Sentences with phrase «one's view on the matter»

Reading this post has definitely made me feel better knowing the real side of it, as I've read many different blogs and points of view on the matter.
As such, lawyers may hold different views on these matters and disagree about what is good for themselves, their families, their profession, and society generally.
I would be interested to hear from any other readers with views on this matter.
I myself seek validation from people on so many levels, e.g. personal relations, job performance, personal views on matters at hand, etc..
In other words, they were allowed to teach the Catholic view on these matters, but only as one option among many, and not as if it were actually true.
Regardless of the opposing views on the matter, the mass movement of people looking for a better life is set to continue.
Unfortunately, both agencies have differing views on the matter, despite working towards a similar goal of cryptocurrency regulation.
I love to talk to people and hear there views on matters.
This will often require the involvement of independent managers to provide a fresh, objective view on the matter.
Even if you're not in a toxic relationship, you can still benefit from having an unbiased view on the matter.
This is especially the case when both of you have totally opposite views on these matters.
Questions of government intervention, cultural norms and social values certainly are but a few of the elements that dictate one's point of view on the matter.
To argue that the CES compromise was at least better than not to be allowed even to teach the Catholic view on these matters is nonsense.
The Sun, which is strongly Eurosceptic, wants the Queen to speak out on Europe but Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England, is still getting criticism from anti-Europeans for the fact that he did express views on this matter in his evidence to the Commons Treasury committee yesterday.
I have weighed in with my own views on the matter in my op - ed today in this Sunday's New York Times.
I hope me sharing my intention and the tools I use to keep on track with it is inspiring to you, I find others sharing their thoughts and views on these matters very inspiring myself.
from a bystander, but that you don't actually feel comfortable with your own views on the matter.
IEA Executive Director holds talks with Prime Minister of Hungary Dr Birol and Prime Minister Orbán exchanged views on matters of global energy markets, energy security and Hungarian energy policy 16 June 2017
For example, Maimonides, whose view on the matter Gellman omits, built his theory of chosenness on Abraham's faithfulness.
He does not take it amiss that councillors have previously expressed views on matters which arise for decision.
Village trustees are confident that Market Facts Inc. of Arlington Heights, the company that will conduct the telephone survey, will provide accurate and thorough results by calling each registered voter to get views on the matter.
A published view on these matters that I endorse to a significant extent is by Colin Walsh, in his article, The Snobbery of Publishing.
Part of the reason, Evans believes, is that people with different views on these matters talk past each other rather than converse.
The board respectfully recognizes that stockholders hold varying views on this matter, which is why the board committed to putting it to a vote.
Instead, they find little stupid convoluted reasons to justify their actual views on the matter that reality - based science is actually a real cure to things we know about (thanks to the scientific method) when in fact religion offers nothing but wishful thinking.
Now what do you suppose might be a noncontroversial view on this matter?
As a Christian, I want to support a politic that does give preference to Biblical views on this matter, because I believe that they make for flourishing of humans.
It is the nature of extremism to incorporate far out views on these matters into state policy.
But views on these matters also seem to follow cycles which, if not of Schlesingerian predictability, are nevertheless....
I thought you did davidnz — can't believe you don't have a definitive view on the matter.
Riordan, no friend of the Establishment, had surprisingly conservative views on the matter.
The experts do not necessarily represent all or the best views on the matter and may simply be selected by the researchers for their predisposition to support the researcher's favored conclusion.
Despite this, although with a split view on the matter, analysts think that a slim or smaller version of the Xbox 360 is likely to be produced at some point in the future.
The age group 30 to 49 is most likely to be concerned about the phenomenon, while younger people aged 18 to 29 are less divided on the issue, least likely to be skeptical and most likely to have mixed views on the matter.
They got results which were against the traditional scientific communities view on the matters and instead of re-evaluating and checking whether the traditional statistics were valid (which they weren't), they went on and produced another one a year later.
Both the 2007 IPCC report and a previous draft of the new assessment reflected earlier views on the matter by saying that the standard measure of climate sensitivity (the likely rise in equilibrium temperature in response to a doubling of CO2 concentration) was between 2 °C and 4.5 °C, with 3 °C the most probable figure.
If someone is from Virginia with an established pre-existing views on the matter, even if they answer affirmative to the question as above, they could probably be swayed by a more articulate prosecutor much more easily than if we're dealing with a native Texan familiar with the freedoms of the land.
We consider that there continues to be a lack of transparency from the SRA on a number of relevant issues, and it is therefore difficult to provide final views on a matter which will so seriously affect a large number of our current and future members.
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