Sentences with phrase «other horror movies»

The events in this movie happen because they have happened in other horror movies and seemed like a good idea at the time.
They carry no special qualities, and nothing about them stands out from the countless other horror movie threats we've suffered through over the years.
Co-directors and writers Matt and Tyler bring that same level of enthusiasm to «Devil's Due,» with a lot of the action surprisingly not to be found in the trailers like so many other horror movies before it.
We suppose the rampant sex and nudity isn't a far cry from other horror movies, but it feels like 3D softcore porn.
Thanks to its predecessor's fleeting reign atop the domestic box office thanks to a combination of savvy timing and lack of other horror movies out that Halloween, the world is now being Satanically blessed with a new Ouija movie, Ouija: Origin Of Evil.
The story isn't really much of one and goes in the way of a lot of other horror movies which centers around a deadly virus outbreak (Resident Evil series and 28 Weeks Later).
It tries, poorly, to spoof other horror movies, while having it's own story, which isn't very good anyway.
For me and, I think, most viewers, other horror movie villains like psychotic killers and deadly animals are simply no match for the faceless unknown that feels like a more plausible and insurmountable threat.
TT: I think that the main distinction between «Prowl» and most other horror movies is the characters.
Other horror movie scores might be skilfully composed to provoke feelings of unease and fear, but the tuneless, horrible, real - world noises that make up the soundtrack of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre are a vital component of this classic, uniquely uncomfortable viewing experience.
In her version, Michael Jackson meets Freddy Krueger and other horror movie icons.
The first time I saw Insidious I did so with the assumption it was going to be like many other horror movies I saw that year (or most of the years before it for that matter); generic and disappointing.
Giallos were markedly different from other horror movies being made in the 1960s, most notably in their flamboyancy and surreal, dream - logic narratives.
There's the suspicion that Penner (adapting a short story by Robert Damon Schneck) and director Stacy Title are simply assembling ideas and images that they have seen in other horror movies, hoping that we have been so inundated with certain clichés that we'll just look at this as another, regular - old horror movie — not the on - the - cheap job that it obviously is.
My boyfriend is used to hearing this protest, during Psycho, Halloween, and countless other horror movies we've seen together.
It is smart and the way it plays out actually rewrites every other horror movie you've seen before!
OUR TAKE: The trailer looks like a mix of so many other horror movies - and we're not sure our horror interest will extend beyond the Halloween holiday (at least not for this film).
As it approaches its great and terrible climax, every fear the film has suggested digging to the surface and clawing out to confront its characters, «Hereditary» takes on a power and resonance that it's hard to imagine any other horror movie this year matching.
my only beef with this (and other horror movies) is this: if it was me, i'd have gotten the hell out of there!!!
Someone like me who is able to make a movie like Creep, which has a lot of horror elements, and feels like a horror movie, but also doesn't feel like any other horror movie I've seen, for the most part.
Because no other horror movie scared me as much as the Exorcist did when I first saw it when I was a kid.
The monster models are creepy and faithful to the game, although not much different than other horror movies from which this draws inspiration.
The Taking of Deborah Logan showed some promise for about fifteen minutes before its found footage design grew tiresome and its plot came to resemble every other horror movie out there without a creative angle to distinguish it.
My boyfriend is used to hearing this protest, during Psycho, Halloween, and countless other horror movies we've seen...
And I might not cringe every time I see a trailer for «Valentine's Day,» «A Nightmare on Elm Street» or any other horror movie that was made once and now gets to be made again with even more gimmicks attached.
Paranormal Activity and its sequels are proof (and many other horror movies) They need just PASSION & SKILL and of course good script.
What is it about the film that makes it stand out from the other horror movies in theaters that don't have this kind of lifespan?
The building tension and awkward atmosphere could be cut with a knife, making The Shining a totally unique production compared to other horror movies.
Paranormal Activity 3 - More frightening than any other horror movie this year, it's almost as effective as its predecessors while departing from them in slight yet creative ways.
However, even in 2005, there have been two other horror movies that have already mined this territory, with Skeleton Key covering the voodoo angle in a much more clever way, while the god - awful Man - Thing had a creature in a backwoods town near a swamp.
One part story about corporate evils and two parts bizarre psychedelia, The Serpent and the Rainbow is really unlike any other horror movie.
Unlike many of those other horror movies, though, the end result isn't the Zombie Apocalypse.
As with some other horror movies, «Scream 4» has a few weak characters and some terrible dialogue.
That's kind of all there is for plot, but it is enough to distinguish It Follows from the many other horror movies being released all the time.
The man has a body of work, and if you're willing to watch pretty much anything like me, you've probably seen some of it, including his other horror movies and his many TV movie and show appearances as menacing murderous husbands.
The Babadook is female - centric in ways that other horror movies, while often dominated by tough «final girls,» rarely are.
I've been loving Romero's «Dawn Of The Dead», other horror movies and I always recommend a movie which I love «Raising Arizona» to everyone.
There is nothing about Ghost Ship that in any way distinguishes itself from any other horror movie out there.
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