Sentences with phrase «one's opposing views»

I honestly enjoy talking with people of opposing views... I would hope that is obvious.
This is usual sparked by a simple business disagreement — two people with opposing views on how to proceed with the work at hand.
Since when is it a bad idea for people with opposing views on an issue to sit down and understand each other?
But those who take opposing views also count themselves as agents of liberation.
They often hold opposing views on topics such as fundamental rights — especially women's rights — and ideal types of governments, etc..
Their express purpose in presenting opposing view points is an attempt to sway public opinion.
Experts and the government have expressed concern over the ongoing divide — with opposing views as to how it can be closed.
From this point, there are two paths that lead to completely opposing views of time.
Meanwhile the humans also have opposing views about engaging in combat.
Two new books offer opposing views on college affordability and the student debt crisis.
You will most likely find forum members who agree with the article contributors, as well as forum members who strongly oppose the views and ideas expressed in the articles.
Because we're likely to hear opposing views depending on who we ask, we must prepare ourselves to often feel confused and overwhelmed as we navigate in such murky waters.
Do some research, there are many opposing views.
What I don't understand is why theological bloggers, conservative or liberal, have an innate «need» to address what others with opposing views say.
Create a safe environment in which people aren't afraid to bring up issues, voice opposing views or make mistakes.
Most responsible media will readily publish opposing views for the consideration of their readership.
Conflict resolution usually involves two or more groups with opposing views regarding specific issues, and another group or individual who is considered to be neutral in their opinion on the subject.
He had strong and vocal opposing views from mine when it came to politics.
I gave up with discourse with opposing views after almost 50 years.
These differences can also help people understand, respect and accept opposing views and cultures.
Finding a name that satisfies each criteria can be tricky and usually requires research and discussion between parties of opposing views.
If you can't take opposing views to your comments, then don't post.
Most of the couples we interviewed actually had varying attitudes, opinions, and belief systems; and even held opposing views on major areas in some cases.
The justification for such a bad law was there were a limited amount news channel and that public had right to hear opposing views.
Although these two have completely opposing views on crime and punishment, a successful partnership is born.
Two Christian conferences arranged by those with opposing views on sexuality have been held within a...
Personalities play that function - if John Prescott and Paddy Ashdown are taking diametrically opposed views of the issue on the TV news, you may well already have an underlying view about whose arguments you will find persuasive.
At least try to demonstrate respect for opposing views instead of caustically dismissing them for cheap and divisive political effect.
So when it's time for leaders to make the case for, say, budget increases, they have no credible vehicle through which to explain their rationale to the broader public, beyond their own communication outlets, and no independent third party to present opposing views in a fair manner.
I think we need to listen to more apparently «heretical» views because I personally believe that much of what is popularly held as true is in fact false and needs to be challenged by opposing views.
About Blog This blog will focus on recent developments and provide links to reports that provide opposing views on concerns that are being raised.
C.J., Brampton, Fletcher J.P.) involving a contested hearing where the Crown Prosecutor and Defence presented opposing views to the court, the court sentenced two company directors to 25 days in jail each.
Diplomats will try to paper over the stalemate between opposing views with a lot of words and idyllic aspirations, but no one will really be fooled.
The two units predominantly comprised of men with opposing views over whether Ireland should receive self - governance from London.
Jeremy, and others writing here, this is so dead on as to how the Church should dialog in its debate against opposing views.
Some members have a tendency when listening to scientists giving opposing views at congresssional hearings to say something like «good, let's hear the evidence, let's examine both sides of the debate, and decide for ourselves.»
The abortion issue exists because there are folks who OPPOSE your view of abortion and so the viewpoint of your ilk is in dispute.
Can we be too rigid or sensitive to how someone expresses opposing view points or concepts, that we constrain open communication and sharing?
They're both insulting, conspiratorial, don't allow opposing views, and have about the same understanding of climate science.
Bostic incorporates the jazzy tunes dominant in a lot of Lee's films with classical music to create a score that playfully externalizes opposing views created by racial and political tensions.
Having said that, anyone wishing to promote forced weaning, sleep training, routine infant circumcision, spanking, or any parenting method which contributes to detachment between child and parent should be prepared for strong opposing views.)
They represent neighboring congressional districts but Republican Chris Collins and Democrat Brian Higgins have diametrically opposing views when it comes to the tax reform plan currently heading to reconciliation.
Hanna references e-mails from climate change scientists that highlighted disagreements among the academics, and accuses them of engaging in an «active conspiracy» to suppress opposing views.
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