Sentences with phrase «oral contraceptives»

"Oral contraceptives" refers to medications, commonly known as birth control pills, that are taken by mouth to prevent pregnancy. Full definition
A side effect of taking oral contraceptive pills (OCPs)(birth control), is that they can increase cholesterol, TG, and c - reactive protein levels.
The findings reveal that every 5 years of oral contraceptive use reduces the risk of womb cancer by about a quarter.
Hypothesizing that «a decrease in the cost of syphilis due to penicillin [which, in 1943, was found to treat syphilis effectively] spurred an increase in risky non-traditional sex,» the Emory University economist Andrew Francis discovered evidence that «the era of modern sexuality originated in the mid to late 1950s,» prior to the debut of oral contraceptive pills in 1960.
Factors predicting mood changes in oral contraceptive pill users.
Athletes who had irregular menstrual periods were randomly assigned to receive either estrogen replacement through a patch, at a dose that resulted in estrogen levels seen with normal menstrual cycles; a commonly used combined oral contraceptive pill containing estrogen; or no estrogen for 12 months.
Dr. Ascher - Walsh, who was not involved in the study, says the findings aren't very surprising — especially considering that up to 40 % of women do not continue on oral contraceptives once starting.
• 64 % of reproductive - age women who practice contraception use reversible methods, such as oral contraceptives or condoms.
Prescriptions for oral contraceptive pills, IUD insertions and removals, insertion and removal of hormone - releasing birth control implants
You can also ingests medications including oral contraceptives without worrying about what may get into your supply or affect your volume.
And drug manufacturers failed to look for interactions with oral contraceptives in 88 per cent of the drugs in the survey, although one quarter of all American women of child - bearing age take them.
Researchers from the Collaborative Group on Epidemiological Studies on Endometrial Cancer estimate that in the past 50 years (1965 - 2014) about 400000 cases of endometrial cancer have been prevented by oral contraceptive use in high - income countries, including about 200000 in the last decade (2005 - 2014).
However, the sexual side effects of oral contraceptives don't stop there.
You can also take low - dose oral contraceptives while breastfeeding, but it is still a good idea to talk to your doctor before taking those contraceptives.
This concept is primarily based on a 1977 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine that showed women who got pregnant shortly after stopping oral contraceptives were twice as likely to have twins.
Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain why oral contraceptives increase stroke risk, including by raising blood pressure and by making blood hypercoagulable (more likely to clot).
And a large study released in March found that women who took oral contraceptives at some point in their lives have a lower risk of death than women who never tried the Pill.
There is no evidence that using oral contraceptives while pregnant will increase the risk of birth defects or miscarriage.
The Pill is not recommended for smokers, because oral contraceptives carry a risk of clots, heart attacks, and strokes; those risks are increased if you smoke.
Oral contraceptives increase SHBG, which binds testosterone and prevents it from being effectively used by the body.
A shared mechanism for breast - feeding and [oral contraceptive] use is that both may reduce endogenous estradiol production.»
«These results highlight the possibility that hormonal mechanisms may explain the link between parity [childbearing], breast - feeding, [oral contraceptive] use, and a later age at menarche with a lower mortality risk.
Oral contraceptives containing drosperinone / ethinyl estradiol are an effective and recommended treatment option for women with PMDD who are also seeking contraception.
Since the 1960s when oral contraceptives became available the number of women in the U.S. labor force has nearly tripled, and the number of women who complete four or more years of college is six times what it was before birth control became legal.
Bayer will settle with plaintiffs alleging gallbladder injuries from oral contraceptive Yasmin, Reuters
Helping the patients with efficient family planning services that include affixing appropriate cervical barriers such as cervical diaphragms or caps, distributing oral contraceptive medications, fixing intrauterine tools, etc..
«Oral contraceptives offer a multitude of benefits beyond plain old birth control,» says Shree Chanchani, MD, an ob - gyn at NYU Langone Medical Center.
Lead author Angelica Lindén Hirschberg, MD, professor of women's and children's health at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, says that doctors know surprisingly little about oral contraceptives» effects on women's health — despite the fact that an estimated 100 million women around the world use them.
Dave Asprey: Let's talk about what oral contraceptives do to your hormones.
Some of the situations in which oral contraceptives may be a reasonable alternative are outlined in the chapter Clinical Use of Progestins in Bitches and Queens: A Review in Recent Advances in Small Animal Reproduction (2000), Concannon P.W., England G., Verstegen III J., et al. (Eds.).
The problem with Yaz is that they claim that they have the same side effects as any other oral contraceptive, but the evidence shows that this is just not the case.
Description: Many oral contraceptives (birth control) and post-menopausal hormone replacement therapy products contain estrogen.
I was put on oral contraceptives during my teens, so I didn't start having noticeable issues with my periods until shortly after I stopped taking them.
People who ate a lot of processed foods consumed more calories and were more likely to smoke, be taking oral contraceptive drugs and be less active, all of which are behaviors associated with cancer.
And one of them — lowered libido — is especially ironic considering oral contraceptives are supposed to free you to truly indulge your desire for sex without fear of an unwanted pregnancy.
A new study found that oral contraceptives lowered women's quality of life.
In a 2011 study published in BMJ Open, researchers suggested there might be a link between oral contraceptive use by women, and rising rates of prostate cancer (an estrogen - sensitive cancer) in men, due to the excess estrogen from women making its way into our drinking water.
European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 17, no. 13 (2013): 1804 - 13; Thorp, V. J. «Effect of oral contraceptive agents on vitamin and mineral requirements.»
Hormonal Contraceptives and / or Progestins ** — Combined oral contraceptives suppresses the menstrual cycle, which can also shrink or slow the growth of endometriotic lesions.
The claim that «many» pharmacists refuse to dispense oral contraceptives is patently untrue.
Oestrogen - progestogen oral contraceptives are Group 1 carcinogens, a category shared by cigarettes and asbestos.
Oral contraceptive prevent many painful, disabling, and in some cases deadly, diseases.
A new study has revealed that oral contraceptives inhibit muscle mass gains in women.
Oral contraceptives also increase the risk of blood clots, taking the drugs off the table for women with a history of blood clots, stroke or cardiovascular disease.
Using oral contraceptives before attempting IVF can allow women and their physicians to better know the timing of ovulation.
The pill also increases your risk for inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's disease; in fact, two large prospective cohort studies of American women linked oral contraceptive use with Crohn's.

Phrases with «oral contraceptives»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z