Sentences with phrase «one's questioners»

A question begging for my attention right now: How does one find / create a community of questioners in which to participate in, reflect with, and grow from?
The George W. Bush appointee isn't merely an outspoken critic of affirmative action today — he was among the most hostile questioners in Fisher and a virtual lock to vote against Texas» admissions policy — but also was part of a conservative alumni group at Princeton that was sharply critical of such policies 40 years ago, when Sotomayor was attending classes there.
That said, there was one questioner who asked about about offering floating rate and long duration debt, and she gave him a complete but noncommittal answer, much as he received from Treasury officials at another time.
Roles such as questioner and researcher — unlike timekeeper — have specific tasks, are vital to the group, and are dependent on each other for the group to succeed.
sites, seem to be gaining patience with questioners like me and seem to be more tolerant of the obtuse views (for proof of this check out Tamino's blog, where he and others spent a lot of bandwidth trying to help a certain individual even though this person was very obtuse at times).
Looking nervous at the beginning, Miliband stepped down from the podium towards the audience and tried to address questioners by name.
asked the first student questioner at the end of my lecture.
But things started going south when questioners started talking about President Donald Trump.
We worry about those who do not fit in, we are uneasy about questioners and doubters, we feel that there needs to be more order» and regularity.
There was a bit of inter-journalist friction as the initial questioner did not willingly yield the floor.
That's what one curious questioner wanted to know on Q&A site Quora.
But the answer / questioner knew that before posting both the question, and then the answer to his / her own question, and choosing his / her own answer as the «best.»
«You have made a cogent and reasoned presentation, Mr. Smith,» one of the first questioners told me, his voice rising in anger as he spoke.
Act naturally: Questioners need to become acquainted with the kind of individual they are considering procuring for the occupation and how they are going to follow up on a normal premise.
My three postmodern questioners among the students at Charles University» the fundamentalist, the syncretist, and the deconstructionist» each in his own way represents a portion of post-Communist Czech society.
He evidences irritation when repeatedly asked about his position on abortion, and refers questioners back to his by - now tired and unconvincing 1984 speech at Notre Dame.
I tend to find that any such questioner, who usually also displays a somewhat disdainful tone towards the weakness of late chronotypes, is an early type — someone who has never experienced the problems associated with the [desynchronized] sleep - wake behavior of late chronotypes.
If the Telegraph article is correct in suggesting that immigration is once again a major issue, then might I suggest, as I have done in the past, that the topic be defused by asking any hostile questioner about tory policy:
Despite provocation from a panel of questioners seeking to liven things up, the candidates generally failed to take the bait.
What we have all known for years is that kids always seem to know the latest — somehow, they absorb it through their skin — so if a desperate parent asks what's good to read, you might suggest a little «the birds and the bytes» session with their children, with the roles of wise guide and curious questioner reversed.
Reassure your children that you will do the majority of telling and that they can refer questioners to you.
As original questioner JD Lasica put it on his own site:
Syracuse, NY — New York Education Commissioner faced 20 questioners during a 90 - minute forum at WCNY - TV headquarters during a live broadcast and webcast tonight.
Those types of questioners never stop asking for more, whereas the proactive problem - solver will take the advice and run with it.
«I object to your partiality to Christianity,» said a second questioner.
Al - Maarij sura 70: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful A questioner questioned concerning the doom about to fall (1) Upon the disbelievers, which none can repel, (2) From Allah, Lord of the Ascending Stairways (3)(Whereby) the angels and the Spirit ascend unto Him in a Day whereof the span is fifty thousand years.
And our first questioner today will be Hamzah Mazari with Macquarie.
The next questioner was Joseph Spak of RBC Capital Markets, who asked about Model 3 orders.
Roughly 5 percent of the time, for example, student questioners slip up and scold Alex with a «No!»
Just by making sure my child's arm strength was good, (through normal play and climbing on the jungle gym etc.), I knew he could support his own weight on a regular toilet seat; no problem at all, never fell in or anything His daycare also has the same situation as the original questioner starting at around 2 yrs old.
Try acknowledging previous questioners in your answers by saying things like, «As Bob mentioned earlier, getting the whole team involved is really vital» or «As we agreed before, XY is vital for sales.»
He has both debate analysis and practical advice for future questioners.
Gibson's initial questioner asked how he would feel, to be young and not allowed to take advantage of opportunities because of his immigration status.
In a debate full of tough questioners, NY1 political reporter Grace Rauh may have been the toughest, in this case asking Dietl about his history of unpaid taxes.
An earlier questioner asked how metal blades in wet shavers lost their sharpness so easily on human hair.
The press conference for Brooklyn at NYFF was thrown into instant disarray when the first questioner suggested that the film was quite sentimental and had omitted the raw details of immigrant life in Toibin's book.
Teaching to the test means those students are not taught to be engaged readers, motivated writers, critical thinkers, and thoughtful questioners as their peers in schools of the more privileged are taught to be.
If you need broader questioner close to your work experience and oriented on your needs, you may ask interview coachers from Resume Writing Service to help you in getting prepared for any kind of a job interview, including even such situations when you're an interviewer.
He thought that he had caught her out in a falsehood, but he did not want to appear the aggressive questioner.
I find your short versions of Questioners very useful and practical.
In one of those transcripts, a clever questioner asks Clinton for her advice to someone thinking of running for president in 2016.
In fact, when a Quora questioner asked for stories of how niceness can come back to bite you, users responded with tons of stories of warped expectations, unfortunate acquaintances, and bloated schedules.
This thought - provoking book examines how successful individuals are also expert questioners.
Throughout the event, the crowd jeered Rubio, and visibly angry questioners sought answers after the shooting last week at a Florida high school that left 17 people dead.
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