Sentences with phrase «other teachers»

He also supported the teacher leaders in learning how to effectively collaborate with other teachers in teaching and assessing these elements within their classrooms.
Teachers can draw interdisciplinary connections by making relationships between different subjects explicit, and / or by working with other teachers in teams across subjects.
Teachers of many subjects were evaluated using data on the performance of other teachers of different subjects than the subjects they taught.
Often, the most powerful coaching is coupled with stories and examples from other teachers who have had similar experiences.
Many of her students are adults, and she has five key recommendations for other teachers of adult students.
Join with other teachers who share your passion for science, want to inspire their students, and have realized the benefits of an association advocating their interests at the state level.
Teacher leaders who also have their own classroom assignment have a number of options for helping other teachers improve their mathematics / science instruction.
My intention is to share baby massage as far and wide as I can across the globe by other teachers helping me.
Principals trust teachers who ask questions and solicit advice from their principal, as well as other teachers.
This might be a map that you've created in collaboration with other teachers at your school.
Now in her seventh school, she plans to pull the wool over the eyes of her sixth - grade teacher, as she has done with many other teachers in the past.
She works with other teachers on curriculum decisions and in figuring out how to effectively use data.
I love sharing ideas and reading about how other teachers do things!
Here's a couple examples of what other teachers have done when sharing photos of their students artwork (example 1, example 2, example 3, example 4).
As many other teachers do, she uses a simple counting technique.
I was a Learning Target specialist at my school and trained other teachers in breaking down standards and building assessments and learning targets.
The administration can support teachers by providing time for them to collaborate with colleagues and to observe other teachers in action.
That team might include the principal, the team leader / grade - level chairman, and other teacher leaders from the school.
But I would discourage you from teaching other teachers until you get those hours under your belt.
Under this program, teachers spend one day a week supporting other teachers in developing their skills and experience by sharing their best practice ideas and approaches.
You will train other teachers using our copyrighted and highly successful evidence - based programs.
We are able to pull information from other teachers across the country to see how things have worked for them.
How have you seen other teachers present this topic?
But they should have opportunities to coach other teachers, mentor new hires, write curriculum, and take on other assignments that allow them to advance professionally while continuing to teach.
Some teachers benefit from observation and feedback, while other teachers benefit most from conversations with their instructional coach.
One approach is to develop teachers in one grade level who then mentor other teacher teams in the future.
Get insightful ideas from other teachers around the world, follow the good examples or share your own efficient teaching methods.
She encourages other teachers to try a similar activity.
You will meet other teachers interested in technology and innovation who can collaborate with you, offer advice, and inform you of training opportunities.
After all, teachers suffer along with the kids when other teachers fail to do their jobs effectively.
The trip that the teacher has planned, if successful, will open the doors for other teachers wanting to implement a similar strategy.
Other teachers said technology was as much a solution as a problem.
Partners collaborate, share, and examine cutting - edge practices in the national shift toward clinically rich teacher preparation with leading other teacher educators from programs across the country.
Get other teachers in your building or who are teaching the same grades in on the action.
We found other teachers like us — from all backgrounds, levels of experience, and teaching environments — who wanted to make a difference in their profession.
The benefit most cited was collaboration; 85 percent of teachers said they were more likely to ask other teachers for ideas and strategies since going through the program.
When physical education classes were completed daily, I assisted other teachers with implementing their curriculum and helped the children with their assignments when further explanation was required.
Some online instructors actually did nothing more than that and kept their jobs, which only made other teachers more fearful of the trend to move classes online.
The similarity among other teachers in grades 1 - 3 suggests that they use a variety of internal assessments for similar purposes.
Finally, including other teachers out of state might be viable if working with beginning teachers who are not in the same geographic region.
She really enjoys being able to share her ideas and connect with other teachers through blogging.
Not only has it increased her efficiency it has also meant she is able to collaborate with other teachers more easily to develop the curriculum.
Additionally, featuring proponents, like yourself, will inspire other teachers and parents to get involved.
This real - time behavior recording also allows other teachers insight into student performance beyond what they see during their own class.
One effective way for faculty members in teacher education programs to learn about using technology is to form collaborations and partnerships with other teacher education programs working toward similar goals.
Additionally, administrators can compare the performance of students in one class with another to see if other teachers present the information in a way that resonates better with students.
No, we often don't get subs and then the class is either split or other teachers take turns covering the class, during their prep periods.

Phrases with «other teachers»

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