Sentences with phrase «one's upbringing»

It's a lot more private than other meals and you have your own strong preferences that can have come from your childhood, your culture or upbringing in general.
Being a single mom, you can not take the risk of avoiding upbringing of your kids and their future.
1.4 This decision making is not to be confused with legal custody decision making concerning education, health care and religious upbringing of the child.
Her efforts to reconcile her strict, conservative Christian upbringing with the modern secular world make for an exceptionally nuanced treatment of religious choice.
While choices are shaped by values, values are shaped by upbringing and experience.
Dating someone with the same back ground and same upbringing as you can be dull and boring.
*** Just added: We also informed our children that when they were old enough that they should talk with counselors to help them process their own upbringing because no parent is perfect.
He did, however, place his work in the realm of the sacred, but a world far removed from his strict Catholic upbringing.
I will always have Christian upbringing along with family and friends, as a foundation, and I believe my character is strong.
With the ever - rising cost of education and all the activities, inputs that are required for a good upbringing of your child, you need to be smart about your financial planning.
Despite her upper class upbringing and wealth, she insists on working in the pension office to help wounded soldiers collect their much - needed payments.
My food loves come from the blend of my southern upbringing and the opportunity to eat fantastic food all over the country during that time.
However, her rural upbringing directly shaped her desire to pursue a career in education policy.
His adopted parents were both white and he had a privileged upbringing.
In essence, your positive family upbringing benefits your spouse.
Talk about the ways your family, community, and cultural upbringing shaped you as a person today.
You must have had a tough upbringing... I actually feel sorry for you.
Many have wondered how brothers with such a strict upbringing — and such a lack of pop culture influence — could be making the music they are today.
Video games don't make people stupid or violent, they are born that way or had a poor upbringing.
By now we've established that our taste buds had a similar upbringing.
Those who grow up in poverty experience a very different upbringing from middle or upper class kids.
Your relationship with time: I have little doubt my grandma's fascinating and often difficult upbringing added to her innate strength.
All this might make sense to you - but if you had a very traditional upbringing, you might well feel resistant to it.
Am a down to earth kind of woman with good family values and upbringing made me where i am today.
Whether it's a modest upbringing, a career - threatening injury, or a classic underdog scenario, athletes are out to prove skeptics wrong.
Is a man who still thinks and talks like this as an adult caught in the stage of development modern psychology terms the anal stage because of mistakes made in his early upbringing?
In the years since Brand has gotten clean, he has written openly about his troubled upbringing and becoming addicted to alcohol, hard drugs and sex.
Her conservative upbringing told her that women couldn't serve as church leaders — yet somehow she «never believed any of that stuff».
If a person's upbringing shapes their preferences, then they are not a universal phenomenon.
Her incredible success is all the more impressive considering her rough upbringing.
How does our own history and upbringing affect how we as readers interpret what we read?
The church has always recognized the importance of family life and stressed the responsibilities of parents in the physical, mental, moral and spiritual upbringing of children.
I really want to incorporate his background and upbringing into our home since it has impacted him so much.
Environmental factors including upbringing and cultural norms accounted for the other three.
A musician with an ordinary suburban upbringing records a song.
I had a middle - class Jewish upbringing and thought I wanted to be a doctor, but I quickly realized that wasn't me.
I also had a very religious upbringing which made my coming out extremely delayed.
My evangelical upbringing taught me to love Scripture, to consult it, and to believe it.
Show me someone who has had a normal upbringing and been exposed to the depths of Catholic spirituality but chooses something else, and that person has my respect.
There are multiple plans available catering to individual needs and requirements, all aimed towards ensuring the child's healthy upbringing and education without any financial shortcomings.
Luckily he fell on the doorstep of a well - to - do family and was raised with all the privileges a wealthy upbringing could offer.
From his own personal upbringing and training as a lawyer, that is what you do for your living.
Must be an association formulated by my Catholic school upbringing!
He found himself becoming an abusive husband and father at least in part as a result of his own abusive upbringing.
Given my childhood upbringing, it shouldn't surprise you to learn that I am — as an adult — addicted to sugar.
She put together a program of health care professionals and case workers to help teach the parents who come through the court system how to give their children a more nurturing, stable upbringing.
However they don't control how their children turn out whether good nor bad even great upbringing.
My kids have the same parents, same upbringing... and they are still very, very different.

Phrases with «one's upbringing»

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