Sentences with phrase «out of one's bloodstream»

Insulin helps to transport sugars out of the bloodstream into the cells.
It stimulates your liver to produce detoxification enzymes to filter toxins out of your bloodstream.
Insulin is the hormone that drives glucose out of the bloodstream and into cells, and diabetes is the loss of the ability to control blood glucose levels.
Another reason is because excess sugar must be taken out of the bloodstream, so the body converts it to fat.
It literally sucks the fuel out of your bloodstream, so you feel hungry quickly and your body thinks you're starving, and your metabolism slows down.
One of the many roles that insulin play is that it is able to drive amino acids out of your bloodstream directly into your muscle.
Both of these organs are responsible for filtering anesthesia out of the bloodstream if there are any issues with the kidneys or liver your pet might have difficulty recovering from the anesthesia.
The reason: During exercise, glucose is driven out of the bloodstream and into the muscles for fuel.
Keep those stress hormones out of your bloodstream by refusing to become engaged when the cycle starts up.
Insulin takes away any surplus glucose your body creates out of your bloodstream and takes it to the liver, the muscles or deposits it in the form of fat tissue.
Insulin can be described as a storage hormone as it's job is to take nutrients out of the bloodstream and carry them to target tissues.
They help protect our gut lining and keep it healthy so that we can absorb the nutrients from our food and keep toxins out of the bloodstream.
Insulin tells our body to move this flood of glucose out of the bloodstream and into storage for use later on.
We now know that the high amounts of choline found in lentils help to improve liver function by aiding in filtering toxins from out of the bloodstream.
But there is strong evidence that these cells are not being destroyed, they simply are moving out of the bloodstream and into tissues that have been stressed by the recent exercise, and more prone to infection, such as the lungs.
it is your liver's job to distinguish between the nutrients you need to absorb and the toxins that must be filtered out of your bloodstream
And after the stampede adrenaline is drained out of their bloodstream, we can go to work.
Drugs can cross easily out of the bloodstream into most organs of the body.
Studying the rodents more carefully, the researchers determined that Clostridia were having a surprising effect on the mouse gut: Acting through certain immune cells, the bacteria helped keep peanut proteins that can cause allergic reactions out of the bloodstream.
U.S. and German scientists have decoded a key molecular gateway for the toxin that causes botulism, pointing the way to treatments that can keep the food - borne poison out of the bloodstream.
And chemotherapy is not very effective because most chemotherapeutic agents don't pass out of the bloodstream into the brain.»
Nowhere is this more true than in the brain, where blood vessel walls are tightly knit, keeping most large molecules from seeping out of the bloodstream and into brain tissue.
Generally, clearing bacteria out of the bloodstream falls to macrophages that reside in the liver and the spleen.
HDL helps ferry cholesterol out of the bloodstream and to the intestine, where it's eliminated.
This technique not only staved off decompression sickness, by keeping nitrogen out of the bloodstream, but also reduced the amount of oxygen delivered from her lungs to her bloodstream — preserving the oxygen within the sea lion's upper airways.
A menagerie of phagocytes, which swallow and destroy pathogens, surge out of the bloodstream and squeeze into the affected tissue, engulfing bacteria and secreting cytokines — messenger proteins that send out the call for more responders.
It turns out that the oncogene Myc, essential for glycolysis, also directs cancer cells to scavenge glutamine out of the bloodstream.
Even then, Ingber notes, «you need to know how the drug crosses in and out of the bloodstream across the blood vessel wall, and from one tissue and into another tissue» — something organoids can't yet test.
Marc explains that sitting hijacks your metabolism, drops your calorie - burning rate by 66 % and pauses the enzymes responsible for «vacuuming up the fat out of the bloodstream» - which corrupts good cholesterol levels
Most goiters are caused when the thyroid enlarges in an effort to pull more iodine in out of the bloodstream because of chronic iodine deficiency.
Once oxalate binds with mercury or lead it immediately becomes insoluble and precipitates out of the bloodstream and forms crystals in the bones and other tissues.
The same happened with the production of GLUT4 [a protein in cells that glucose absorbs out of the bloodstream].
This occurs in a number of ways, including reduction of glucose absorption, slowing down of carbohydrate digestion, stimulating the pancreas to produce more insulin, and stimulating insulin receptors so that more sugar flows out of our bloodstream and into our cells.
Movement also helps the liver more quickly filter toxins from food and the environment out of your bloodstream.
The soluble fiber in apples is called pectin, and this can help eliminate food additives and metals out of the bloodstream.
And here is an excerpt from the book: How to Keep Feces Out of Your Bloodstream (or Lose 10 Pounds in 14 Days).
Because they're in and out of the bloodstream so quickly, they might not maximize protein synthesis or maximally inhibit protein breakdown after all.
Diuresis just causes more urine to be produced, washing more toxins out of the bloodstream without having to have concentration of the urine.
Dialysis Dialysis serves as an artificial replacement for kidneys, which are supposed to take waste out of the bloodstream.
What this basically means is that the insulin in our system is no longer doing what it used to do (escorting sugar out of the bloodstream to our cells).
It literally sucks the fuel out of your bloodstream, so you feel hungry quickly and your body thinks you're...
This protocol is also absolutely required for any patient with cachexia because the MSM helps flush lactic acid out of the bloodstream.
Because the kidneys and liver are responsible for filtering the anesthesia out of the bloodstream, a problem with either of these major organs might pose a threat to your pet's safety during surgery.
Classic type 2 diabetes is basically a failure to clear glucose out of the bloodstream and into the muscles and liver after eating a glucose - heavy meal.
Glomerulonephritis occurs when immune complexes (mixtures of antibodies and antigens) are filtered out of the bloodstream and become trapped within the glomeruli.
Fresh dandelion leaves or dandelion root tea stimulates the liver and pancreas to pull toxins out of your bloodstream.
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