Sentences with phrase «one's progenitors»

By the 1970s researchers had recognized another type of progenitor cell in the adult bone marrow, which they named the mesenchymal stem cell.
At one end of the neuroepithelium, a region developed that was positive for markers of progenitors of granule and deep cerebellar nuclei projection neurons and negative for Purkinje - cell markers, and whose origins could be traced to the rhombic lip zone of the cerebellar plate.
Regnell CE, Hildrestrand GA, Sejersted Y, Medin T, Moldestad O, Rolseth V, Krokeide SZ, Suganthan R, Luna L, Bjørås M, Bergersen LH (2012) Hippocampal adult neurogenesis is maintained by Neil3 - dependent repair of oxidative DNA lesions in neural progenitor cells Cell Rep, 2 (3), 503 - 10 PubMed 22959434
The researchers also found that another population known as progenitor cells — differentiated daughter cells of stem cells — started to behave like stem cells: They began to live much longer than their usual lifespan of a few days, and they could also generate mini-intestines when grown outside of the body.
Researchers from the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) of the University of Luxembourg and an international team have now identified an ingenious mechanism by which the body orchestrates the regeneration of red and white blood cells from progenitor cells.
MicroRNA - 195 regulates proliferation, migration, angiogenesis and autophagy of endothelial progenitor cells by targeting GABARAPL1.
According to theorists like Volker Bromm of the University of Texas at Austin, the iron - poor, nitrogen - rich second - gen stars come from one specific class of progenitor stars with 10 to 100 times the mass of the sun.
«This proof - of - principle study highlights the possibility to generate many specialized neural progenitors for specific neurological disorders.»
The Company's lead product is based on the production of pancreatic progenitors derived from human pluripotent stem cells.
This not only expanded the size of the basal progenitor population in a way somewhat reminiscent to what is seen in large - brained animals.
A detailed comparison of gene expression signatures between ETP ALL tumors and and normal human hematopoietic progenitor cells revealed a somewhat surprising finding: ETP - ALL expression patterns were less consistent with early T - cell precursors, as might have been expected, but more similar to the expression profile of normal hematopoietic stem cells and granulocyte macrophage precursors.
Dr. Gabriel Ferguson, a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Dr. Martinez - Agosto and first author of the study, built upon the lab's previous research that utilized the blood system of the fruit fly species Drosophila, showing that a specific set of signals must be received by progenitor cells to activate their differentiation into cells that can work to fight infection after injury.
Although both cell types come from cells known as myeloid progenitors, each type relies on its own set of functionally active genes to carry out its particular role in fighting infection.
Encouragingly, a population of cardiac progenitor cells derived from endogenous cardiospheres (eCS) can differentiate into cardiomyocytes in vivo [1, 2] and may represent an enhanced stem cell strategy for myocardial regeneration.
The scope of research in the Center also includes approaches to salvage damaged heart tissue with progenitor cells and how angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels) can be manipulated to restore blood flow to damaged heart tissue.
OPC - 1 is an oligodendrocyte progenitor population derived from human embryonic stem cells and has previously been shown to be safe in patients with neurologically complete, thoracic spinal cord injury in a dose of 2 million cells.
Lamba D., Karl M.O. and T. Reh Efficient Generation of Retinal Progenitor Cells from Human Embryonic Stem Cells.
But there are also neural stem cells as well as early progenitors that have this plasticity in most of the other systems of the body.
As stem cells continue their gradual transition from the lab to the clinic, a research group at the University of Wisconsin - Madison has discovered a new way to make large concentrations of skeletal muscle cells and muscle progenitors from human stem cells.
Further testing of this culture method on kidney progenitor cells derived from human iPS cells resulted in four times the total amount of cells over 8 days.
The astronomers selected the Milky Way - like progenitors by sifting through more than 24,000 galaxies in the entire catalogs of the Cosmic Assembly Near - infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS), taken with Hubble, and the FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey (ZFOURGE), made with the Magellan telescope.
HTT modulates mitotic spindle orientation and cell fate in mouse cortical progenitors from the ventricular zone.
To further investigate these differences, they have more recently grafted fluorescently labeled human glial progenitors into the brains of newborn mice and examined the animals when they reached adulthood.
Delayed cell injection of allogenic mesenchymal progenitor cells for bone regeneration in an ovine critical - sized segmental tibial bone defect.
When Busch turned on the marker in adult animals, it became visible that at least one third (approximately 5000 cells) of a mouse's hematopoietic stem cells produce differentiated progenitor cells.
Will the same safety profile and functionality occur with other progenitors generated and transplanted using this strategy?
The updated 2016 Acura ILX remains based on the Honda Civic; but thanks to a long list of changes for the new model year, Acura puts more distance between the ILX entry - luxury sedan and its far more common progenitor.
Ribozymes developed in our research program have been developed to target HIV and these have been inserted into human blood progenitor cells via a retroviral vector as part of a gene therapy program for the treatment of HIV infection.
Seldon's San Francisco - based company, Finless Foods, is using cellular agriculture to grow fish in a lab, using progenitor cells taken from a small piece of fish meat.
S.M.P. is a consultant for Progenitor Life Sciences and Ataxion Pharmaceuticals.
Manuel Eguren has analysed the biological consequences of Cdh1 elimination in rapidly dividing cells, as part of his doctoral research project in Malumbres's group; he focused on progenitors from the nervous system during embryonic development in mice.
I have spent many years studying 2q23.1 deletion and duplication syndrome through genotype - phenotype, neural progenitor stem cells, and RNA - seq studies.
Jifeng Fei (Huttner, MPG)-- «Studies on the progeny of neuronal progenitors in the developing mouse brain using novel transgenic models of the tis21 locus» (2008)
The muscle progenitors generated with Suzuki's new method could potentially play a similar role but with enhanced effect.
Institute director Catherine Verfaille and her team pulled multipotent adult progenitor cells, referred to as MAPCs (and pronounced map - seas), from the bone marrow of mice and rats.
But the visual experiments with language made by such progenitors of the genre as Augusto de Campos, Eugen Gomringer, and Emmett Williams nevertheless filtered out into the art world, where, perhaps to Kosuth's dismay, they firmly took root.
This block is caused by mutations of the gene encoding the γc cytokine receptor subunit of interleukin - 2, -4, -7, -9, and -15 receptors, which participates in the delivery of growth, survival, and differentiation signals to early lymphoid progenitors.
This was followed by postdoctoral work at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, California, in which Dr. Da Sacco focused his research on the differentiation of the previously identified renal progenitors into podocyte - like cells.
This acquisition can be divided into several interdependent and sequential phases, from the time point when progenitor cells exit the cell cycle toward the newly formed and perfectly differentiated neuron.
The authors hypothesize that in addition to these functions, epigenetic alterations may also serve as a common trigger through which susceptible and genetically predisposed stem cells become cancer progenitor cells.
Their studies revealed that a subset of normal breast precursor cells, called luminal progenitors, have dangerously short telomeres and display a correspondingly high level DNA damage response localized at their chromosome ends.
Siva V comments, «This work, primarily driven by Massimo Nichane and team, demonstrated that a single respiratory cell type — Sox9 + progenitors of lung — can be used to regenerate the lungs and can be propagated in vitro using defined culture conditions.
Identification of several lineage - committed progenitor populations in the bone marrow or spleen supports this model.
In the current study, the researchers hoped that by grafting inhibitory neuron progenitors into the hippocampus of aged apoE4 mice, they would be able to combat these effects, replacing the lost cells and restoring normal function to the area.
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