Sentences with phrase «other practices»

We take an interdisciplinary approach, working closely with professionals in other practice areas in order to provide coordinated and comprehensive solutions.
We can draw upon the knowledge of attorneys in other practice areas within the firm to help you complete a successful transaction.
There are also plenty of other practice areas thriving in the region at the moment.
While hiring decisions lay at the practice group level, summer associates often have the opportunity to work on assignments from attorneys in other practice groups.
That's a big difference from most other practice management software solutions.
With other practice areas, an attorney's awards, industry recognition and case results may be all a potential client needs to know.
• Family law touches many other practice areas, including wills and estates, real estate, immigration, business law, tax, and many more.
Last fall, they collected data through surveys and focus groups from other practicing teachers in their regions on their experiences and perceptions of how well teacher preparation providers are doing.
Maybe you have a passion for immigration law, which is not as lucrative as other practice areas such as commercial litigation?
Those who need an attorney for other practice areas, such as car accidents or medical malpractice, can reach out to us today, too.
Take that as a cue to pursue other types of work, perhaps expanding into other practice areas with higher market demand.
However, it's also prevented firms focused on other practice areas from examining or benefiting from modern technology and comprehensive case management.
Other practices which lead to more sacred relationship space include figuring out what specifically makes your partner feel loved and offering those loving behaviors often.
Some collaborative practice groups only have attorneys as members, while other practice group are interdisciplinary and also include mental health professionals and financial professionals.
His research looks at practices of art among other practices within academia and examines the relationship between art and experiential knowledge.
First, it keeps everyone informed and in the loop on what other practice groups are writing about; second, it encourages a culture of recognition, which most people find encouraging.
Several other practice groups within the firm are vying to be the next to get the system.
For example, in B - to - B practices such as M&A, an attorney may have practice issues during the scope of client representation involving other practice disciplines.
They also had frameworks that allowed principals to make decisions about resource allocation, instructional improvement, common planning time, and other practices supporting the goal of student achievement.
Unlike other practices where samples would need to be sent out, most tests are run in our in - house laboratory.
Employment in a large law firm has unique benefits and challenges that set it apart from other practice environments.
The team now is studying what's driving the differences between ED prescriptions and other practice settings.
I think its really important that teachers encourage their students to try other practices, and «see» other teachers.
You set the session times, the frequency, and decide if you want to add other practices.
We believe that these and other practices affect the planet directly, so we strive to set an example for other small companies like us.
Speaking with other practice managers who are battling similar obstacles and problem solving together with them has been instrumental; not to mention the multiple contacts acquired from networking with other attendees.
We will also look at data provided by a compassion fatigue survey and review how other practices have addressed compassion fatigue.
Her substantial career has resulted in an extensive body of work, whose influence can be seen on many other practicing artists.
Some of us are former academics, others were in the public service, others practiced law in small towns or large firms.
Most other practices will send the samples to an outside lab.
We also work closely with other practices when special diagnostic procedures are required.
Find hundreds of sample questions and detailed answers and other practice tools to help you prepare well and make high scores in the mechanical reasoning test that you need to take.
On top of that, they must have a working knowledge of property law, tax law, estate planning, juvenile law, criminal law, and half a dozen other practice areas.
If we examine other practices of theological education, we can extend and enrich this view of education as a process, rather than a product.
If you're going to convert just for the sake of marriage, why not just go for convenience all the way and convert to whatever your significant other practices.
Others practice intermittent fasting, which is where you go 16 hours a day without food, but eat two to three large meals during the rest of your day.
Choosing a cloud - based solution means you can save some of that money to use for improvements like new equipment or other practice upgrades — or whatever you choose.
Under federal law, telecommunications companies can not engage in «any unjust or unreasonable discrimination» related to charges, services and other practices related to voice communications.
Others may need to reconsider other practice areas and perhaps some may even close their practices.
We are a group of attorneys who assist other practicing attorneys with tasks on a project or contract basis.
But few other practices have adopted its business model and stopped chasing leverage.
Some law firms take only a narrow range of cases but other practices prefer the financial stability of diversification.
He will combine public law expertise with other practice fields.
These videos are shown to the audience, which includes mostly other practicing medical professionals and researchers.
The blog post is a quick read and her more in - depth case study and other practice management case studies are published online.
We also serve clients in a range of other practice areas, from financial services law to employment law.

Phrases with «other practices»

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