Sentences with phrase «one's role in the team»

Nowhere in world football among the best clubs in the game is there a player with half a seasons play as the only legitimate option for such an important role in a team.
Animal healthcare practices often rely a great deal on veterinary assistants since they play such a key role in that team dynamic.
My view is that the captain should play a pivotal role in the team and being realistic he is never going to be in the first team.
Am sure he would be okay with a bit part role in the team plus his good in the dressing room.
I as a fan can only wish him luck on his new role in the team.......
The various roles in the team will depend on the nature of the project.
The Polish international has revealed his love for our club on more than one occasion, and refuses to give up on his hopes of earning a regular role in our team.
They can both take defenders, quick feet, good goal sights, can score goals, play many roles in the team.
Though he played a relatively small role in the team this season seeing his joy in winning a trophy made me happy for him.
It plays a massive role in the team's success — on the engineering side, on the crew side and on the driver side.
We might be able to fill up the missing roles in your team!
He plays an important role in the team and has served long in the team.
They haven't commanded the spotlight, but five players are positioned to play major roles in their teams» postseason fates
There are lots of roles in the team — designers, programmers, sound designers, composers — and everyone chips in with their own ideas for items and so on, so we try to come up with ideas for furniture and clothes which appeal to this wide range of people.
But if his current playing role in this 6th unchanged starting XI has not worked well, let the Boss revert him to his suited playing role in the team to reduce friction in the team action on the field of play.
Francis was back to average only because Wenger wanted him to play a different role in the team as opposed to the previous season when he was one of our best players.
Efford said he would support any moves by Corbyn to reach out to potential new shadow cabinet members if roles in his team became free.
Known for approach - ability, diplomacy and calm demeanor Demonstrated ability to quickly diffuse heated customer situations Provided a leadership role in a team environment Creative ability to solve unusual or difficult problems when logical methods have failed Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines, Conduct training classes on use of hardware and software.
Having impressed in the club's two pre-season games in the International Champions Cup, Lamela will hope he can force his way into Pochettino's plans to have a more prominent role in the team.
The idea of United dropping $ 100 million on a player their coach isn't desperate for and who has no clear role in the team at present (at least one that doesn't currently marginalise someone else) is quite mad.
All of these players have played a major role in the team over the last few years, but it's time for them to step aside or at least into drastically reduced roles to let the next generation of United States talent come into the team and make it their own.
Just like their different roles in the team, Mustafi and Walcott have very different approaches to our title challenge, or at least how it should be looked at.
And I think you seem absolutely reluctant to realize Gareth's struggles due to lack of a clear role in the team, perhaps because you fail to realize Zidane might not be the tactical genius you might be telling yourself he is.
French publication L'Equipe claimed Pogba, who rejoined United from Juventus for # 89.3 million ($ 123.5 million, 100.5 million euros) in August 2016, had been unhappy in a more defensive role in the team and said his future lay away from Old Trafford.
They're not necessarily the largest, the fastest or the best in the country at their positions, but each of these nine collegians will play a huge role in his team's success this season.
Played a crucial role in the team of tax assessors and was a model employee within the department.
Efford said he would support any moves by Corbyn to reach out to new members if roles in his team became free.
For example, just as when I was a PhD student, I completed a Belbin «self - perception» questionnaire which is designed to help you identify your preferred role in a team.
The likes of Eden Hazard, Oscar and Willian were all key performers for Chelsea in their Premier League title - winning campaign and seem unlikely to lose their places, while Cuadrado should also play more of a key role in the team in 2015/16.
The city plays a major role in a team where the Australian Football League (AFL) frequently scouts for new talents to AFL clubs, which is the Murray Bushrangers.
Willian has a decent scoring record down the years for Chelsea, but could arguably contribute more in that department given his attacking role in the team.
poor signings and allowing unnecessary sellings of players not based on team needs When Cr7 is not scoring and marcelo and casemiro become strikers over their main roles in the team... Players play what coaches tell them especially positioning and movements... Hard days are ahead with PSG looming..
If Jack can stay injury free and if he is given the proper role in the team he can be a starter and a valuable squad member.
I don't think Xhaka should be worrying about not being able to obtain a starting role in the team just yet.
Again, Man U's bench warmer was brought in for a leading role in our team.
Ramsey has also failed to assert himself into a consistent role in our team, and may well struggle to find a role in the above set - up also.
He understands that the biggest races will come much later in the year, but that practices and races in September will play a large role in the team's success in November.
Wenger has always been influenced by players he deems can play in more than one position, he rarely initially buys a player for that sole role in the team but he is hesitant to employ them in different roles when the game is crying for a change.
Ramsey will play Ozil role in team 2 for Arsenal.
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