Sentences with phrase «oppressive regimes»

"Oppressive regimes" refers to governments or ruling systems that enforce strict control, limit personal freedoms, and suppress any form of opposition or dissent. These regimes tend to use force, censorship, and intimidation to maintain power and control over their citizens. Full definition
My heart goes out to its citizens who live as virtual prisoners and slaves under the most oppressive regime in the world.
The desire to leave somewhere else is insufficient in as much as a myriad of other nations will take refugees from oppressive regimes the world over.
The platform also wants to expand its reach to countries that are being plagued by economic difficulty with oppressive regimes.
The dark side of this affirmation is the way it can be used to support oppressive regimes that claim divine right to rule.
Launched online in early 2007, Wikileaks is run by an informal group of open government and anti-secrecy advocates who want to allow people living under oppressive regimes, or with something to say in...
Liberating dance from the realm of solely elite, highly - skilled and trained athletes, the medium holds the potential to act as a form of subversion against oppressive regimes and capitalistic ideals — so it's not surprising that movement became a primary facet of artistic practice at the height of counterculture in the»60s.
It also has subsidiaries in Thailand and Russia, which are (at the time of writing) considered oppressive regimes by Ethical Consumer.
All of these countries have oppressive regimes where anyone who vocally disapproves of the country is liable to disappear.
While Facebook assures western powers, from Germany to the United States, that it will do everything it can to help them defend their democratic processes from malicious actors, it continues to aid, in one way or another, oppressive regimes across the world.
The Profit's Marcus Lemonis travels to Cuba at a time of historic change, and profiles a new breed of business owners determined to succeed under one of the most oppressive regimes in the world.
Thus he became a symbol of another of the great themes of the century: how history was shaped by tides of immigrants, so many of them destined for greatness, who fled oppressive regimes for the freedom of democratic climes.
The developer's debut title will be «triple - A» adventure RPG Lili, which see's users fight oppressive regimes using a non-combat system.
«When you have freedom of speech and freedom of expression and don't get thrown in jail by criticizing a bad idea, it's more likely bad ideas will get exposed, and it's not a coincidence oppressive regimes are also oppressive in clamping down on free speech.»
I would not be surprised in the least if it turned out that there were plenty of compassionate atheists who also help people to escape China or other such oppressive regimes.
Anyone with eyes to see is struck by the vibrancy of religion and nationalism in countries where brutally oppressive regimes promoted for decades official atheism and the universalistic myths of Marxism.
It «sonly the extremely oppressive regimes of a few countries that practice Sharia Law and force female citizens to cover so much of their bodies (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Nigeria).
This is the same reason why companies as big as Google compromise their ideals just to appease oppressive regimes like China's or comply with demands that directly breach end user's privacy like the NSA's Prism program in the US.
What's so controversial about disliking oppressive regimes and supporting individual rights?
It aims to help non-lawyers understand and apply international law, including the crime of apartheid, to Israel's oppressive regime over the entire Palestinian people
Oppressive regimes also use the Internet to suppress controversial conversations, «hunting down and silencing activists.»
1998 Joel L. Lebowitz, for his tireless devotion to the rights of scientists in oppressive regimes throughout the world and his extraordinary creativity in finding ways to help these scientists survive their ordeals.
So when oppressive regimes shut down popular sites like YouTube, it can hinder political protests, but also alerts ordinary citizens to censorship they may otherwise not have noticed.
Their findings from missions like this, disseminated in the news media and at conferences, illuminate oppressive regimes and can influence national policies.
In a powerfully drawn anatomy of tyranny and tyrannicide, the great Peruvian master re-envisions the Dominican Republic in 1961, at the time of the assassination of strongman Rafael («the Goat») Trujillo, whose death brought down his 30 - year oppressive regime.
We realized, more deeply than ever before, in learning about the history of colonialism and subsequent oppressive regimes in Kenya, that the mechanism of oppression, whether it is on a global, community, or familial level, is utterly destructive of peoples» dignity and their connection to themselves and to their environment.
Can't I be weight the probabilities of each — especially given that CO2 emissions are inextricably linked to environmental impact such as particulate matter and geo - political impact such spending billions to keep oil flowing and enriching oppressive regimes while doing so?
So yeah, whatever oppressive regime ends up in charge is fine as long as we can keep communicating with each other in an impersonal way.
Perhaps to fly food rations in undercover to starving people living under oppressive regimes, right?
In one group of works, she unflinchingly probes the torments resulting from oppressive regimes in Argentina, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and South Africa.
But its anonymity also allows journalists to continue working in nations with oppressive regimes and facilitates police investigations into illegal gambling sites and other unscrupulous ventures.
to the United States, that it will do everything it can to help them defend their democratic processes from malicious actors, it continues to aid, in one way or another, oppressive regimes across the world.
Britain is set to reintroduce «internal exile», a hallmark of the world's most oppressive regimes, in the wake of the increased security threat from terrorism — despite parliamentarians» deep discomfort about the move.
As a result of such uncertainties, this documentary could well be viewed as just another escalation of the narrative being generated by Western media of a brutal and oppressive regime that needs to be brought to an end.
Spokesman Patrick Gates claimed what was happening at Croker «is wrong and a national disgrace» and would cause an uprising against the «oppressive regime» if it was China or Russia.
I mean, think about areas outside of the United States that have high inflation rates, if you are a consumer there, in an oppressive regime, you want a way to have more control over your assets and not be at the whim of governments, so that's kind of how it all started.
Millions of Christians have been in the same place for 2,000 years all over the world... not just in oppressive regimes, but in Christian cultures as well.
Millions of Christians have been in the same place for 2,000 years all over the world... not just in oppressive regimes, but...
Massively fewer wars and oppressive regimes and torture, and they are much much better at living in harmony with other beliefs.
oppressive regimes are hard to topple without massive military force.
To be sure, this oppressive regime does not obtain in all seminaries, but the evidence suggests that it is widespread, and was even more common ten and twenty years ago, thus lending support to the claim that the crisis in priestly vocations is, in large part, «artificial and contrived.»
Thank god we live in America and not Saudi Arabia... Where do you get the nerve to compare our free nation to a oppressive regime in the Middle East??
And while I don't insist that religious people believe specifically what I do, I do ask that if they must feel the need to have faith in some kind of supreme being or even an afterlife that they do so without belonging to an oppressive regime disguised as a religion.
Still, her unflagging efforts for human rights, hope for democracy in Burma and peaceful resistance against an oppressive regime could not be stopped.
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