Sentences with phrase «one's logical conclusion»

The only logical conclusion given a lack of supporting evidence is that something must not exist?
See, marketers need to make decisions based on fact, drawing logical conclusions from what they see in the data.
The students need to draw logical conclusions in development and implementation of business's growth opportunities while presenting effective arguments in their view's support.
Cognitive abilities refer to your capability to make logical conclusions from given information, make decisions, and process information.
Even little children are able to come to logical conclusions if given the chance to interact freely.
It is a more logical conclusion based on the facts.
In other terms, it is the application of math and statistics to study and analyse the biological data to derive logical conclusions from it.
One suspects that you have difficulty «wrapping your head around» even fairly obvious logical conclusions.
So we have the surprising logical conclusion that GHGs should actually facilitate atmospheric cooling by permitting upward radiation which could not otherwise occur.
Were that the case, the only logical conclusion would be to own an index fund and use cash or debt to adjust the risk level to personal preferences.
The data and information needed to draw logical conclusions in this area has just never been loaded into their brains.
In other words, no matter what results you obtained during the course of research, you have to sum them up and make logical conclusion based on that information.
They have no choice but to take the evidence before them and draw logical conclusions based upon them to reach a conclusion as to what probably happened.
Or possibly, and more logical conclusion, is that something highly dramatic must have occurred.
Its a very logical conclusion your not going to convince the world that global warming is any different from what any other planet experiences during climate change.
Critical Thinking Skills: They are able to reach logical conclusions from the results of tests and interviews administered
It seems the only logical conclusion for Chasson's is there is no conclusion (at least not one which the artist is about to give us) and that these images serve merely as semiotics for which any interpretation is possible.
Last, logistics and literary - critical evidence gives great credence that the most logical conclusion about the Biblical claims concerning Jesus are that they are all in fact true.
Conduct investigations to arrive at logical conclusions as to the identities of fraud perpetrators and the strategies they employed
Structure should be correct including three major parts, subparts, transitional words and sentences, thesis placed in introduction, logical conclusions without summarizing, etc..
Without even quite basic information about what took place, we were left to follow logical conclusions - that a former Russian agent of the type Vladimir Putin is on record saying he'd like to get was attacked using a method previously adopted in Russian operations.
I suspect this is why this new breed of rigid Calvinism that follows the «five points» to their most logical conclusion, without regard to the moral implications of them, has flourished in the past twenty years.
«Super Mario 3D World» also borrows the overworld map concept from «Super Mario World» (the SNES game) and evolves it to its next logical conclusion: as an explorable world unto itself, full of secrets.
That would be a perfectly logical conclusion if the general populace were perfectly logical.
and draw logical conclusions concerning the way our climate works in conjunction with the Sun and the Earth's Ocean.
So the only logical conclusion here is... quadrazid is fast, Vic is slow.
«Very few, if any, of us are wholly rational, that capacity compromised by mental shortcuts and biases - many subconscious - that impede the faculty of reasoning through to purely logical conclusions.
In conjunction with this Mozart effect, or perhaps as a seemingly logical conclusion from it, was born the theory that listening to classical music somehow makes you smarter and that making your infant child listen to it will also help in developing the child's brain faster and better.
These moments have an actual purpose of propelling the story forward to a hopefully logical conclusion.
Apply the same logic to the gargantuan size of the asset - backed market it has insured in recent years — subprimes and CDOs in the trillions of dollars — and you must come to the same logical conclusion: this is absurd.
In a way, all Google did was get to that now - logical conclusion before anyone else.
I remember sermons in my boyhood whose logical conclusion would be that Socrates and Plato, Moses and Jeremiah, Buddha and Confucius, were all in hell.
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