The book concludes by suggesting that abstraction was «an art of inward emigration, which refuses to face up to the critical issues of the day and has nothing of any consequence to say.
Then many of us who had not done so before began to contemplate emigration.
In some families this prejudice against emigration in any form went back to emigrants after the political upheavals of 1815 and 1848, to the very scions of «our crowd» in this country.
Even before that, in May the Soviets and the British accepted friendship and trade agreements with Germany; Germany was recognized by the League of Nations; and in August 1933, one month before the concordat was ratified, Palestinian Jews signed the Haavara emigration agreement with Germany.
As emigration restrictions softened in the late»80s, a huge influx of my Soviet relatives made their way to Chicago, where we lived.
As soon as the crash happened, emigration reared its ugly head.
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