Sentences with phrase «one's testing program»

That was based on information leaked following the release of the update in a soak test to some users of the smartphones who participated in the voluntary beta testing program for the software.
Parents need to start this revolution by opting out their children from state testing programs in order to take back public education from the corporate reformers who are destroying the education of our children.
I have a part - time driver who is in a drug and alcohol testing program with his full - time employer.
Now, there is nothing wrong with beta testing programs, even if you have to pay to participate in them.
He was probably just a more engaging speaker, but there was another difference as well: his state had not implemented any type of testing program with consequences for students and schools.
We will not change our regulated drug testing program based upon these guidelines to Federal prosecutors.
Officials also tested a program with bus drivers, after some incidents in which police had to intervene with situations involving autistic students on school buses.
However even more troubling was the fundamental problems that the independent study discovered with the entire common core testing program.
Despite these extreme limitations of state testing programs, the cumulative effect of the multiple uses of these tests is that the exams largely define the purpose and processes of schooling in most states.
A new test program aims to ensure that passengers are well - protected in right - side small overlap front crashes.
Why is an article about a state's standardized testing program in a theme issue about authentic student performance?
Some school districts are incorporating district - wide interim testing programs as part of the strategy to monitor incremental progress on standard proficiency.
In 2006, most states were in their first years of statewide testing programs.
A lot of crash test programs are practiced around the world and are dedicated to provide vehicle owners and drivers with data regarding safety performance of new and used vehicles.
The role also demands planning, documenting, and executing flight test programs within air force.
As part of this effort, these students are increasingly included in the same testing programs used with the general education population.
Large - scale testing programs are generally not useful in improving a student's immediate learning process, though clearly that is what most parents hope for from assessment.
What type of drug and alcohol testing program do they need to be in?
Secondly, we are conducting an extensive test program that spans the gamut from physics - based separate effects tests to full - out integral performance tests.
Who will govern and manage these massive testing programs?
So the state is trying to tweak the lead testing program so more schools could or would apply for the money.
The budget includes a multi step plan that could lower property taxes, $ 340 million dollars for schools to start pre-K programs, and a limited test program for public campaign financing.
Yet low income lines and family income tested programs such as the Guaranteed Income Supplement and child tax benefits do assume couples share income with each other.
When may I, as the employer, release the driver's test information kept under the drug and alcohol testing program if I do not have the driver's written permission?.
Responsibilities: • Created and implemented procedural steps in conducting test programs.
The company began a beta - testing program during which it paired selected items on its menus with a healthier and / or more sustainable version of it.
One county chair said the theme of the line would be educational based, «probably something to do with Common Core,» the state's controversial testing program for schools.
The original program costs $ 50 so if you haven't tried it yet, this free app is a great way to test the program before you invest.
These services are a business expense and are 100 % tax deductible, so setting up a drug and alcohol testing program makes sense in today's world.
With strong core communication skills and significant insight into software creation of automation testing programs, I feel that I am a knowledgeable and qualified candidate.
The transition to a college and career ready curriculum and testing program requires expanded access to digital content.
Forty states participated in the eighth - grade testing program.
As such, many schools and districts start small with a select group of teachers and students who test the program to make sure it is effectively helping students succeed.
As a dog food manufacturing company they have a comprehensive safety and quality testing program in place, but have had recalls in the past years for various reasons.
We only use suppliers whose offerings are up to our strict standards, and our intensive food testing program double checks both quality and safety in our raw materials and finished goods.
This is an effective, time tested program that will produce size and strength gains.
A vote was not taken to hold a public hearing on any proposals related to the Common Core, the Common Core Smarter Balanced Testing program or revisions to the unfair teacher evaluation program.
It also revealed that the majority of states organized both their standards and testing programs around grade - level clusters reflecting primary / elementary, intermediate / middle school, and high school levels.
The continued implementation of the Common Core and its associated testing program, devoid of legitimate input.
This training program will ensure the supervisor develops and maintains a complete testing program while limiting the company's legal and regulatory exposure affiliated with these types of activities.
We are entitled to a complete test inventory — a matter of accountability on the part of the city and state officials responsible for approving, organizing and implementing the various testing programs.
Just like in F1 2016 you still earn resource points by completing the five different test programs during the two practice sessions leading up to a race.
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